Tuesday, May 12, 2020

I Have An Idea

     I came up with this really great idea, and it all revolves about this new found joy of make up. I won't tell you all the details, because I want it to be a surprise, but it will involve a photo shoot or series of photo shoots. A lot has to happen first though. I have to get in even better shape. I have to perfect a certain iconic look, and I have to get much better at self portrait photography. I have no trouble setting up a shot of someone else but when it comes to myself, It is beyond difficult. I can't just look through the view finder and make the adjustments. I have to use the app and my phone to take a shot, look at it, and then make an adjustment based on that shot. After all of that, it's possible to screw the next shot up even more because I over or under adjusted. I'm also going to have to find the right locations for these shots. An empty hallway would be great, abandoned building even better, and even a flat white wall would do. This is going to require that total transformation that I've been working towards. I figure to get it right, I have to increase muscle volume and decrease body fat. The body fat needs to drop by about 5% I think, and that is going to be some hard work, but I'm up for the challenge.

      Next Wednesday will be the end of this 30 days, that I've been working on, and my weight has been all over the place, but body fat and waist measurements have remained the same. I'll have a better understanding of the numbers on Monday. That should tell me exactly what has been going on, and then Wednesday will be picture day for the end of the 30 days. I need to start going overboard, and I'm kind of looking forward to it.

     Ok, the new mask is just ok. I don't feel fully comfortable in it, since I can feel air escaping. The masks my friend made are much more comfortable, and seem to fit tighter than this new one. Looks wise, it is fantastic, and everything I wanted. I think the comfort and fit is because it is one that ties behind the head, and maybe I haven't gotten that quite figured out yet. Anyway here is the picture of Monday's grocery getter look.

     Yeah, I went full Hufflepuff, and it felt really good to fanboy out for a few hours. Oh, and I did do the eyes, and I think I nailed the look for sure. I had a plan and learned a few new things from this show on Netflix. It's called Glow Up, and it's a make up artist reality contest show from the UK. They don't go into a lot of detail on how to do things, but from time to time, they do have some good explanations of techniques to use, and this one was a called a cut crease, which works really well for hooded brows, which I have. Yeah I didn't know what that was a couple of days ago either. Anyway, this is sans mask and sunglasses so you can see the eye details.

     The only thing missing from the cut crease was the glitter, which I don't have, but I'm also not against wearing. I just have to find a way to do it right for me. The eye shadow does have very feint hints of glitter in it. I was hoping for gold, but my pallet only has a coppery and silvery color that has that shimmer to it, so that's what I used. By the way, that isn't the look I need to perfect. Like I said, it's an iconic look that will be very recognizable when I do finally post pictures of it, but those will be the finished photos, no practice reveals will be coming. I need to keep you guessing on this one, and trust me, I do think you will be very surprised at what comes out of these shots. I'm really excited about this whole thing. I have lots of work to do to pull this off. Did I mention that earlier?

     Ok, A few garden photos before I leave, and no I didn't forget about FSOTW. First up is a picture of some new tomatoes. These aren't ripe yet, but I had to pick them because the branch they were on was dying off, since it fell under the weight of the tomatoes on it. These are called Black Vernisssage. When they are ripe they are supposed to be a purply black three that green is, so I think the one has a couple more days, and the others have about a week to go. There are still pretty unique looking even not ripe.

     I'll just put those in contrast to the Sunrise Bumblebees that I picked for tacos today, and they were ripe.

     That is such a great tasting tomato. I mean you can eat it right off the plant with nothing on it, and it will blow your mind. It has a sweet and tart taste the just fills your mouth with flavor.

     Last picture and this is of a pepper flower. This is one of the prettiest pepper flowers that I've seen and I've heard really good things about this pepper, so I'm really excited about this one.

     I mean, just look at that. It's called a Red Rocoto, and is supposed to be a wonderfully flavorful pepper. I've gotten some real winners lately with the bonnets, which seem to be much hotter than they are supposed to be, the orange habaneros that I picked yesterday which were right on point despite their diminutive size, and of course the Sugar Rush Peach which are finally fully ripening and are maybe the must deceptive pepper there is. When you bite into it, you get a rush of orange like citrus flavor, and only the slightest hints of heat, but after you've gotten it down, the heat slowly builds to somewhere around habanero level. I can't decide if it is above or below, since the build is so slow, that it kind of lulls you into really enjoying the burn from it.  Ok, I'll share a shot of the pepper I ate tonight which is the SRP I'm talking about.

     Ok, time for Favorite Song of the Week, and this one goes way back to the first Muppet movie. I recently watched an interview with Paul Williams who was a co writer on the song. You may remember him as Little Enis in the Smokey and the Bandit Movies. In case you didn't know, he is a super talented musician and song writer, and is a remarkable producer that is behind some of the biggest songs of the last few decades. Anyway this is Kermit the Frog and his song "Rainbow Connection", and this was reshot and redone as if it was just him out in the swamp during the quarantine. I especially like the little touch of having Kermit turn the camera on and off at the beginning and end of the video. This will always be one of my favorite songs, and I hope you enjoy this new version of it.

     Peace in and goodnight.

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