Sunday, October 27, 2019

I'm A Genius

     It's been a very long weekend. That isn't to say that it has all been bad. There have been some highlights, but as always, any plans I attempted to make were thwarted and restructured, to fit the circumstances that were provided me.

     Saturdays are kind of a standing date for my mom. A member of the family comes and takes her to lunch. This Saturday it was called on account of a bad situation. I understand that, but it still dramatically affects my day. When that happens I have to scramble to come up with lunch plans and restructure any plans that I have. Fortunately my plans are basically going to do some things that I'd prefer to do by myself, so they are easily changed, but the meals become an issue. My mom wants to eat, so I have to get something together fast, and that means I can't be as strict as I would like to. This leads to a whole weekend of her progress going backwards. Since that lunch isn't as strict, then she has another meal the next day that isn't strict and then when it comes to dinner time, she doesn't want to eat anything. That of course leads to even more backsliding. It gets really frustrating, and on top of that, I'm doing my 72 hour fast. I'll get to that in a minute. I spend the entire week getting my mom on a good path, where she is even understanding that there is something wrong with her thinking. She has asked me twice this week what was wrong with her head. She wants to know why she can't remember things, so I tell her. She has dementia, and that there isn't anything wrong with that, and that she just doesn't remember things the way she used to. Then she begins to remember things. It is truly amazing that by changing her diet, it has changed her mental state, but that all goes backwards on the weekend, and I start from step 2 or 3. The good thing is that it doesn't go back to step 1. It's definitely a two steps forward 1 step back kind of thing. The biggest thing is, that she can remember things that happen earlier in the day. She doesn't remember all the details, but she remembers the biggest moments, and that is something she couldn't do a month ago. This is working out, I just wish I could control everything, but I can't. It's impossible, so I have to take the good with the bad.

     Baby Girl Gauge is getting better. She has begun taking her bandages off, which is a positive and a negative. It means she is getting her feistiness back, but it also means that I have to keep on top of her to keep her incisions clean and covered. It's a challenge but very much a worthwhile one. I do have problem tomorrow. I am double booked on doctors appointments. I have one for my mom at the same time the Baby Girl is supposed to get her redressing done. I'm going to call them in the morning and see if I can take her in later in the day. The mentioned that I could do that on Friday, when I said I may have a problem, but that was when I thought my mom's appointment was a little later and we could make both easily. I'l figure it out.

     Oh, one other great moment of the week was doing the plant shopping. My mother and I went to Lowe's yesterday to get some fencing for the garden, so the dogs would stay out of it.  I put the fencing up this morning, and my mom loves it. The secret garden doesn't look like much yet, but it will in time. I took a picture to share with you so you could see the very early and rather grubby looking phase that it is in right now.

     Bottom right is the plant that started it all. It was a wilted little plant that was dying in it's tiny pot. I replanted it and it has thrived. The purple flower and the two in the back are the new additions. I will be taking those step stones out, and tilling up the soil in the next week or so, and we will be adding new flowers from time to time. We sit over to the right of this when we sit outside, so that my mom can look at it while we are out there. She wonders in amazement at it the entire time she is out there. It makes her happy and that makes me happy, so I am truly the Flower King now. This is also testing me and my ability at having a green thumb so that I can plant some berry bushes and vegetables in the next planting season. I'm going to be getting the soil ready ahead of time, so that I can plant in the spring. I want my own fresh fruit and veggies. If I can do this, it will save a ton of money, and they will probably taste better.

     Now for the fasting. I'm nearing the 24 hour mark as I write this, and I'm feeling pretty good. Actually 24 hours is nothing to me anymore. The last 48 hour that I did I nearly extended it to 72, but I didn't want to do two 72 hour fasts so close to one another. I went into this fast cleaner than any other fast, and it was paid off. My ketone levels were at .7 with my GKI at 5.4. That puts me at moderate ketosis, which is pretty much where I live now. That is the norm so to say. I'm going to check my levels as soon as I'm done posting this, so I won't have the 24 hour numbers for you tonight, but I'll write them down so that I can give them to you on Tuesday, which will be the 72 hour mark. This brings me to breaking my fast. Since I started in the evening, I'm supposed to break fast on Tuesday evening, but I don't really want to eat that late. Yes, 6 in the evening is late to me. I'm thinking about going ahead and breaking my fast with bone broth at that point, but then not eating again until my morning meal at around 9 or 10 in the morning. That would of course be my Breakfast Salad. Oh, did I not tell you that I named that a Breakfast Salad? Well, I have. I think that will be the cleanest way to break my fast. I will have that salad with that new Clean Keto drink, and then eat as I have been doing.

     That reminds me. I watched a video yesterday that described exactly the way I'm eating lately, and how it's a great way to do Keto. Turns out, I'm a genius and had no idea. Basically it was talking about how Keto and the Mediterranean diet parallel each other, and if you blend them together, it is a fantastic way of doing keto. Basically leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, a little fruit, lean cuts of meat, and getting your fats from quality oils and fruits like avocados, and olives. That is exactly how I eat, with the occasional dirty option of a protein bar, shakes, or my keto cookies. This way of eating has worked wonders for me, and I really enjoy it. My meat consumption is probably 25-30% of my entire eating, and I have far more veggies and fruit than I ever did in the past. Old diet was predominately sugar with 50-65% meat. I really can't explain how much better I feel eating this way, and how this way of eating has set me up great for this fat. My body is truly fat adapted and I love it.

     That reminds me. I just saw a picture over the last 24 hours of a buddy of mine that went keto because he saw what it was doing for me. He looked incredible. I'm so happy that he is looking healthy and happy. I know it's hard to believe, but I really do know what I'm talking about with this stuff. If you want help as well, just check out the website, or just email me. I'll let you in on what I eat during a normal day, so that you can maybe start a journey towards a healthier you. The first thing you have to do, is get healthy so that you can lose weight. It doesn't work the other way around. You have to cure the inflammation first, and then the rest will follow. My mom is proof of that, my buddy is proof of that, and I'm proof of that.

    Enough of my selfish plug. I'm out of here, so I can just sit back and finish my green tea. Peace in and goodnight.

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