Sunday, December 23, 2018

Could This Weekend Get Any Worse

     It has been an absolutely horrible weekend. Today was the worst of it. I would like to just throw today away, and start over again, but I fear it would be no different. Let's start with Friday which was blah. I applied for a few more jobs, since I have not heard back from the one that told me they would be planning an interview. Not one single word, so the job hunt continues.

     That was pretty much Friday. I did have one win on Friday. I was able to work on my skateboard mount. I did of course have to stop because of weather, but I got the bulk of the material removal done. The basic shape is there, I just have to fine tune it all now. I went out on Saturday to buy files specifically for that purpose, so that was my win for Saturday. Well, I had another small victory as well, but it was marred by a giant bummer in the process. I'll tell you about the victory first and then the let down. The victory is that I scouted a few locations for the skateboard shoot. Have a talked about the skateboard shoot? I'm planning on a skateboard shoot with Snow who was the model on the dock at sunset. I have three with a possible fourth location picked out. If everything goes right, these could be some really nice shots. I took into consideration the backdrop and the conditions of where we would be, and they all line up with shots that I want to get, so that is a win.

     The bummer is when I went out to get on Saki so that I could ride around for this scouting session, the battery was dead. I haven't rode Saki since my last video, so it has been a few weeks, and with the cold weather, it put some stress on the battery, so it was dead, so dead that it wouldn't even slightly light up the gauges. Fortunately I have a trickle charge that Saki has been on since I found out on Saturday afternoon that it was dead. When I just went out to throw out the trash it was finally lit up green saying the battery was charged. I decided to just leave it on until I take Saki out tomorrow for a little photo expedition. I got a place that I want to take some strange landscape photos. I'm keeping it all secret for right now, but I hope to share them with you soon. And yeah, it takes 24 hours for a battery to charge on that trickle charger, so I was without Saki for all of yesterday and today, but it is now back, so that is another small victory.

      Oh, I forgot, I did finish watching Bodyguard, and it was really good. I also watched Birdbox which stars Sandra Bullock. It was good, but the ending was a bit, meh. I need more information, and maybe that is a good thing. The old saying being, "leave them wanting more". Well that ending definitely leaves me wanting more.

     Today was the torture of all tortures. I believe I have told you about my mother and how she is suffering from dementia. Well, it is getting much worse, and lately she has fits of memory loss that are so bad that she doesn't even know who I am, and that is a rough thing to deal with. She gets very paranoid and thinks people are stealing from her, or that she is surrounded by people that simply aren't there. Fortunately it doesn't last much longer than a few hours, but this is a woman that had one of the sharpest minds that I have known. To see her like this is beyond sad. She doesn't eat much unless I convince her that she is hungry, and even then it isn't much more than a small piece of toast and maybe some sort of protein. I honestly don't know how she hasn't starved from hunger yet, with how little she eats. She does have shakes from Ensure that she likes to drink, so that lifts her caloric intake, but it still isn't really enough to sustain a person.

     I despise this time of year, and with the addition of my mothers mental stability on top of that, it is the worst ever. Fortunately because of that, I haven't had time to think of how much I dislike Christmas and everything that comes along with it, so I haven't been as depressed or suicidal as I have been in the past, so I guess I should take that as a victory as well. I don't really know if I should be happy or deeply saddened by that little fact. Christmas is on Tuesday, and as you know that would normally be a posting day for me, but I'm going to take that day off. You aren't going to want to read anything from me that night anyway, so I'll give you your piece. I have had thoughts of taking a couple weeks off like I have done in the past, but still haven't done this year, but I really don't see any reason for it. I don't have the same social networking anxiety that I have in the past. I guess I have just grown to use it so little now, that I don't notice all the negativity that comes with it. Trust me, it isn't that the negativity has lessened. It's still there and even more than before, but I stay away from it. I basically go on Facebook to post what I need to post, and I'm gone. I don't have the app on my phone, so I'm not distracted by that. Instagram is more of the same. I post, and I'm gone, but I do take a couple of extra minutes and scroll through to see what is what. Not much negativity when it is only a picture. I rarely if ever read comments on there, so it is al about visual pleasure. Twitter, well I use that for a news source any more, so there is a ton of negativity, but once again, I rarely read the comments. It's been an ok year for me on social networks, so I will take that small victory as well.

     I do have one thing that was a highlight this weekend. I found a rather remarkable channel on YouTube. It is called The Try Channel, and it is Irish people doing different things, and it is hilarious, and fun. The first one I watched was called Irish people try Reese's peanut butter candy. I love Reese's so I gave it a watch, and loved it. I began watching as many of them as I could. I haven't seen them all yet, but I know I am well into double digits on how many I have watched. I'm going to share that Reese's one with you, not because it is the best one, but because I just wanted to introduce it to you the way I was introduced to it. One of the people featured in it is, Dermot Ward, who might look familiar to you. He played the assistant to young King Tommin in Game of Thrones, and he hates peanut butter, so it makes him trying Reeses's anything a hilarious event. Here is the video.

     I really hope that you got as much of a laugh out of that that I got. It really picked me up on this intensely crappy weekend. Have a wonderful Christmas day and peace in and goodnight.


  1. Merry Christmas. Give your mom a hug for me. Love you 😘

    1. Counterfeit SquirrelDecember 24, 2018 at 8:13 AM

      I will, and love you too.
