Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Weekend Was A Blast.

     Today has been a busy day, and I nearly forgot that I had to write tonight. I'll get to why later, but first we have to go back to Friday night.

     I told you that I was hanging with a friend that night, and that we were heading to the strip clubs. The best part of the night was going to Zarrella's for Pizza. We didn't stay very long at each club that we went to, and I was happy about that. I think my buddy was as well. It appears that the clubs have lost interest for him since he stopped drinking as well. We had a much better time at the pizza place. We ended up getting seated at what they call the Wine Bar.. All the tables were full by the time we got there. It worked out rather well. We got our usual server, which only happens, because my buddy knows there server. He gives us great service, so I don't complain about it at all. There was an added bit of enjoyment to our evening. There was a young woman that was working the bar. We were at her end so I was within earshot of her talking. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't nosy and listening in on her conversations, it was about how she sounded. She sounded exactly like Harley Quinn from Batman. I mentioned this to my buddy, so he got her attention and asked how long she had been there. She told him since day one. He looked at me and said I was right, and that she did sound like Harley. Upon hearing this, she turned to me and asked, "Do you really think I sound like Harley Quinn?" I of course said absolutely. She smiled and then started quoting lines from the animated show. It was incredible. She told us about how she was going to be Harley for next Halloween, and that she wanted to do it previously but her friend had gone as Harley the past two years. She not only sounds like her, she has the look to be able to pull it off to a T. The only thing she didn't do, is the line, "Ah pudding'." if she would have done that, I'm pretty sure I would have asked her to marry me. She would have said no, and then it would lead to an awkwardness between us, so it worked out the way it was supposed to.

     Earlier that day I finished up the recording of my latest video, with a little help form my buddy. Since his early plans fell through I used him as a cameraman. I can now finally show you the one thing I got recently, that I've been holding back. I wanted to do this video as an unboxing/reveal, so here it is.

     There it is, my new 121cBoard. I got pictures too, You didn't think I would just give you a video without some glamour shots as well did you?

     That last one is a little bonus. It shows the new GoPro Hero5 Session. I used it Friday by clipping it to the Afterburner for some shots at a low angle. It worked out pretty good. I still haven't fully decided how I'm going to use it on Saki, so any suggestions will be very helpful. I may try a few different things and see what I like best. I'm going to give it a try pointing at me on the bike, just to see if I like the way things play out. I still think it will take away from the whole idea of the video being your point of view.

     I got the editing done and had it uploaded on Saturday just in time to head off for my first Hanukkah party. It was a lot of fun. I went as the guest of the one and only Elie Wolf. I really enjoyed the party. It wasn't a knock down drag out throw down of a shindig. It was a much older crowd and more about eating than anything else. I had the best brisket I'd ever had. I was mainly invited because of Elie's accident.  I was a go between on that night for a lot of people, and I must have had an impact on some of them. A few of them were from her Jewish family, and they wanted to finally meet me, because they said I had a calming affect on them and they were very appreciative of that. I was honestly just trying to do what I could that night, and felt like I was really doing nothing at all. I just wanted to help out as best as I could, and in a situation like that, you never feel like you are doing enough. You are helpless when a friend that you love dearly is hurt very very badly.

     I can't remember anyone's name and I am so sorry about that, because I met the real life Midge Maisel. Ok, she isn't the real life one, but as I was sitting there talking to her, and listening to her stories, which were downright hilarious, I turned to Elie and told her that the is the real life Midge.  Elie then decided that when she got home, she was going to start watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. After 1 episode, she fully agrees with me.

     When we left the party, Elie had had a few drinks, so she wanted me to drive home. That meant that I got to drive her new car, which is a hybrid Chevy Malibu. It is a fantastic car. The ride is incredibly smooth and quiet. I told her today, that I love my car, but when I got in it last night and drove home, it felt like I was driving a brick. I could feel the vibration of the engine in my car, and it wasn't as responsive as the Malibu. It really felt weird.

     Now for why today was long. I had to do a turn around and drive back over to Elie's today, so we could go see the new Star Wars movie. It's an hour and a half drive for me, so I left the house at 9:15 in order to make a noon movie. We wanted to get there early, and the theater was like nothing I had ever been to before. All the seats in the theater were recliners. Oh, and we had reserved seats, that were assigned. There was no looking for a good seat, you went to the one that you picked when you bought your tickets online. It was great. I have never been that comfortable in a theater before.

     We both loved the movie. I like where the storyline is going, and I think I was wrong about who I thought Rey's parents are. There is a mention of who they are, but I don't know if that is the truth. There is a little bit of manipulation going on from many sources, so I think the parent mystery is unsolved at this point. There were a few things that I thought were unnecessary, but they worked out. I'm talking about the little things that they put in to see toys to the kids. Many believe that all started with the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi. The movie is packed with action, with a good story. If you like the Star Wars films, you will like this one. It follows in the line of the first three movies that came out nearly 40 years ago.

     I nearly forgot about something I was supposed to tell you about above. This goes back to the Hanukkah party. As we were driving there, Elie had a gift for me. It's a necklace that she made herself, and although I can't remember the scientific name and everything about the charm, I will give you the sci fi version of it. The charm is a fossilized solar panel for an alligator, and it's really cool. I got a picture of it for you to see, but keep this in mind. This was made by hand by someone who 4-5 months ago, had her left hand, which is her dominant hand from her body. For all intents and purposes, she had only one hand attached to her.

     How great is that necklace? I absolutely love it. It fits perfectly. I don't want to take it off, but I can't wear it at work, so tonight I will have to remove it from my neck and hang it up until the weekend.

     That's all I have tonight. I'll see you on Tuesday. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Her name is Sheryl - and I affectionately call her my "Yiddishe Momma" as she always says she "adopted" me as a daughter. I had so much fun visiting them with the party, and Sheryl told me to bring you back! :-) The fossil is something we casually call a "gator scute", gut it is technically called an "osteoderm" and works like a solar panel to absorb sunlight and warmth to help thermoregulate body temperature and also serve as body armor. :-) Here's a link explaining. So happy you like the necklace. And I was soooo happy that my hands functioned well together in making it. :-)

    1. Yeah, I would never be able to remember all that. I'm checking out the link right now.
