Sunday, October 6, 2019

Food For Healing

     My new plan has been working out great. I told you that I was putting MCT oil in my mom's coffee in the morning. If you don't know MCT oil stands for medium chain triglycerides. Those are extremely healthy fats, that the brain loves to eat. Happy brain means a less forgetful brain. Well, I cut the amount in half (it was already only half a tablespoon). I don't want to put too much in at once, it does have some minor side affects in the way of diarrhea. Well, I cut that in half and added the other half to her nightly sleepy time tea, and it has had remarkable results. She hasn't had a violent episode since starting on this regimen, and she has had better uninterrupted sleep. She has been more upbeat and I think she actually recognized me today, for a little while at least. The more important thing is that she has been happy and content and not overactive.

     Her workout program is a hit as well. She loves doing it and that has also resulted in her having better sleep and a more positive attitude. So, if anyone out there is saying that food can't heal you, you need to look them straight in the eye and tell them to go kick rocks. I have not only seen the results in myself, but now I have seen them in my mother.

     My current weight loss has slowed down, but I'm ok with that. I'm in hover mode around the 153-155 mark, and in reality I didn't expect to be there. I expected to only be around 160 for the last two weeks. I was settling in on kickstarting my metabolism. I don't think I damaged it, but I have been going hardcore and a little excessive on the fasting, and that can damage your metabolic rate. I just wanted to take a couple of weeks and reset a little. I added in a few more carbs, (all keto friendly berries), and although I wasn't really limiting my carb intake, I kept it under 30 grams the entire time. This has resulted in my being in constant ketosis, whether it be moderate or high ketosis, and that is remarkable, considering I was expecting to be kicked out of it this entire time. This may be my maintenance diet, when I finally decide to no longer focus on losing and start focusing on keeping off what I lost and just worry about muscle mass and body fat.

     This will be my last post for two weeks. I will return on the 20th right before I begin my 72 hour fast. I will update you then on how Baby Girl Gauge's surgery went, since that will be next week on Tuesday. I am planning on 1 article for the website this week which will be up on Wednesday. This one is going to be about what I just went through in boosting my metabolism, kind of like what I wrote above, but more in-depth. I will have a picture up. I only felt that it was needed for the example of how my body has changed throughout this process. So, if you want to see what I currently look like, you need to check out that post on Wednesday. It will be a fully clothed picture to go opposite of an old picture of myself. I didn't want to take any pictures until I reached my ideal body look, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the greater good.

     Oh, I did want to share with you a picture of this mornings breakfast which is basically what I've been eating most of the week, just so you could see the berry assortment.

    As you can see, there are plenty of berries, with my bowl of walnuts and Macadamia nuts. I got some peanut butte this morning, but I'll be going back to my almond butte tomorrow. Peanut butter just wasn't right. I put the pili nut butter on the nuts, since it has such a low melt point, gives it a nice drizzle type of coating on them. Not pictured is my protein shake which I went with my Quest Cinnamon Crunch mix. All together it ended up being one super keto breakfast. Not as super as the powerhouse vegan one I had the other day. Wait, I don't think I shared that photo with you.

     That one was amazing. Kale, arugula, spinach salad, with strawberries and blackberries, macadamia nuts, and walnuts, with a drizzle of macadamia nut oil, and a Sun Warrior Warrior blend and peanut butter shake. That was perfect keto macros and over 800 calories for breakfast, and everything was put in there for it's ability to work together. The dark leafy greens were there to take care of the antitoxins in the peanut butter and the protein benefits, with the nuts helping out the low glycemic load of the berries. It's quite frankly the perfect breakfast. I'll be eating that again soon, probably after I do a 36 hour fast this week. I wanted to get a longer term fast in before the 72 which I'm really looking forward too. Hitting that big reset button in the body is a glorious thing.

     That's all I have for tonight. I'll see you in two weeks on the 20th. Until then peace in and goodnight.

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