Sunday, May 17, 2020

Oh Yeah, It's A Rant

     I really don't like Facebook. It is truly the biggest cesspool of social media. I've been muting people left and right for just stupid posts that are full of lies and misinformation. Most of them became unmuted today, and it was like everyone of their posts from the past 30 days ended up in my timeline. Then I looked and saw that they were all from today. Is this the product of the isolation, where people literally have nothing else to do either then post garbage constantly throughout the day? Go read a freaking book, or workout, make a meal, do something creative, plant a garden, there are so many things you can do besides be on social media. Yeah it's a fun escape, but you should spend all your time there. This could be the dawning of a new renaissance, but instead people choose to divide and ridicule one another. This is a time to put aside petty arguments and reach out to find the things that we have in common. This is the time to come together to help each other through this pandemic, but instead, it's; I need a haircut, I'm not wearing a mask, I need to see people. Before I lost my hair, I used to cut my own hair since high school. I figured it out, it wasn't all that hard. Any one tells me not to wear a mask they will get an ear full, and there are all kinds of apps to see people if you really want to. This is a technological age that is made for this type of global event. You can keep in touch over long distances and even see each other.

     That's it for my rant, and I'm done for tonight. I'm logging off and won't be back on until Tuesday. Peace in and goodnight.

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