Thursday, May 4, 2017

How To Really Confuse Someone.

     I called it. I walked in to work this morning, and found out that I am off tomorrow. I knew it was coming, despite the best effort of the second shift messing things up. They had one of the machines go down on them, and it just happened to be the most important machine running. This lead to a nice little series of events, yesterday morning. Remember when I told you about the plant manage throwing a chair around the other day, well, first thing Wednesday morning I walked in, and one of my coworkers told me that second shift messed up one of the machines, and the PM was angry. I asked him flippantly, when wasn't he angry. About a minute after that, he roared around the corner and started angrily yelling at me about what he wanted me to do. I stopped him mid sentence, and told him that he was going to have to bring his tone down a bit. I was completely aware that that was probably the worst thing to do to someone that has anger issues, but I was feeling good, and no one was going to mess up my day. He turned a death stare on me, and asked if what he wanted done was too much for me. I off course said no. I was going to get everything he wanted done, I just wanted a different tone coming from him. Mind you, I hadn't even clocked in yet, and wasn't on the clock. I started to go off on me again, I just looked him in the eye, told him that it was going to get done, and that he needed to get rid of the aggression and anger at me. We would get through the day, just like any other day. I think that broke him. He wanted to be furious, but he didn't know how to do it after that. It made what was starting out as a great day for me, into an even better one.

     Anyway, with that machine being down, we had to make up the difference on what it was running, and you would think that would extend our week, but the machine got going again, just like I said it would, and we managed to get it all done by today, which meant that our week was shortened. All in all, I'm not that upset by it. I said a couple of weeks ago, that I had already planned for this anyway, so I'm just going to enjoy the down time tomorrow and relax.

     I learned something new today. I thought you said that you should always learn something new? I did, and I do, but this was one of those interesting things that I'd never known. I learned this from my ukulele teacher, who is now becoming my guitar teacher. I worked on the guitar today again, and I'll get to that in just a bit as well. I mention that I had looked at a few guitars online and narrowed it down to two of them. they are both Gibson guitars. I don't know much about guitars, but I do know Gibson, and I chose these two more on appearance than anything else. They vary in price from expensive to a little more expensive. I will have to save the money up for either one of them, but what I learned. My teacher was telling me of the difference between Gibson and Fender guitars. I also look at Fender. Basically they are vastly different. Gibson has more of a deep melodic tone, where a Fender has a more high pitched twangy tone. Gibson did everything to go at that sound as well. The wood the chose the scale of the neck, all of it was for that deep tone. Fender on the other hand, did everything to accentuate that high pitched twangy tone. They have a longer scale on the neck, and the woods for the body have a higher pitched natural tone. I was blown away by this. I thought a guitar was a guitar. I knew that different woods had different tone qualities and all that, but I figured like with my ukuleles, that they could do different sounds and such, but that isn't the case. A Gibson has a specific sound that they are looking for, and the same for a Fender. I can appreciate that. Gibson is definitely the guitar for me though. I like the deeper richer tones, and from what he was telling me, Gibson is a brainless choice when it comes to that. He also said that if I ever had to get rid of it, it wouldn't be hard to sell, cause people are always clamoring fora Gibson. When I get closer to buying one, I'll fill in the details a little more on what one I'll be getting.

     On to the music. I was thinking of a song last week that we could work on with the guitar, but for some reason, it just wouldn't come to me. Today, I remembered what it was. It's a little song by the band Yes, called Round About. If you think you haven't heard it, i'm going to tell you that you probably have, you just don't recognize the name. Don't worry, I'm going to post a video of it, so that you can take a lesson. This song is rather technical, and a bit overachieving on my part, but I think I can do it. We went through the intro and the first couple of bars today, and it wan't as difficult as I thought it would be. Anyway, here is the song.

     There is a lot going on in just the first few bars of that song, and it only gets more involved as you go along. This is going to be fun. That's all I have for now. I'll let you know how the prelim photoshoot goes on Sunday. I'll take a few shots of my own to share with you. the full shoot is supposed to be on the 20th. That one, I don't know if I will be able to get shots, since a model is going to be involved. I'll have to get her permission to post anything. Next weekend is the Parrotheadfest that we are doing in lue of going to the Jimmy Buffett concert. Tickets were way to expensive, so we decided to have our won concert, by listening to the broadcast of that very concert. In case you wanted to listen as well, you can go here. Just click on that link on Saturday night the 13th around, I believe 7:30 and you will be listening along with us. I did get to see him live once, and it was a great show. I hope to see him live again someday, but I might have to sell a kidney to get there. Peace in and goodnight.

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