Tuesday, May 5, 2020

When Its Taco Tuesday, Eat Poblanos

     It's Cinco de Mayo, and we are all at home, or at least we should be. Instead of the usual taco tuesday I went with stuffed poblanos, and let me tell you, they were fantastic.

     I've been working on perfecting these bad boys, and I think I may finally have it. I went with pork instead of beef this time, and I prepped everything and did the bulk of the cooking a couple hours before dinner. I let everything cool down, and then put it all together. I used aged cheddar crumbles and put some on the bottom layer, and then topped everything with the rest. Baked them for 20 minutes at 350 degrees, and went to town. I put fresh Scotch Bonnets on mine, to give it a little extra kick, and they were amazing. Last time I bacon wrapped them, and I would have this time, but I didn't have any bacon thawed out, since I used it all up for breakfast. Oh, breakfast was pretty epic as well.

     No peppers in that, but I have discovered a game changer when it comes to eggs and omelets. I use fresh mozzarella. I tried it on a whim a couple of weeks ago, just to use up the mozzarella before it went bad, and it was out of this world good. This is another crumble method. It works great in scrambled eggs too. Right after pouring the eggs in the skillet, I crumble up the mozzarella. With this omelet, I put the cheese and a little bacon right down the middle, and gave it that nice double fold. I was going to go with a french omelet, but I got lazy, and just went with the good old double fold. Still fancy, just not as fancy. Yeah, I know how to make a French omelet. I'm a boss like that.

     Oh, if you didn't guess, I picked half the Scotch Bonnets on the plant, and they have been on fire. I think they are hotter than the last time the plant produced them. I'm loving it, even though my tolerance still seems to be low. Which reminds me, I need to tell you about another symptom I remembered this week that I had during my illness. First the Bonnets.

     I still have one more left, with two more that are almost ripe on the plant. There are about a half dozen more growing, and a few flowers right now. There is also this one, which has the classic Bonnet shape, and I will be saving seeds from it.

     Look how cool that looks. That is what they are supposed to look like, but this is the first true shape the plant has produced. I"m going to really enjoy that one.

     Ok, now for that other symptom I remembered. I had written off having shortness of breath, because I didn't notice it. That was until I returned to doing the two small exercises I do in the morning. I took last week off, since I was having trouble getting up before 6. One of the exercises I do is right in the beginning of my meditation practice. It's a very small but effective ab exercise that hits the transverse abdominals. You basically expel all the air in your lungs and hold that while pulling your bellybutton towards your spine. You are supposed to hold for a few sets of 20 seconds or so equalling out to one minute total. I had gotten to a point where I could hold for a full 25-30 seconds with very little effort, but during my illness I struggled to hold for 15. I didn't even think about that until yesterday morning when I was doing that exercise. It blew my mind that I didn't even consider that was a shortness of breath. It could have been attributed to my overall weakened state, but it's just one more thing that makes me believe that I actually had Covid-19. There is a testing center close by now, and they have the antibody test, but I have been hearing that they are very unreliable, so they could say that I test positive for the antibodies and not really have them. It has been one giant failure after another with all this testing, which is why I will continue wearing masks for a very long time. I should have a new one arriving on Friday, which I may debut next week. Well, see how I'm feeling when it's time to head out to grocery shop

     Oh, I can tell you that the grocery store was almost empty this week, which I loved. I wish it was like that all the time, but since the state has reopened, maybe people are feeling that they can get back to their normal schedules, or perhaps they were at work. Either way works for me.

     Time for Favorite Song of the Week. This one comes from a band that my buddy introduced me to about a year ago, and they are pretty awesome. The recently released a new album and in my opinion, this is the best song on the whole album. The video is weird, which is kind of one of the things they are known for. Don't get thrown off by that and listen closely to the lyrics, cause they are very important in this current climate. When you have time to adjust to a new way of thinking and a new way of life, it is also a good time to reevaluate the people around you and what you think about yourself with them. I give you Dance Gavin Dance with one of their newest songs "Strawberry's Wake".

     There's a self enlightenment little ditty for you to enjoy. Seriously, give that band a chance, cause they are really good and truly care about their fans. They only released this album digitally, cause they didn't want people going out and getting sick to get the physical copy, and this was going to be their groundbreaking album. It was tracking to be their biggest album yet, and possibly the one that gets them some mainstream recognition. They gave all that up to keep people from getting sick. Lady Gaga is another one that has done that. She pushed back her album Chromatica as well as a new line from her makeup company Haus Laboratories. Theses are people that you need to support. Talented well meaning people. Give them a listen and enjoy the artistry of the music. Peace in and goodnight.

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