Tuesday, January 2, 2018

What I Did For New Years, And Try Reading A Book.

     For once, the power went off in my neighborhood, and it didn't affect my house. It was really windy over night and it must have blown one of the power lines down in the front of my neighborhood. The street leading out was pitch black, and when I was coming home, there were power trucks along side the road putting up a downed line and pole. The forecast said that it was 20 MPH winds, but there had to be gusts of much higher than that. It sounded a little crazy inside the house last night.

     All this is coming from a cold front that came through or is coming through. I'm not sure, I haven't really been watching the weather, It's supposed to get close to freezing tonight, so tomorrow will be fun. I did manage to get my New Year sunrise ride in before all of this happened. It was rather cloudy, so the whole sunrise part of it, didn't go as planned, but I made the most of it. I did something a bit different this time, and I like the way it worked out. I had more footage that I tried to get, but that didn't work out at all, and I learned a few lessons from it, that will work towards future videos. This is another short one. It clocks in at a whopping 4 minutes and 16 seconds. I'm not here to waste your time. This one has all of the meat and none of the mashed potatoes. I tried to do a little fadeout effect at the end, but I forgot how I was going to do it, and it didn't come off as slick as I wanted, but like I said before, I learned a lot from this one, and it will be better the next time. All this talk about a video and you are sitting there wondering, "where is the video?" I got it right here for you. Sit back and enjoy the smooth vibe of this one.

     I hope you enjoyed that, and if you did, please take the half a second and hit the thumbs up on that video. It actually does help the channel out when you do that.

     I also wanted to talk about a series of books that I started listening to on Audible. The series is by an author named Aleron Kong, and the books are fantasy based, but there is a fun little twist to them. He calls himself the Father of LitRPG. What that stands for is Literature Role Playing Game. Imagine Dungeons & Dragons but instead of playing it, you are reading it. It's a rather inventive idea. The main Character Richter, starts out on Earth a few decades in the future, and he is part of a campaign party that is playing a virtual reality RPG game. While he is in the game he is transported to an entirely different world where the game is real. Part of this is showing his in game stats, and there is a readout of it in the book. I got a chance to read the first few chapters in and email from his newsletter. It is really fun and an easy read. If you want to try something a little different and you like fantasy and D&D, I think you will thoroughly enjoy these books. He is going to publish the 7th one soon, I'm only through 2 of them so far with the 3rd one on deck, and I'm having a great time listening to them. The Audible book is good in that the voice talent not only doesn't multiple voices for the characters, but there are sound effects whenever Richter levels up, or something else happens that is significant in the game/book. The books might be a little difficult to find in your local bookstore. I looked in mine around here, and they didn't have them, but I do know that they are available on Amazon, as well as Audible. By the way, remember, if you use Amazon use Amazon Smile instead. Set up a charity to donate to, and a very small portion of your purchase goes to that charity at no extra cost to you. I'm on my third charity since I started using it a few years ago. I change it up from time to time and the new one is the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition. I chose that one at the behest of a very dear friend of mine. I was looking for a new one to donate to anyway, so what better than that one. They have several charities to chose from, but if you don't see one that you are looking for, you can type it in as a search, and if they are part of the program you can donate to them. It's a brilliant way to give a little to help out.

     It's time for the first Favorite Song of the Week of the new year. Yes, I know I didn't post one last week, and for good reason, there was a lot going on in that post and it wasn't important, but we are back at it, and I got a good one for you. I first found out about this band about a year or so ago. They have fun, laidback sound, that goes great with a summer day. Although it is not summer and today was rather dreary, this song will lift you up and think of sunny skies. The band is Sir Sly a trio out of L.A. California, they had a big hit with a song called Gold that was featured in a promo for the video game Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag. This song was released a few weeks ago, and it has made FSOTW. I know, if they are reading this right now, they are so excited about this honor. Who wouldn't be right? All kidding aside, I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do, and I do promise you, that you will feel like you are in a sunny day while you listen to it.

     Fun video and song right? It's that time again, when I have to say goodnight. I'm rather tired form Morty keeping me up on New Year's Eve. He was going crazy from all the fireworks and didn't let me get any sleep, but I still woke up early and got that video done for you to see. Things are rather chill tonight, so I think he will be calm and let me sleep. Peace in and goodnight.wha

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