Sunday, December 24, 2017

I Got A Lot To Do.

     It's the day before Christmas and as usual, I'm bored out of my skull. I have nothing do to other than watch TV at this point, and there is nothing enjoyable on. I'll turn on Netflix in a little while and watch some Trollhunters. I'm not sure I mentioned that Part 2 is out now. I really enjoyed the first part, and I've been holding off on watching the rest of the episodes until now. That will make the night more enjoyable to me.

     Tomorrow, I'm going to clear out a little more room in the lounge. I did some of it today, but I had to run some errands, so I had to stop a little early. I'm also going to make some 4in x 4in blocks to lift my workbench up a couple of inches. The plan is to cut those blocks out of a spare 2 x 4 that I have, then paint those blocks. That will have to wait until I can get some black paint, and then place those blocks under each leg. That should raise the workbench up just enough to be able to tuck my stool underneath the lower part. It will give me a few extra inches of floor space in the garage, not to mention the foot and a half that I'm going to gain by getting all the garbage out from behind my bench, so that I can move it closer to the wall.

     As part of cutting those blocks, I'm going to get the dual sander that I got and put it to some use. I want to bevel the edges on the blocks so that they aren't as sharp. Plus that will give them a decorative look to them as well. I want to make them look as if they were part of the bench all along, hence the black paint. I was tinkering with the idea of filming the whole little project. Let me know if you want to see a short video of the making of a table lift.

     Oh yeah, part of what I got done today, helped out my little photo area. I don't have any shots taken from it with the improved set up, but I do have one last picture that I took last night. I got a new Funko Pop Vinyl, and it is non other than Luke Skywalker from The Last Jedi. There was no way I wasn't going to find that one, when I knew it was out there. Luke has always been my favorite character in the movies, I know that he is many peoples favorite, and that is alright. It also helps that Mark Hamill is just a great all around dude. His version of the Joker in the animated Batman series is still the best version of the Joker outside of Heath Ledger. Check him out on his Instagram of Twitter pages, He is quite entertaining. Anyway, here is that last picture with a little artsiness put into it.

     I used the Philips Hue Go to give it that blue haze to it. I like the way that the POP! looks a little glow in the dark. It isn't at all. It's just a good old fashioned yellow word, but with the blue of the light it makes it have that fluorescent glow. I had a few other pics that were a bit different but this one is the best. I asked Elie's opinion, and this was her favorite as well.

     Thursday night I watched a new Netflix original movie. Bright stars Will Smith and Joel Edgerton as LA cops, but there is a twist. Joel Edgerton is a Orc. Yeah, you saw that right. It's placed in an alternate reality where Dungeons & Dragons is a real thing, and The Dark Lord was defeated a few thousand years ago, but Orcs are still treated like second class citizens because they chose The Dark Lord. Joel Edgerton is the first Orc police officer on the first, so he has quite a bit to get over. To give you a little background without giving anything away, a Bright is a being that can wield a wand. Wands aren't the things of magic as most know. In this world only certain beings can hold them without exploding. That's all I can really say about it without getting into the plot of the movie. If you are a fan of fantasy and D&D, then you will enjoy this. I did read that Netflix has already ordered a sequel which will also star Will Smith. I did find anything about anyone else in the film, but I could see quite a few characters coming back for another round. There are some characters that need to be explored more, and a sequel should give them that chance.

     I'm hoping to have a video up later tomorrow. I want to head out on Saki and get a Christmas morning sunrise over the beach. There is only one problem with this idea, and that is that I'm low on gas in Saki, and I don't know what gas stations if any will be open. I do know that a 7-11 near me is going to be open, but I don't know if they will be open before sunrise. I'll give it a shot and see how it works out, it not I'll just reschedule that video for a New Year's sunrise. Actually now that I think about it, that one makes a lot more sense. Ok, new plan, I'm not making a video tomorrow morning, and I'm saving that one for New Year's Day. I do still plan on doing a couple of other videos. I kind of want to do a late night video riding around the Space Coast at night. It could be risky with drunk drivers and all, but I'm up for the challenge. What's life with out a little daring excitement?

     I've been thinking about this whole year in review thing I was planing, and I have no idea where to start. I don't want to go and do a best of kind of thing and just rehash things that I've written about in the past, also there is the fact that I rarely reread anything that I write on here, so the best I can come up with at this point, is a remembrance of things that went on this year for me. As I think back now, it wan't all that exciting, but I have at the very least a few things to talk about.

     I've been doing some research lately. Hold on a second, this isn't anything groundbreaking, but it is research non the less. Anyway, I've been doing research on motorcycles, and I may have found the next bike I'm going to buy next. I've been thinking about this for a long time now, and I'm going to be thinking about it for a while longer. I'm nowhere near ready to buy yet, but when I do, This is the bike I'll be looking at.

     Those are the two trims that it comes in. The one on the right known as Camo is $200 more. That doesn't matter to me, because that isn't the trim that I want. I'm not a fan of Camo so going Team Green is the only way to go for me. I really like the looks of the standard trim, with the classic Kawasaki green. This is a street legal dual sport bike. It has the ability to go on and off road. Which will expand areas I can go to make videos. Even though it can go off road, it isn't made for doing anything crazy. It's not motocross, so I won't be doing any big jumps with it, but I will take it in some dirt and hit some tiny hills on it. The best part about this bike, is that I can make it a super moto by changing the nobby tires to street tires. I do think that I will get a second set of wheels, so I can switch them out whenever I want to. In reality, I can't see me buying this before sometime this summer at the earliest, but it is something to work towards. I still need to work on the drone and the handheld camera, not to mention things to straighten up the lounge to be able to have room for a second bike in there. If I can get the lounge in order, I can see there being room for 3 bikes so, goals. A lot needs to get done, so that is why I started working on the lounge today, and more to come tomorrow and later on this week. I won't get it all done, but I'll have a good start on it, and gain a little of that room I so desperately need. When it is all done, it should be your all purpose garage slash hangout. I can work on the bikes and sit and relax and watch videos I made on the bikes on a large TV. It will truly be a biker paradise.

     I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas. I'll get back to you on the New Year's part of that next Sunday. Peace in and goodnight.