Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Plane Went

     It has been a really bad week, which is mostly the reason I didn't write on Tuesday night. That and the fact that I didn't feel like I had anything to say, which goes hand in hand with the bad week. The moms has been increasingly erratic this week, and has been staying up most nights yelling and arguing with herself. That has led to me not getting much sleep at all. Last night for example. I attempted to go to bed at 10, but was kept up by her constantly entering and exiting her room and loudly talking about how dark it was. I can remember her waking me at 12:30, so I must have fallen asleep for maybe an hour. I was woken again by her arguing loudly in the hallway at 3:30, which I just laid in bed until I couldn't take it anymore and just got up at 4:10. I did my cardio and then just zoned out for a while before my meditation at 5. This has all led to some not so great eating decisions, which are mostly eating multiple times a day, and I tried adding oranges into the diet, and I think that was a bad idea. No adverse effects other than putting on weight, and it's not the good kind. I will be eliminating the oranges as soon as they are done, cause I don't want to waste food. Monday starts up back to the old way of eating. Oh and when I say weight gain, I did weigh myself this morning at 158. That's the highest I've been since last December, I believe. I don't mind being this high in weight as long as the body fat is at the right percentage, which according to the calipers has gone up 1%. I will get this all in order and back to my goal of 10%. It's just going to take a little more time. Stress eating is bad you all.

     I don't usually get political on here, but you know of my dislike of Facebook, so you won't be surprise when you read what this is about. It's been reported that Mark Zuckerburg has made 34 billion dollars during this pandemic. That is atrocious, in any form. Then it came out yesterday that he believes that it isn't Facebooks responsibility to fact check prominent figures posts for accuracy. That brought me to today. Unfortunately I'm tied in to the point that I have to have a minimal presence on their, but the doesn't mean I can't take action. Today whenever I've been on there, I've blocked any sponsored add, even if I support the business. Those adds are one of the ways that Facebook makes money. The more I block, the financial presence they have on my timeline. I'm asking you to do the same. Hit them where it counts. Since they only see money, the lack of it coming in, is the only way to get back at them for their inaction.

     Now for something fun. As you know, I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, which in turn makes me a JK Rowling fan, despite some of the terrible things she has said about transgender people. Yeah, you can look that up. I'm not proud of my continued support of her, but here I am. Anyway, a few years or so ago, she wrote a book that she was considering publishing, but then she went a different route with her adult themed books. She instead read the book to her children at night and they loved it, it went in the attic and that was that, but when the pandemic hit, she decided she wanted to try something different, and she dug the manuscript out, and made some changes, read it to her children again, and they asked for some changes to be returned to the original and she has decided to post it online for free. She has been posting a single chapter each day, and also instructions for a art contest based on each chapter, where winners could have their artwork published in the print copy which will be available later this year or next. The story is called The Ickabog. I will give you no details other than that, but I will give you the link so that you can read it if you so choose. This is the homepage which explains the story behind the story read that as well, and then dive into a new fantastic tale. I'm just going to leave it as the straight link so you can easily see it.

     I could fill you up with a bunch of garden pics, but I'm choosing not to tonight. I do want to share my dinner with you from Monday. It was just cheese burgers and asparagus, but the burgers had some more reaper on them, and that reaper is truly next level heat. This was the second to last pod that I had and it was maybe the size of a nickel. I diced it up and split it between the two burgers, and the heat level was insane. I honestly don't know if I can take a raw one at this point, but I might try. I have one more pod on the plant ripening right now and I may do a video with it raw. It's a decent sized one, so it would the the proper one for a video. I can't do a video with a small pod, that just seems wrong. Here are those burgers.

     Oh, that's jalapeño pimento cheese on top. It's kind of dirty keto, but still within the perameters, only 1 net carb per serving, it just has some not so good ingredients in it. That gives you a good look at that reaper, and it does really live up to its name.

     Before I leave for the night, I do have to tell you about the dream I had on Tuesday morning. Since my moms hasn't been sleeping during normal hours, when I wake up for good around 4 or so, I have that time to myself. After meditating I have put on audible books to listen to, and on a few days, I've fallen back asleep, but the weird thing is that I don't seem to miss any of the book I'm listening to. In the case of this dream, I was listening to the book during the dream, anyway, this dream was intense. Out of nowhere, I came to on a plane, it pitched upwards into a loop, and then dove towards the ground. I could see the ground growing closer out the window as the plane accelerated towards the ground. I heard the screams and gasps of the other passengers, and felt myself brace and push into the seat. My breath ran short and caught in my throat as I knew the plane was going down, then a strange calm came over me as I accepted my fate and relaxed as I waited for the inevitable to happen. That's when the dream broke, and I didn't even bother to open my eyes. I felt my pulse slow down in a matter of seconds, and I continued listening to the book. It was truly unusual, and I've never had a dream like that before. The panic was real, because my heart was beating out of my chest when I woke, but just like that it was all gone. I don't know if the dream broke because I gave into the outcome, or because by doing that I knew I was in a dream, but the plane never reached the ground. I looked up what plane crash dreams meant and the mostly focus on a manifestation of anxiety, which could be a result of what has been going on this week. It was an experience to be sure.

     That's all I have for tonight. Have a safe weekend, and wear a mask. Peace in and goodnight.

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