Sunday, December 10, 2017

A Netflix And Chill Weekend, Which I'm Pretty Sure I Did All Wrong.

     My day did not start out all that great. In the very early hours of the morning. Morty woke me up, by punching me in the face. Ok, it was more of a stomp than a punch, but he did break the skin just under my right eye. It hurt like hell too. There were much easier ways to tell me that he wanted out, but he chose that one. After I took a moment to collect my senses, I got up and let him out. I'm sure there are much ruder ways to get awoken at 1:47 in the morning, but I can't think of them right now.

     Other than that, it has been a very relaxing weekend. The weather was too unreliable to go out riding on Friday, so I don't have video for you, but I'm currently working on one right now. I'm hoping that it will be ready by this weekend. I have few more things to film to get it together, so I can't even tell you what it's about. If you follow my Instagram I did post a picture today of the subject matter, but I didn't mention the video aspect for it. It's going to be something a little different from the norm, but I think it will be fun.

     I did get out on Friday and hit up Harbor Freight for a sale they had going on. I got two things I've been wanting. The first was a dual belt and disk sander. That is going to help out with some projects I have planned in the future, things that will add to the Lounge. I also got a new roller chair. It is, in my opinion, super cool. It has drawers in it as well as two magnetic shelves on the side of it. In addition to that, and I didn't know about this, they have a caddy on the back of it for tools. Here are the pictures.

     This is going to make working on Saki just a little bit easier. I put my most often needed tools in this little tool seat, so I'm ready for action. The roller action isn't a smooth as my other roller chair, but it will do the job. I sits a little lower which actually works better for most of the maintenance that I do on Saki.

     I spent most of the weekend laying around and watching TV. I finished The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and it was great all the way through. It's one of the smartest comedies that I've ever watched and recommend it to everyone. It is really good, and really really funny. When the final moment of the last episode happens, you feel as triumphant as Midge does. She's the main character. My only problem with it, is that it is only 8 episodes long.  I could go for a hundred episodes, if they had them ready. I was talking to someone at work about it, and they asked a question that got me wondering about it. He asked if it was about Joan Rivers. I don't think that it is, but I do think that it might be loosely based on her life. If you watch it with that in mind, it takes on a whole other dimension. Trust me, I liked it before that thought came into my head, so you don't really need to think that way to enjoy it. Just go out and watch it. If you don't have Amazon Prime, I would suggest that you give it a try so that you can watch that show, not to mention that you get two day free shipping as a Prime member. Don't forget to set you Amazon bookmark to Amazon Smile, and set up that charity to donate to. A very small percentage of all sales goes to a charity of your choosing. I've been using Amazon Smile for a couple of years now. Remember, every little bit helps out.

     I finally made my ice cream float with that Pepsi Salted Caramel. It was delicious. I couldn't think of a more perfect soda for it. It tasted like a vanilla ice cream with a salted caramel drizzle on it, perfection. I took a pic, but it really doesn't do it justice.

     Yep, that's the way I Netflix and chill. I think I'm doing it all wrong, but I did enjoy it. I did make the mistake of putting the ice cream in first, which caused all that foam, but it was still really good. I do have enough stuff for another one, but I couldn't do it two nights in a row. I think I finish it off some time this week, and do it soda first then ice cream. If it looks any better, I'll get a picture for you.

     One final thing. My nose and ear are almost completely healed, or at least to the point that there isn't any pain anymore. I have this little card that can measure gauge sizes. Remember when I said that my ear opened up more than what the 6 gauge that the piercer put it in? From what the card says, it is a double 0 at the least. I could be more If I tried to stretch it out. I'm not going to try to do that though. I want to do it right this time, and that means patience. In a few more weeks though, I will replace the barbell hoop with a plug. I'll start with the 00 and see just how firm it fits in there. If it is quite a bit loose, I will put a large one in. The great part about all of this, is a have all those plugs from when I stretched up the first time, so it's just a matter of getting them back in there. I'll keep you updated on the entire process as it plays out.

     That is it for tonight. I have plans in order to see the new Star Wars movie on next Sunday, so I'll give my no spoiler review of it. I'm really looking forward to that. See you on Tuesday night. Peace in and goodnight.

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