Sunday, January 21, 2018

An Apology And A Preview.

     Although I didn't really do much of anything this weekend, I have a few things to talk about. First up is an apology to you about Thursday Knights chapter of The Patchwork Knight. I promised you a lot of action in this one, but as I was writing it, it was playing out a little differently than I had planned. The action is coming, but as I was getting to where the action was going to start, I became aware that this chapter was going quite long. I know that if this was a book that wouldn't be a problem, but since this is online, I like to keep the chapters somewhat short, so that you don't have to stare at a screen for long periods of time. I found a spot to wrap things up for that chapter and prepared for the next one. The next one is going to be full of action and will probably be just as long if not a little longer than this most recent chapter. That is why I cut it when I did. If I had continued on, it would have been double the size it is now, at a minimum. The action is coming, and I think you will enjoy it.

     Next is my ongoing adventure with online dating on I received my update email from them today, explaining how much of a failure I am at this. It was a little better than last week though. I sent out 3 less emails than those that are successful and I have received 3 less emails. Her is the rub on that one. I haven't received any emails. I've sent out a total of 7 emails to women, with three of them unread. Like I said before, I'm more about quality than quantity, so I won't play the numbers game, and will continue to only email women that seem interesting to me.

     There is a new dilemma in my life, and it revolves around The Pepperoni Report. I'm putting things together to try and make it as successful as I can when we finally get the first review up. Here is the dilemma. I am the only one doing the work. My partner in this still hasn't signed up to be able to add his 2 cents in the blog, and time is running out. I know that the actual tasting is 3 weeks away, but there is a lot to get done to be able to pull this off. I know there are going to be things that trip us up, and I'm trying to keep those things to a minimum. I found out that I can create a new YouTube channel for it and simply add it to my account with the music service I use, but I'm not doing any of that until I see more of a commitment from my partner. He had a place picked out for our first visit, and now he has changed his mind on that. I told him that he needs to pick a place and I gave him two towns to pick it from. He has to do something. If he doesn't show more of a commitment, I will simply do everything on the Counterfeit Squirrel channel and reap whatever benefits I can from it. No need in making another channel when I can just make it a series on my channel. I'm going all in on this, I am even creating an outfit that I will wear for each tasting. You will get a little preview of it here.

     I'm going for the cheese factor on this one. There is more to come, but I haven't received that last piece of the puzzle yet. If you guessed a shirt, you would be right. I may try and look for some pizza themed shoes, but I'll wait on that. That could be a neat little segment in one of the videos, where I unveil my new footwear. If it comes down to it, I will still do the blog and the videos, but I will be the only one doing them. I'm sure he will show up for his part of that tasting, but I'm starting to think that I won't be able to count on him for any of the writing or coming up with any of the creative content for the videos. He is supposed to come by one day this week to help pick out music for one tiny element of the review. It is all for an idea of the rating system. I don't know how to do any glossy add ins with graphics, so I have an idea for filing something that will take the cheese factor to extra cheese, (yes enjoy the puniness of that one). It's probably going to take almost as much work as figuring out how to add in some graphics, but I think this will be much more fun. I'll keep you updated on how things go.

     I got a chance to watch David Letterman's new show on Netflix last night, and it is very good. They are going to roll out an episode a month I think. I'm not quite sure of the schedule yet. I think there are goin to be 6 episodes in total. The first was with President Barrack Obama. You see a slightly different side of the former President and it is a drastic contrast to what is in the White House right now. Ok, I better get away from this fast before it becomes political again. Anyway if you want to give it a watch, it's on Netflix and it is called My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman.

     I also watched the two latest specials from Dave Chappelle. They were both outstanding. The first one I watched was in Washington D.C. and it was non stop laughing on my part. I almost couldn't breath. The second one was in a club in L.A., sorry I can't remember the name of the club. It is more intimate and a little more though provoking. Although  both of them are thought provoking. Chappelle's has always made you think, but these last two, you can see Dave moving towards more of  a George Carlin type of vibe, and I like where he is going with it. Look for those on Netflix too, you won't be disappointed.

     I just got an email from Match, saying that someone is interested in me. I've gotten a few of these and every time I go to check them out, the profile is no longer available. It goes through Match, but it is from something called, I have no idea what that is, but they seem to be scam accounts or something. I should go check it out right now and see if the profile is still there. Hold on a  second. As I thought, it's some sort of a scam. In the about me section there is mention of getting ahold of the person through email. I'm not doing that. It's more than likely some email set up to fish for you information and steal you identity of something. I'll pass.

     That's it for me tonight. I will try to get a motovlog up this weekend. Oh, that reminds me. I wanted to share this with you. Elie made a video about her love and time with riding, and I think it should be seen. It's very good, and full of fun, tragedy, and overcoming adversity. Give it a view and see what you think. Don't forget to leave her a thumbs up if you go on YouTube to watch it.

     Remember, she was able to put this together only 6 months after a near death accident, where she nearly lost her dominant hand. Ok, I have clothes to wash so I'm out of here. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Thank you for sharing, and for being there for me in the ER. It was such an interesting and moving experience for me to see the acute setting photos and videos - to see how bad it you again. :-)
