Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Best Laid Plans Of Mice And Men

     What's that old line about best laid plans? Don't, I already know what it is, I was just being silly. Anyway, Baby Girl Gauge's surgery has been postponed until the 15th. I'm bummed, because she has to continue to suffer a little longer, but it will all be worth it in the end. I just hope that her ears don't act up between now and then.

     The last two days have been pretty good with my mom. I have her eating healthy, and on a brain healthy diet. Yes, I have done research on brain healthy foods. I have also started her on a very mild and low impact workout program. She is very happy with it. The one hitch in the plan is when people talk about me. It creates a ton of confusion and then sets her off on a memory rant. I wish people would just follow one simple rule. I know longer exist. I am simply the man who works at the place she lives now. Whenever someone mentions my name, it sets her off on how I have abandoned her and left her to get her out of my life. Of course the truth is so far from that that it should be funny, but it isn't. I have to hear this every evening when someone mentions my name. She goes off about how she doesn't want to leave this place, because everyone has taken such good care of her, but she doesn't know where she belongs anymore, since I abandoned her. It may be the toughest thing I have to go through, and the reason that I say I'm losing my identity. I'm ok being anonymous to her as long as I don't have to hear about how much of a horrible son I am.

     Let's get on to a better subject. I have joined a new 30 day challenge group on Facebook. This is another Keto challenge, and it is being lead by a woman. I'm excited about this, because I want to hear about Keto from a female perspective. I can't relate to the troubles that women go through, so I want to learn about them, and how Keto may be different for them. This will all lead more knowledge for me, and the potential to write more compelling articles that will encompass everyone. I know what works for me, and learning what works for others will only help me.

     Speaking of articles, I have another 100 Days update coming out tomorrow. It tells you all about how this challenge has really changed my life, and I mean in a very profound way. I really hope that you will check it out, so don't forget to go to howuketo.com and take a look at it.

     I forgot to mention that I finally got the collagen that I ordered, and I have to say that it was a real jolt to my system. I'm only going to take it once a week. It's pricey per scoop so I don't want to blow it all in a matter of 25 days. That is how many scoops it holds. Like I said, I really felt a dynamic difference on the day that I had it, and I highly recommend it. It is another Sun Warrior product, so that means it's all plant based.

     From the barking of Morty ( so annoying ), I can tell that my new book from Stephan Chobsky just arrived. I mention this the other day, and I'm really looking forward to finishing the book that I'm currently reading so that I can start it. It's a horror novel called Imaginary Friend. I loved Perks of being a Wallflower, and this will be drastically different from that, so I have my worries. I write all over the place so I shouldn't hold an author to a genre and for that reason I'm really excited to see what he does with this story.

     Favorite Song of the Week, is here, and I have one that is from an artist that I've featured a couple of times now. The first time I didn't even know who she was, I was just captivated by the song in and Apple commercial. This is from her appearance on the Howard Stern show. She is a young woman with remarkable talent. Before you cast her off as the new fad artist, listen to her and realize that she is going to be around for a very long time, and I think her music is going to evolve and grow as she does, and that is going to lead to some remarkable songs. This one is already my favorite on her last album so I'm excited to share this very raw and amazing performance of her and her piano player. This is Billie Eilish with "When the Party's Over".

     I'm just going to leave with that. Peace in and goodnight.

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