Sunday, December 31, 2017

The End Of The Year Is Here.

     In one week, it will be one year since I took my last drink. I'm pretty proud of that. I know quite a few people didn't think I could do it, and I have. I've told you I've had feelings about having a drink again, just so I can go out and meet people, but I'm still not quite there yet, and every day that I don't go out and have a drink, is another day that I get further away from the thought of doing it. With that said, let's get to the good stuff.

     I didn't like the footage I had of the making of the lift blocks for my workbench, so I scraped it all. There was nothing compelling or entertaining of even informative about it, so it wasn't worth going any further with it. I did however get out and make video Wednesday night. This is a short one, and I want your input on it. Should I do more short videos like this, or continue doing the talking head ones? There is also the third option of doing both of them, and just switching it up from time to time. I do really like this one. It hit all the marks for me, and I think it even brings a little emotion to it. That could just be me though. See what you think.

     I did find one location, but it was a planned one, and I got a couple of pictures, but they weren't all that great. Here are two for you to judge for yourself.

     Make sure you blow those up, to get a good look at them. Those just so happen to be the last pictures I took with my phone. That is because I got a new phone. I'm part of the iPhone upgrade program. What that is, is that I pay a monthly fee and I'm able to upgrade to a new phone each year. It came sooner than I expected, and the new phone got here the day after the making of that video. I opted for the new iPhone X (or 10 depending on what you want to call it). The X actually stands for 10 as it is the 10th year anniversary of the first iPhone. I was a little surprised that it was much smaller than the iPhone 7+ which is what I had. To be honest, that wasn't my favorite phone. I liked it, and all the things that it could do, but it was just too big, so I'm really happy with the iPhone X. It's smaller, but the screen is actually bigger, since the whole front side is the screen. It is a beautiful phone. Before you start in with, it's not the best phone out there, I don't care. I don't say that it's the best phone out there. What I do say, is that it is the phone that I like, and that you should get whatever phone you like. I'm not going to argue with anyone over something as stupid as the choice of your phone, so don't bother.

     I haven't really taken any photos with it, but I have experimented with the different portrait options. I'll get some pictures tomorrow when I make the next video. It's going to be a New Year's sunrise video, so look for it tomorrow. When I have it up and posted, I will make a short little promo on the Instagram page, so keep an eye out for that promo, so that you will know when it goes live. I chose a song already, and that gave me an idea for how the video is going to go. It should be fun. It's going to be a kind of, behind the scenes, look at a video, except that it is going to be a video. I know, that doesn't make sense, but trust me, if I do everything right, it should be pretty good. This is also going to be another short one, probably less than 5 minutes again. I'm really loving making these videos. Oh, that reminds me. I have news, I finally have over 1000 views on one of my videos. Not the one I would want to represent me, but it all will work out in the end. That just means 9000 more views before I can officially monetize the channel, and start brining in some money so we can do the charitable contributions. I would love for those 9000 views to come within the next year, but going on my current pace, it should take a few years instead.

     There are a couple of things to talk about before I wrap this final post of the year. First up is The Patchwork Knight. A little insight into the process. I have written far more dialogue than I have written for any other story that I've written. It's a whole new experience for me. I didn't know that it was going to go this way, but that is how it is coming out of my head. I like the way that it's going, and it is going in the direction that I wanted it to. The action is coming, so be ready for it. I've been looking forward to this upcoming chapter. I've had pieces of it in my head since the very beginning of the first chapter. This is going to be an important episode in the storyline, so make sure you read that one. I'm hoping I don't let you down with the action scenes.

     The second thing I wanted to talk about, was the movie I watched yesterday. I was completely tired of sitting around the house, so I opted for a movie. I already saw The Last Jedi, so that one was out. There was nothing I really wanted to see except one film. It's by the brilliant mind of Guillermo del Toro. The things that come out of this man's mind, is beyond impressive, and this movie was no exception. He created the idea, co-wrote the script, directed and produced the film, and it is magical. The movie is called The Shape of Water, and I highly recommend it. It does carry an R rating, for the reasons of violence, language, nudity, and sexual content. Don't let that keep you from seeing this movie though. There is a reason for everything in the movie. I had an idea of what it was about form the trailer I had seen, but it was nothing compared to what the movie actually was. I'm not going to give any details what so every except that it is a true modern day fairytale.

     Oh, there was one other picture I had for you. This was taken earlier on Wednesday when I was scouting my route for the Night Ride video. This was the location that I had taken the night time shots at, but in a slightly different area within the location. It's like a large parking lot, so there is a lot of space and many different shots that you can get, and this was one of them. Once again, this was taken with the old phone. I posted a version of this on Instagram, but this is the shot that was truly the best.

     Tomorrow is my final day of vacation, so I head back to work on Tuesday, and I'm looking forward to it. All Ive been doing is sitting around and eating, and I'm over it. I'm actually looking forward to going back to work. 

     If you don't check out the New Year's video tomorrow, I will have it for you here on Tuesday night, so you can get your chance then. Until then, Peace in and goodnight.

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