Tuesday, December 12, 2017


     I forgot to mention a couple of things on Sunday night. I ordered a new GoPro. They are on sale this week and I couldn't pass up this deal. I ordered the Hero 5 Session. It's much smaller than the Hero 5, but it has the same capabilities, as far as I know. I have a dilemma though. I was originally thinking about just mounting it on Saki and have it pointing at me riding, but then I got to thinking. I could use it as a true B camera and use it for all the stuff off the bike. I could set it up alongside the road to do some ride bys and things like that, or I can use it as my handheld camera when I go places. I could even mount it on a different location on Saki so that you get a whole other perspective of the ride. My problem with all these options, is that I don't know what to do with it now. This is where you come in. I need your help to decide what to do with it. Do I simply mount it facing me, or do I do one of the other options? Which one sounds like the best use of this new camera? Your input can help guide the future of the videos that you see, so let me know what you think. According to the tracking, the package is still being processed, so when it comes in, I will get a picture of it for you to see, but I still want that opinion of yours down in the comment section.

    I also got a new Echo for my own bedroom. It was on sale and it was also a Product (Red). If you don't know about Product (Red). They are an organization that helps out with AIDS research. Whenever I see something that is (Red) I will always try to make that purchase if it is something that I want, and I was planning on getting a new Echo for my room anyway. Quite a few years ago, I lost a friend to AIDS. He was one of the greatest people I've ever known. He was just a fantastic human being. He gave me my first tent, when he decided that his days of traveling the country from campsite to campsite were over. He could play the piano by ear. Any song that he heard, he could play, and play it perfectly. He gave me my sense of adventure. When he was in those traveling days, he would come into town and tell me all about the places he had been, and the culture that was there. That is why when I go someplace, I always want to know how the locals do it, and stay away from all the bright light touristy areas. That is why I support Product (Red) and why I always donate to AIDS research. I could go into a lengthy conversation about how AIDS is on the rise again, but I'll save that for another time.

     The Echo gives me the ability to turn on the lights in the house from my bedroom, which has already been quite handy. It also allows other things, but that is a very good reason to have it. Ok, I will use it for an alarm, and playing music, and asking questions, and getting random quotes. I could use it to buy things, but I haven't gone that route yet, and really don't plan on it. Maybe once my shop towels are used up, I can reorder a box from Alexa, but other than that, no plans to purchase things through the Echo.

    I'm going to be off Friday, just as I assumed, and I got my work schedule for the remainder of the year. Next week will be just like this week, and then I am off work until the 2nd of January. I should have plenty of time to make some videos for your viewing pleasure. I plan on getting the rest of the footage that I need for the video I told you about on Sunday, on Friday. I'm hoping to be able to use the new GoPro in it. I should be able to have everything edited and then uploaded on Saturday, so if you keep an eye on Instagram and the YouTube page, you will see when it goes live. I have plans on Friday night, so I can't get it down then (more on those plans in a bit), and I have plans on Sunday as well. Sunday is Star Wars day, so I'll have a non spoiler review for you Sunday night.

     Now for those Friday night plans. A friend of mine got a hold of me late last week, saying that he was going to be off on this Friday, and asked if I wanted to hang. I was up for it, then he told me the plans. We are going to hit up Zarrella's Pizza place. Great pizza there, and then he wants to bounce to a few strip clubs. That's where the plans head south for me. I'm not looking forward to going to the clubs. I'm sure we will have a good time, but going to the strip club is not where I'm at right now. I don't get to hang with this friend often because of his work schedule, so I go when he has the time off. He is an old player at the clubs and probably wants to see if he still has his game. It will be curious to see how that all works out. I don't think we will spend a whole lot of time there, but if I had the option, I would choose to do almost anything else. I'll let you know how it all goes.

     This is normally the part of the Tuesday night post where I would tell you a little bit about a band, or maybe some story I have that relates to them and then show you a video of their song, but Favorite Song of the Week belongs to a band that has been featured her quite often. In fact, they got a believe and entire month of songs dedicated to them before, so you've seen it all about them. When Walk Off The Earth as a new song, it immediately gets priority on my list for FSOTW. I don't put all of them up, because they do a lot of cover songs, but when they have an original, that almost always goes up. So here is Walk Off The Earth with their new song 'Nomad".

     I just love that band. Their covers are some of the best and most creative that I've seen, and their originals are just pure glory for your earhole. This song is no exception. It's a bit of a slightly different sound for them, but it is definitively them. The video is bigger than what they usually do, and quite a bit more stylized, but I like it, I hope you did as well.

     There you have it, all the news that's fit to print and then some. Don't forget to tune it for The Patchwork Knight on Thursday. I'm really having fun writing that. Peace in and goodnight.

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