Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Baby I'm A Star.

     I woke up Monday morning, and realized that I hadn't told you everything I wanted to on Sunday. I don't know how I got distracted, but somehow I did. There really wasn't much more, but I left one key thing out, and that is why it was such a long day.

     I forgot to mention that after the movie, I had to drive back home, but before going home, I needed to run my errands. That meant I didn't get home until around 6 that night. That set me back quite a bit for the things I do around the house on a Sunday, including writing the Sunday post before 7 PM. I ended up being late on the post, but not by much. One good thing came out of the long day, well other than seeing a good movie with a great friend. When I walked into Target to do some of my weekly shopping, I turned a corner and found these little gems.

     That is Kylo Ren the big baddie in the new films, and Rose. Rose is a new character that appeared in The Last Jedi, and she immediately becomes a favorite for me. She is the unassuming badass of the movie. She's not Rey, but she has her moments.

     Just before turning off the TV and coming in to write this, I was watching a year in review type of show, and that gave me an idea. I think I'm going to do a year in review of my own. It will be on next Tuesday's post. I have no idea what I'm going to fill the space with, but I'm going to put some thought into it. All will be revealed on Tuesday of next week.

     I only have two more days of work this year, and then I'm off for a week. Well, a slight bit more than a week if you want to get technical about it. I'm going to spend the time clearing some stuff out of the Lounge finally, and of course, making videos. If there is anything you want to see in a video, let me know. I want to try and get three videos out between now and the New Year, so any ideas would be much appreciated.

     I put a mount on Saki's windscreen, so that I can put the Session facing me. I still don't know what I think about the idea, but I'm going to give it a try. I did a little testing yesterday to see what camera view I want, and I'm leaning towards a wide view. I have 3 choices. Superview, Wide, and Linear. Superview shows the most. it is basically showing my from my waist up. Wide shows about mid stomach up, and Linear shows the view of what you would see on a bust. Shoulders and up. I was thinking about that view at first, but If I'm going to have the camera on me, I think it would be more interesting to see the wide view, so that you can see some things that might be going on around me. With the linear view, I fill up most of the screen, and that is just something that doesn't need to happen. I will do my best to synch the videos up, that way I'm not just putting some random image of me on the bike. I will put the actual image that corresponds with what I'm doing in whatever audio I have. There is still a very strong possibility that I will get into editing, and not like any of it, and just toss the idea of a rear facing camera out the window.

     I'm pretty tired tonight, so I'm going to cut this off, but not before I get to Favorite Song of the Week. This is going to be a very special FSOTW, in that there is a video up of this song. I don't know how long it will stay up, because in the past, this artist had taken all videos down. Sadly, this artist is no longer with us, yes I did a a very lengthy write up of him when he died. He is my favorite artist of all time. Just by saying that, you may know who it is, if you have paid any attention to this in the past. The artist is non other than Prince, and this song is from his Revolution days. Prince had several backing bands, but the one that will always stick in my heart is Prince & the Revolution. The album this song is on, is the first album I bought with my own money. I had to get my sister to buy it for me, because you had to be 14 or older at the time, and I was only 13 at the time. I played that record as much as humanly possible, I still have it tucked away in my closet for safe keeping. Before you even ask, Yes, I have had this album in every form it has taken. Vinyl, cassette, CD, digital. I was listening to it today in fact. When ever some asks that deserted island question, and what 5 records would you take with you. Purple Rain is the first album on my list, then I have a hell of a time coming up with the other 4. I could listen to this album everyday for the rest of my life and not get tired of it. For me, it is the perfect album. It's been 33 years since I heard the first song on that album, and I still listen to it like it's the first time, with the exception that I know all the words now, but every bit of emotion that I experienced then, I experience now. With all that, I guess I should finally get to the song. This is not only my Favorite Song of the Week, but it is my favorite song of all time. It has been for 33 years now, so without further adieu, I give you Prince & the Revolution with "Purple Rain".

     I don't know what you feel about this song, but to me, it is still the greatest song of all time. Whenever I hear that song, I run the entire seen from the movie in my head. It is the culmination of everything that The Kid had done to that point. He had been fighting the establishment the entire time, and this song was the ultimate "screw you". He was going to go up on the stage regardless of what the club owner wanted, or the crowd wanted, and he was going to pour his heart out, and forget about what everyone thought. The scene ends with him running off the stage and going to the dressing room, where he has an outburst of emotion. He figures he just threw everything away, but then he starts to hear the crowd cheering, and he slowly starts walking back to the stage. As he goes through the corridor to the stage, everyone is congratulating him on what he just did. he finally makes it back on stage and does one more song. Most people thing that Purple Rain is the final song of the movie but it's not, Baby I'm a Star is. He had finally achieved everything he wanted, which was to play his music his way, and have the crowd love him for it. The final song is a statement, and there was none more true. Peace in and goodnight.

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