Sunday, January 14, 2018

I Got Some News For You.

     I got some news for you, but let's start at the beginning. It was a short week as I thought it would be, and Friday was dreary, so I didn't get to ride much, or shoot any video, but there is a video for today, but that will come with the news I have for you. A few updates are in order first.

     I did stretch or restretch my ear up to a half an inch, and it already looks like it's ready to go up to the next step. I'm going to keep this half inch tunnel in far another week or so though, just to get it good and loose for when I get the next one ready. I've really been blown away at how fast this process has come along.

     Update #2: This would be the Match update. I'm a week in and I'm already thinking that this is a bad idea on my part. I don't think there is anything wrong with the site, I think what is wrong is me. I got an email today from the Match team or whatever it is, saying that "successful members" have sent 14 more emails than I have. I guess when it comes to success in this whole online dating thing, I'm off to a miserable start. I'm not a fan of the so called "numbers" game. Quantity doesn't not overcome quality, so I'll just take my time and do it my way. I don't spend a lot of time on there, I might go on once a day for a few minutes. I have sent out 2 emails to women, and last I checked only 1 of them had been read, with no reply. That doesn't mean that she doesn't want to message back. It could be that she isn't a member and doesn't have the ability to message back. That is the catch with theses kinds of sites, you have to pay to play, or you wait until they do a fee weekend and hope that your chances weren't blown by the fact that you took several weeks or months to get back to someone. I think this is my problem with these sites in general. They are a business, and they have to make money, but they really aren't in it for making people come together. That is just a happy side affect of them making money. If you find happiness, then they look good and they can make more money. If you don't find it, then they still make money regardless. I'll keep you updated on the haps as they happen.

     Now for that news. I was relaxing on Friday evening when a friend of mine contacted me about an idea he has had for a blog. I'm not sure if he started out as joking, but I got a bug in me and took it seriously. He has been wanting to do a pizza blog for some time now, and he casually mentioned to me that it was going to be called Two Guys and a Pie, and that he and I would do it together. I liked the name, but I had to do a quick search to find out if that name was already in use. It was in a couple of versions. One is a pizza place in New York and the other is a pie shop in China. He bounced a few other names off of me, but none of them had that same ring to it. I really liked that name, so I found a way to use it. A new blog is coming and it's going to be called The Pepperoni Report w/ Two Guys and a Pie. We are going to go around the area once a month and review a different pizza place. I really think that this is going to be a lot of fun. I already have the blog live, and am waiting to get him connected to it as a writer. That way we can check each other and add our individual touch to it. When you have a chance, check it out, you can find it here. Click on that little link and you will be taken to what will soon be the review of all reviews when it comes to pizza. 

     With that in mind, that brings us to the video. I had an idea I was going to do, but then this idea came to me from him, and I made the video about that. I also used it as a kind of test run of what you might see in the videos we are going to do. Oh, I didn't mention that we are going to do videos with it as well. I promise that I won't get my fingers in the picture when I film for the pizza places. You'll know what I mean when you watch the video. In my defense, I was using the GoPro Session when I filmed the food, and there is no way of seeing what you are filming unless you are connected to the app, which I wasn't. Enjoy the video.

     Despite the fingertip in the picture, I really liked the way it turned out. I do plan on doing more filming when we do the review. I want to make it real stylized with slo-mo and maybe different filters on the screens and what not. This is going to be a lot of fun and I really hope that you come along for this ride. I did add the subscription button on The Pepperoni Report, so you can get it sent to your mailbox as soon as it is sent out. Our first visit will be on February 9th and we will have the review up either that night or within the next few days. I will have to get all the editing done on the video for the blog done before we can publish, so It's going to be delayed because of me. It will not go live until the video is up and running. We haven't decided if we are going to keep it on my channel or if we are going to make a new channel for it. I think for now, we will keep it on my channel, and see if we need to make a new channel.

     In the process of setting up this new blog, I learned a few things, and added them in on this one, so  you might notice a couple of small changes as far as the appearance goes. I changed the way the Title of the blog itself appears, by making Counterfeit Squirrel in script as opposed to the original Arial font. That is really the way I wanted it in the first place, I only just learned how to do that. I think the new little touches look good, let me know what you think. Oh, I even increased the width of the blog area itself, so that it is more enjoyable to read. It's a little more spread out, and the background is a little less harsh on the eyes. I think anyway, once again, let me know what you think. I can always change things around if you think something might make it better for you. You will only see this if you are on the site itself. I have no idea how this will change the email subscription look. I guess I'll find out tomorrow morning when it comes in.

     I'm really excited about this, because it will be another reason to write and to also make a different kind of video for you to watch. I really hope you like what we do when it comes out. I'm going to try to make sure the first one is as good as we can get it, and then I want to improve on each one after that. Peace in and goodnight.