Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Hole Just Keeps Getting Bigger.

     There are two things I've been wanting to talk to you about, but I keep forgetting. Keeping with that theme, I forgot one of the the things, so I'll just stick with the one I remember right now, and hope the other one comes to me during the writing of this.

     The first thing is an update on my ear, that I had repierced. It has advanced much quicker than I thought it would. I originally went from the 6 gauge barbell hoop to a 00 gauge plug. That is almost double the size of the original 6. I am currently at 7/16th of an inch plug and pretty sure I'm ready to move up to a half inch. I have to wait on that one, because I couldn't seem to find any of my old half inch plugs, so 1 is on the way. I have had no trouble at all moving up the scale on this. Every time I put a larger size plug in, within a few days, the lobe has stretched enough for the next size up. It seems that my ear is remembering how much it was stretched before and is just going through the paces of opening itself back up. Think of it like this. If you could do a complete straddle stretch when you were younger, you still have that potential but you can't just drop into it. You have to slowly work up to it. That is what is going on with my ear, but it is without any coaxing on my part. If it keeps going at this pace, I should be back to the last complete stretch I had in about a month. That was 3/4 inch. That is only one step below where the blowout occurred. That is when I will have to do a little work to get it to open up. I have a plan though, and I'll detail that when I get closer to that time.

      Still can't think of the other thing I wanted to talk about. And it just came to me. Last week an artist that I am a big fan of, posted on Instagram. He was thanking all of his fans for sticking by him and helping him get through a difficult year. He suffered a few losses this year, and it was rough for him. To show his appreciation he had initially posted that he was going to give away a free print to the first 200 people who ordered from the link in his bio. The only catch was, that you had to cover shipping. He soon left another post after that, amazed at the response, and upped the number of free prints, and added that he would allow people who didn't get in on the free ones, to purchase the print for a single dollar. Once again, you had cover shipping. I as asleep when he posted the earlier ones, and didn't get in on the free prints, but I did get in on the limited time $1 print. There was no way I was passing up the opportunity to get one of his prints for a $1. Well, $12 when all is said and done. $12 for a print from my favorite modern artist. His name is Kevin Llewellyn and if you follow this link http://llewellyn.bigcartel.com you can see his artwork. The painting listed as White Widow is the one that he offered for the free/$1 print. I already own one of his prints, and feel lucky to have it. It, like all of his prints, are limited, so they are rare and hard to get a hold of. The print I own isn't even listed in his archive of work anymore. I paid a pretty fair amount of money for it, and still haven't hung it, since I can't find the right frame for it. It is tucked away still in it's protective tube. I couldn't be more thrilled to be adding another once of his prints to my collection.

     I'll let you know when I get it, but he is only one man and relies on the help of volunteers to help him ship these prints out. The other one I got took nearly a year to get to me, but it was worth it. I would show you a picture of it, but I don't dare touch it until I'm ready to frame it. Maybe when the new one comes in, I'll get on the ball of getting them framed and hung. Then I'll get a picture for you.

     It's looking like another short work week, so I'm hoping to have a video ready for you by this Sunday. I have two ideas, but I'm leaning heavily to one that came to me after watching another motovloggers videos. I'm pretty sure that is the plan I'm going with. Oh, I do have to tell you, I got my knee down coming home from a ride the other day. It scared the hell out of me. I was going around a turn at my normal pace, but then I just relaxed a little more than normal, and the bike just dropped over, and I felt my knee scrape the ground. I almost panicked, but kept my composure, and stood the bike up pretty quick. I wasn't ready for it, otherwise I would have gone with it a bit, except that that would have been a bad idea. I was only wearing jeans and not my riding jeans. The big differences is, that the riding jeans have knee pads and they are reinforced with kevlar. Makes for a less bloody knee. I only felt a touch and my jeans remained intact, so I was good with only a slight raspberry on my knee. Weird how that can happen. Jeans stay good, but skin has a slight abrasion.
I don't know if I'lll be able to repeat that again right away, but I've been working towards that for a while now, I just wasn't expecting to do it then, since I wasn't even trying. I was just doing a normal slightly faster than normal turn. It felt scary but good. When I can finally do it, I'll find some way to set up the cameras to get shots of it for you. I have a great idea to get a really cool shot if I can pull it all together.

     It is time for Favorite Song of the Week. I first learned of this artist when I saw her live opening up for Twenty One Pilots. It was the first time I was seeing them at the House of Blues, and she was the middle act. I was an immediate fan. She's a spunky little woman that took no prisoners in her live show. If I remember right, she only stands at 5 feet, but she is a powerhouse when it comes to spitting lyrics. Yes she is a rapper, and a damn good one at that. While she was performing that show, she mentioned another artist named Skrillex, and how she was on one of his songs. I knew that song, It was one of m favorite ones on that particular album. Turns out, I was a fan of hers for a while now. That is what she mostly does, collaborations with other artists, but from time to time, she puts out her owns songs. That is where FSOTW comes in. This is her latest song, and I'm not sure if she is putting together an album or just releasing solo songs. This is the second one in a couple of months, and both of them have been great, but this is the latest that I've heard, and it came out about 4 weeks ago. Her is Sirah with "Zoloft".

     I love how it has that slow jam vibe to it. I think it fits in well with the title. Please look her up and listen to some of her other stuff, I think you will enjoy it.

    Alrighty then, I'm getting tired faster than normal, and I need to get to bed. More action is coming in The Patchwork Knight, so look for that on Thursday Knight. I gave you but a taste in the last chapter. There is more to come. Peace in and goodnight.

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