Thursday, October 24, 2019

I Am The Flower King

    Baby Girl Gauge had another appointment to check her ears. They said that she is doing great and healing well. They also mentioned facial paralysis. She is having trouble on her right side and her squinty eye is closed quite a bit more. The woman that I communicate with said that she thinks it is only temporary and is more likely a result of the swelling from the surgery. It doesn't matter though, because she is getting around really well. She nearly did her happy dance today when it was food time. She also ate all her food, which is a big accomplishment. Her appetite has not been up to snuff lately, but it seems to be coming back. She has an appointment tomorrow morning for the doc to take another look and probably redress her incisions. The other thing is, that some of her old obsessive habits are returning. Mostly the high anxiety in the car, and some paw chewing. She hasn't dug yet, which is a major accomplishment. I have kept a very close eye on her when she goes outside. I have to keep her dressings clean, so she hasn't really had a chance to do any digging. I'll let you know on Sunday how everything goes.

     The mom had a scary episode last night. Sometime around midnight Morty came into my room and I could hear my mom calling out for help. I quickly tripped over Morty and fell on my ass and then made my way into her room. She had gotten sick and threw up. I got her cleaned up and changed and had her drink some cool water. After a while she began feeling better enough to go back to sleep. It was a very strange occurrence, and neither of us can figure out what brought it on. Just to be safe, I didn't give her any MCT oil at night with her sleepy time tea. I don't know if that was the culprit, but MCT oil can have some rough affects on the stomach when you have an empty stomach. The thing is, she had just finished dinner before she had her tea. I'll keep a close eye on how she reacts from now on, and limit it.

     We did have a really good day today. We went to a garden nursery and bought a few flowers. We have this little flowering plant that the woman that was watching her last, gave her. It was a little potted plant and was withering away, so I replanted it near where we sit when we are in the backyard, and it is flourishing, so I figured why not get another plant. We ended up with three more that I will be planting tomorrow. They are currently sitting on the grill table outside right now. Mom loves them and is looking forward to planting them. After that we went for pizza for lunch. It has been 6 weeks since I had a real pizza, and it was good. I only had 2 and 1/2 slices, but they of course wrecked my carb total for the day, so I'm counting today as a re-feed day. It's a thing trust me. Anyway, I decided to take advantage of the extra carbs, and did an intense workout this evening, and will be doing a third round of cardio before bed. Anyway, the mom really enjoyed her day and is currently resting peacefully.

     I released my review of Clean Keto by Sun Warrior. I do believe I'm the first review on that product, so I'm hoping to get some readers out of this. The post on Instagram got a lot of likes, well a lot for one of my posts, and it was even noticed by Sun Warrior, so that was pretty cool. I did shamelessly ask for free stuff if Sun Warrior was reading. I'm not above begging. Their stuff is pricey, so if they will send me free stuff, I'm all on board. I do hope you will go check it out. I do mean every word of what I say in the review, and I even give a downside of the product, which I will see if I get the stomach issues when I have it with my breakfast next week. That reminds me, have you tried that breakfast salad that I've shared yet. It is really amazing. I have it 6 days a week now, and I'm feeling great. still having some fiber issues, but I'm working on that. I did cut the kale out, and I may add a little pili nut butter to it tomorrow, to see how that is. The great thing about that butter, is that it is very solid right out of the fridge. You have to refrigerate this nut butter. When I take it out to have, I simply scrape it off, and it comes off in flakes that melt into a delicious oily liquid. It will be a nice little touch on the top of that beautiful breakfast salad. If you want to know what's in it, just leave a comment below. I can't seem to respond to the comments, but I do see them, and I will put the ingredients and measurements in Sunday's post.

     With that, I'm out of here. Peace in and goodnight.

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