Tuesday, January 30, 2018

I Got Some Splainin' To Do.

     As promised, I have a new video for you from the YouTube channel. I managed to get it loaded about an hour and a half after completing the Sunday Night Post. I don't think that it is my best work, and that is because I'm having a hard time dealing with the fact that I am on camera in it, but that is something I'm going to have to get used to, if I'm going to do this whole Pepperoni Report. Which reminds me, I still have to film those extra video elements that are going to be a part of the video when we start doing the reviews. I'll let you judge for yourself on whether it's any good or not.

      Speaking of The Pepperoni Report, I went ahead an monetized the blog. All that means for you, is that when you go to the PR, you will see an advertisement on the side and below. It shouldn't change anything about the overall experience of it. It does appear that they are counting my time put in on this, towards that. You have to meet certain criteria in order to monetize, and I've already met all of them with this blog, but as I said before, I will never monetize this. You know what? I've never really explained why I won't monetize this one. Here is the reason, I really enjoy doing this blog, and it has helped me out in so many ways, since I started doing it back on Facebook as the 365. I have this fear, and it is definitely unfounded, but it is a fear non the less, and that fear is, that if I monetize this, then it becomes a job. This is a definite passion project for me, same as the vides, which has me rethinking the whole idea of monetizing them. I'm nowhere close to meeting the criteria for YouTube, and even less so, since the changed the criteria.

     Here is my reasoning behind not monetizing this blog. If you turn something into a job, you are no longer doing it because you want to, but because you have to. I don't want this to seem like something I have to do. I know that I've mentioned the effects that doing this has on my mentally. The part where I am able to let things go now. I write them down, and they leave me. I worry that if I do this for money, then this loses that power, and I don't want that to be lost to me. You could say that the videos are the same way, but they are more of a creative outlet for me. Yes, I hear your argument about The Patchwork Knight being that as well, but the videos still seem different and I am starting to think of that as something that I may take the monetizing away from. I'm not there yet, though. I have time to think about it. With the new changes, I have little hope of ever making a single penny off of the videos. The old standard was based on making it to 10,000 views. Daunting number, but not impossible. I'm currently sitting just under 2000 overall views. That would put me well on my way to the 10,000, but the new changes call for getting 1000 subscribers in a year, and having 4000 hours of watched content. A view is recorded whenever someone starts your video. The time didn't really matter, but now, that time is very key in what you are able to do with making money on there. My view time is still only in minutes, so hours are off the table for now. With that in mind, I'm rethinking the whole idea of why I'm doing the videos. They still remain as an addition to this blog, and I'm not changing that. I've never really tailored it towards what would be the typical motovlogger viewer. I wanted to be able to show you the things I talk about. I'll put more thought into what I want to do with the monetizing of the channel when I get closer to it really being a possibility. I still have to reach those numbers before they will even review my channel.

     Now, let's talk about the PR and why I'm able to monetize that without concern. The first reason, and the absolute biggest reason is, it's not my project. This is the project of my partner. Sure, I've did most of the groundwork in creating the blog, Instagram, and YouTube accounts, not to mention writing two of the there posts that are up, but this was all his idea. An idea that formed over year ago, but he didn't either have the ability or the know how to get it all started. I guess his mistake was telling me that he wanted me to do it with him. When something needs done, I usually hop to, and get things done. Because it is not my project, I feel no true passion for it. Sure there is some there, because I want this to be the best that it can be, but I see this as a real opportunity to maybe get a little something out of it. I absolutely sure that it is going to be nothing but chump change, but maybe that little bit can by a new camera, eventually, or more importantly, help him out. We will be splitting everything right down the middle, and this is where YouTube comes back into play. Since I created a whole other channel for the PR, I can maybe monetize that one, and leave the CS for all the fun.

     With my growth on the CS channel being what it is, I don't see getting a large number of people watching, but the PR, has potential. I think we can maybe hit those numbers that are needed with what we are going to be doing, and that is kind of exciting. We will see how it goes, and of course, you will be along for the ride on all of this.

     Oh, yeah, now it's time for the fun. It's Favorite Song of the Week time. That's another reason why I won't monetize, I wouldn't be able to do FSOTW anymore. Why is that you ask? Simple, even though these videos are capable of being shared on different media platforms and what not. One of the stipulations for monetizing on here, is that you can't put anything that has a copywrite on it. If I did that, then the whomever the copywrited material belonged to, would be eligible to any money that was made from advertisement on here. I would be making money off of their product. That reason alone is good enough for me not to ever do it on here. Back to the music. I have played a few songs by this band, and that is because I really like them. I've only seen them once in concert, and despite the venue having poor sound quality, it was a great show. I've already filled you in on where they came from, and who they are, so let's just get to their latest song. Here is Fall Out Boy with "Church".

     Well that should wrap up this edition of the good ol' CS. I'll see you Thursday for the Patchwork Knight. I know, I still didn't fulfill the full amount of action, but it is coming this week. The melee is in the cards, and there is going to be a pretty big thing that happens, tune in to see what it is. This is the first big moment I've been looking forward to writing since I started this. This is all part of the plan. I know it doesn't seem like I have one, but I do, and this is the first big piece of the puzzle. Until then, peace in and goodnight.

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