Tuesday, January 23, 2018

I Don't Even Know Where To Start To Come Up With A Title For This One.

Bailey Holt

Preston Cope

     I'm sure by now, you know what those two names above mean. Another mass shooting in America. This time in a High School in Kentucky. Two dead and 17 injured. When is enough enough? I know how this will go, everyone will begin their posturing and nothing will get done. For years now, the people of this country have been in favor of a universal background check, but our government has done nothing about it, except line their pockets with the money of lobbyists. The midterm elections are coming up this fall, if you want to see change, then make it happen with your vote. Look into how your Senators and Congresspeople vote, and if they don't line up with your ideals, find someone who does. Make change happen.

     Let's get out of the politics, I've been there too much lately. I got some updates on The Pepperoni Report. I finally got my partner to get off his butt and sign up for the blog as an author. He even wrote a post, but didn't publish it. I did proofread it, and made a few changes to small things, but I didn't change the voice of the writing. Our styles are definitely different, and I want his voice to be as much a part of it as mine. After all, this was his idea. He is a little rough around the edges and will need a little guidance, but I'm not sure he will take it. He is a bit headstrong in that way. I'm working on a time that we can get together and discuss a few things, most importantly, the music for the video elements that I have to put together before we even start. The longer the delay in that, the less likely we will be able to get the first review up within a couple of days of doing the actual tasting.

     I'm going to be doing some testing with the cameras in the car, to check for angles of the shot, and how the audio comes out. I'm hoping the camera mic will be good enough, because I really don't want to buy a mic just for that. I think it should be fine, but I'll no more by this weekend. Still thinking about what the next motovlog will be. Oh, that reminds me. I got a new subscriber to my channel on Sunday. This is kind of a big deal for me, because it is a motovlogger that I really enjoy and respect. His name is That Guy Ken, and he puts out some really funny and entertaining videos, and he works hard to make them unique each time. Here is link to his channel if you want to check out some of his stuff That Guy Ken. That also reminds me, that YouTube changed their policy on how you can get to a point to have your videos monetized. You need to gain 1000 subscribers in a year period, and have 4000 hours of watch time. What that means it that each one of those subscribers needs to watch 4 hours worth of your videos in a year for you to make any kind of money from YouTube, and let me tell you, it isn't a large amount of money. Here is the rundown of what you can expect to make from YouTube. They pay based on 1000 views (that could have changed with the new policy). For each 1000 views that you get, you can expect to receive either $1.25-$2.25. Not a whole lot. I'm guessing that since they went to this 4000 hours thing, that they are probably going to base the payout on a time rather than a view. I haven't seen anything on that yet, but if I find it out, I will pass it on to you.

     Speaking of monetizing. I've always said that I won't monetize this blog, and I'm sticking to that. I want this experience to be as pure as possible. That doesn't hold true for The Pepperoni Report though. As soon as I can, I'm going to monetize that and see what we can make off of it. I will of course split the money evenly with my partner, but I am thinking of what to do with my half. I will of course use some of it to upgrade equipment, in the way of cameras and such. I'm also thinking I should stick with my plan for the YouTube channel as well, and donate half of what I earn to a charity. With the YouTube channel I was thinking of picking a new charity each time I hit a certain amount of money. A kind of spread the wealth sort of thing, but with this, I'm toying with the idea of just picking one charity. What do you think? Should I stick with my original idea and spread the wealth, or should I choose just one charity? Here is the catch though. If I go with one, I have to find a charity that is worthy. I will do all sorts of background research on them on how they spend the money they receive, and I'm always willing to listen to you about who you think it should be, so what I'm say is, give me some ideas.

     On here, the policy is that you have to be a consistent blogger for 6 months before you can monetize, but when I looked at it today, on the PR, it didn't mention that. I'm wondering if it is taking this blog into account for that. I guess I could always try to monetize it and see what happens. Never hurts right?

     Let's get down to the Favorite Song of the Week. I keep meaning to post some of this bands videos, but they post them on Thursdays, and that is of course Patchwork Knight night, so I don't remember when I get around to Sunday. Anyway, what I'm talking about is, that they put out a series of videos on YouTube called Matt & Kim Show You Stuff, and it's really good. The took about half a year off from it, because Kim destroyed her knee during a show in Mexico early last year. It was brutal, she jumped off her drum kit over to the side of the stage, and her leg landed funny and she tore the ACL, I think in her right knee. She was a trooper about it, and joked as much as she could, but it put her through some really rough stuff. She lives for playing live on stage, and she is known for the way she dances. She even has a thing when they are playing live, that she walks out onto the crowd and dances on top of them. I know this, because she did it right above me when I saw them live. That show still goes down as one of the funnest shows I've ever been too. Kim even pointed me out in the crowd, I was blown away when she did it. How the hell did she pick me out of a crowd of thousands of people? Back to their video series though. The videos came back recently and they are just as fun as they ever were. Matt & Kim are the couple that you wish you were, maybe that's just me, but if you watch their videos, you will see what I mean. I'm guessing that you already figured out that this is going to be a Matt & Kim song. Here's the thing, click on the video and go to their channel and check out some of that series. The run the field of emotions, form funny to touching. So here is Matt & Kim with "Forever".

     Here is a little bit of trivia. The reason I got to see Matt & Kim live, were because they were playing a free homecoming show for Florida Institute of Technology, and the reason they did that, is because Matt's grandmother used to live in Melbourne, so he grew up visiting her every summer. Did I mention that it was a fun show?

     Alright, it's getting late and I think I've said enough tonight, so I'll let you get on with your life. Peace in and goodnight.