Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Morty Was Mad.

     Morty was mad at me yesterday. I gave him a bath and he did not like it. He usually comes in and out of my room at night, but last night, he was nowhere to be seen. I know he has to feel better when he is clean, but he doesn't see it that way at all. He is over it now, but it took until the morning for him to forgive me.

     It's looking like another short week again, but I'm ok with that. I should get more of a chance to ride unless the weather acts up, then it will suck. Right now it is saying that there is a 50% chance of rain for Friday. There is a cold front moving through bringing the high to 69%. I think that will be the lowest high so far this fall. Remember this is Florida. 69% is pretty low for this time of year. I'm hoping the rain holds off until the later part of the day, so I can get a good ride in. I might try to make a video if it does. What did you think of the last video? I really want feedback on whether to do a hybrid video like the last one. Where it is a little bit of talking with a whole lot of ride footage to music, or do you want the talking head video, or maybe just the ride footage alone? Let me know. If it's a talking head video, I'm thinking about a topic to talk about. I think I'm going to do videos like that in a different direction than I have been going. I think I want to make it more like what this is. A truthful telling of my life, and not just a side adventure for a video. I still plan on doing the Adventure Time Series, but I want to fill the other videos with different stuff. More ride footage videos, and possibly the hybrid ones more often, and a talking head one thrown in from time to time. I don't have a set design on content, so it's all at my whim right now. That is why I would really like to know what you think.

     I started playing Horizon Zero Dawn, and I have to say, it's really good. So far the storyline is compelling, and the game play is solid. I was playing a trial of Destiny 2 which is not really my type of game. It's a first person shooter, and I don't do very well at those. Horizon is more like the good old fashioned open world fight from a third person angle sort of game, and those are the games I really like. I'm not very far into it, and it's going to take me forever to finish it. I only have limited time to play. Today was an anomaly where as I played during the week. I rarely ever do that, and it won't become a habit anytime soon. I stick to the weekends, but this weekend I'm going to try to finish watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I already told you all about that show in the last post, but for a quick recap, It's an Amazon Prime show, and it is hilarious.

     I had an idea earlier in the day about what I was going to write, but I have completely forgotten it, so I guess it's time for Favorite Song of the Week, and this one is more for the video than it is for the song. It's a good song, but the video is so much more special. It's about giving people that are color blind a chance to see differently for the first time in their life, and it's everything you hope for. This band is originally from Copenhagen Denmark. They now call Harlem home, or at least they did a couple of years ago, I don't think that has changed, but it could have. They hit the scene a few years ago with a big hit song called Harlem, It was an homage to their new home. Really good song, but as I said that is not this one. The video for this was released today, and I watched it just a little while ago, and it is so good that I had to just make it FSOTW. so her is New Politics with "Color Green".

     How incredible would it be to be able to see the world in an entirely different way? Oh, I just remembered one thing I wanted to tell you. I found this out this past weekend, and it isn't exactly a good thing. While I was riding on both Friday and Saturday, I have tendency to take my hands off the handlebars when I'm coming up to a stop light. Here is what I found out. All of a sudden, when I'm slowing down from 45+ mph the bars start to get the death wobbles. They are sometime called tank slappers. What that is is when you handle bars start to rapidly turn back and forth. The front tire is getting a wobble which causes this most of the time, but in this case, I don't think it is a tire wobble causing it. I figured it out on Saturday when I was approaching a stop light, and took my hands off the bars to relax a bit, when the death wobbles started happening. The easy correction is to just reach down and grab the bars to stabilize them. Stabilize is the key word in all of this. I changed something recently on my handlebars, and I even mention how it caused a bit more of a vibration. It's the bar ends that I put on. The bars have lost some stability with the new bar ends. I have a couple of choices here. I can put the old bar ends back on, and problems solved, but that's no fun. I can buy new bar ends in the hope that they will be a correct weight and stabilize the bars. I like the ones I have on there now, and I don't want to spend money. Lastly I can keep the ones on ( i'm leaning this direction ) and try not to take my hands completely off the bars anymore. Last one is the probably winner in this, but I can't make any promises to not take my hands off the bars. It's kind of fun to get that wobble going. Oh yeah, there is one final option, I could get a bar stabilizer, but that also falls into that, "I don't want to spend any money" category. It looks like the death wobbles will be the case for the time being. I do want to capture that on video, but I'm not exactly at what speed it happens at. I think it is around the 50 mph mark, but I'm not completely sure, and it is only when I'm not holding on to the bars. I'll get it on video for you, and maybe I can have that in the next video.

     That's it for tonight. I'm ready to fall asleep and start a new day tomorrow. Peace in and goodnight.

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