Tuesday, October 29, 2019

It's All About Autophagy

     I'm breaking my fast as I'm writing this. I made it 72 hours and 18 minutes. Well actually a little longer because I stopped the clock before I have taken a sip of my bone broth and turmeric. I feel really good about this fast. It wasn't easy. At the 48 hour mark I started having hunger pangs that were making me want to break early, but I held on and pushed through. I did double my potassium and magnesium intake, since I was drinking so much and urinating so much. All those good electrolytes come out in the urine, so you have to keep them replenished.

     I don't have a final weight for the fast, but I have my morning weight and all the numbers for my GKI. I started at 153.8 lbs. I weighed in this morning at 150 on the nose. I need to repeat what I said before going into this. This fast was not about weight loss. It was all about a big body reset at the cellular level. With that said, here are my numbers. I didn't test for my GKI at the start, but I had a ketone reading of .7. Very low to moderate ketosis. After 24 hours I had ketones levels of 2.2, my glucose was at 85 which gave me a GKI of 2.15. That put me at a high therapeutic level of ketosis. I was burning a ton of fat for fuel. At the 48 hour mark my ketones were at 4.4, Glucose at 77, with a GKI reading at .97. That puts me at the highest therapeutic level that you can have. This is the point that doctors are usually involved to get epileptic patients to calm their tendencies. Oh, did you not know that the ketogenic diet was developed to help epileptics? It was, but it also turns out that it helps so many other things. I won't get into that here though. We still have 24 hours to go. I did my readings at the 70 hour mark, so it wasn't a true 72 hour test. My ketone levels were 5.6, glucose at 72, which put me at an even lower GKI of .71. That is pretty epic right there. I spent the last 24 hours at a minimum in the highest therapeutic level of ketosis. I will be posting an article about how this fast affected me and what it was like at certain points of time on the website late tomorrow. I want to get information from tomorrow morning as well, to add to it.

     Speaking of tomorrow morning, I will be eating my next meal after I get home from taking Baby Girl Gauge to get her dressings changed. That means I will only have 40 calories of pure protein from now until then. It will almost be like I'm doing an 89 hour fast. There are some schools of thought that would truly consider it an 89 hour fast. They put a 50 calorie limit on consumption during a fast. I'm not of that thought. I believe that as soon as you take in calories, it's done, so I finished at 72 hours. My morning meal is going to be my Breakfast Salad with my Warrior Blend and Collagen mix shake. it's probably going to taste like the best it's ever been. I'm really looking forward to it.

     As I mentioned earlier, BGG goes to get her dressings changed tomorrow. Monday was a mess, but I got her to the shelter about 2 hours late. My mom's doctors appointment went really well. She got a clean bill of health. The Doc said that she had slightly elevated levels of cholesterol. I wanted to ask him which one, LDL or HDL. There is a reason for that. When you go keto your cholesterol levels rise slightly, but that isn't a bad thing. We have been told that any rise in LDL or HDL is bad, but that just isn't true. LDL and HDL are only carriers of nutrients, and on keto your LDL will raise because you have more of those nutrients to transport. Supply meets demand. I didn't ask, since he said she was still in good perimeters. Oh yeah, I didn't get a picture of BGG with her new doo. She's wearing yellow with Ruff Day and a thumbs down on it. It's rather cute.

     The secret garden is coming along, and we are getting more plants on Thursday. Only one or two more for now. I cleared a little out, and rearranged some step stones that I really have no use for, but by placing them on the wall, it adds a decorative affect that I liked. I still have a long way to go, but the new plants are taking to their new little plots of land.

     I'll get better pictures when I have more to show. That is my view from the chair I sit in. I really like it, and never thought I would enjoy gardening so much. It's really fulfilling watching the plants grow and thrive. The goal for Thursday is for one more flowering plant to go next to that red one, and maybe some kind of fruit or vegetable plant. I read that brussel sprouts are great for this time of year, so if I can find some I'm going to give it a go. That reminds me. I found the absolute best way to make brussel sprouts, fried. I always had an adverse affect when I steamed brussel sprouts, and then I saw a cooking segment on a show where they were frying them. You have to quarter them first, and then I do it a little differently then they do. I start with avocado oil, put in the sprouts, then add salt and pepper to taste, and they are out of this world good. Give it a try, you will love them to. I fry them until I get a golden brown color on at least one side.

     Alright it's time for Favorite Song of the Week, and it's also my Favorite Thing of the Week. I'll explain why in a second. It's from my favorite current band, so you know another TØP song is coming. Tyler has been doing location sessions and redoing some of the songs on the album in a new way, and this version of The Hype, is amazing. What makes this my FTOTW is him and his wive Jenna dancing at the end. It just makes me happy, and I hope it does you. Here is Twenty One Pilots with the Location Session of "The Hype".

     Seriously, how great is that? I really do hope that it made you as happy as it does me. The world needs more things like this in it. Peace in and goodnight.

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