Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Patchwork Knight (Chapter 56)

      The trail was straight so there was no need to leave anyone behind for Sir Lionel. The caravan finally made camp after another two miles. We held to a mile behind them so that we wouldn't be seen. The caravan was  hidden by trees in an offset clearing, so we would have to sneak closer to the camp to see how they were set up for the night.

      "Pitre, you don't by chance have some trick that you haven't told us about to where you can see through trees, do you."

     "No, I do not. We are going to have to do this the old fashioned way."

     "I was expecting this, but I had to ask. You always seem to have something new that we never knew about. Ok, what do you say, you, Rolf and I go pay them a little secret visit, and see exactly what they are up to?"

      "I was hoping you would say that. I'm tired of riding on that horse. Pitre got to run back and forth. I need to stretch my legs."

     "Good on you Rolf, you will get that chance. We will sneak through the forest until we can hear them, then we will hold back until nightfall. You men, take the horses off the trail and hide in the forest as well. Stay out of sight from anyone, and most importantly, rest up and prepare for battle."

     Every man quietly walked into the forest and disappeared. It was rather impressive to see a well oiled troop move that way. We made our way to the Raiders camp with silence and speed. Not a single twig could be heard being snapped under our feet as we ran at top speed. It was long before we heard the first rumbles of a large group in front of us, but it was different than what I was expecting.

     "Can you hear that? It sound like they doubled in size."

     "Indeed it does Pitre. I don't like this, I don't like it one bit."

     "Let me sneak closer and take a look. I promise I will not engage and I will report back to you in fifteen minutes."

     "Ok Pitre, stay safe and out of sight. See what you can see, and report back as soon as you can."

     I took off like an arrow. The trees were a blur as I passed by them. The trees began to thin so I slowed down so as not to be seen. I could see the first signs of the Raiders in the form of tents. I got as close as I could and couldn't believe what I was seeing. The caravan had doubled in size. This must have been a junction point. Two caravans had joined together for their final push to the Kingdom. I could see the captive  villagers, and they were guarded by twenty Raiders. They encircled the villagers who were being held in a make shift pen. They all huddled in the center as far from any Raiders as they could get. The camp was sprawled out long the bank of a small creek that ran parallel to the trail. The clearing they were in ran the distance of the trail to the creek. and was a large area. It could have housed another two caravans. That thought started me to panic. What if more caravans were on the way? I had all the information I needed. I ran back to Sir Darius and Rolf.

     "The clearing is large and wide open with a creek on the opposite side from the trail."

     "That's good, that will give us a natural barrier to hole them in."

     "This is true, but I have bad news, and it could be worse news."

     "What is it lad, spit it out."

     "The caravan of Raiders has doubled in size, as well as the captive villagers."

     "How is this possible?"

     "There must have been another caravan waiting for them there. The clearing is large enough that it could fit another two caravans the size of the one we were following. More could be on the way."

     "That is bad, very bad, but the daylight is on our side. It is already growing dark, and if anyone is meeting them there, they won't be there until the morrow. How many Raiders would you say are in the camp?"

     "I counted twenty guarding the villagers in a make shift pen near the trail. I couldn't count the others because they were in and out of tents, but if I took a guess, it would be a hundred easily."

     "That is not good at all"

     "It's maybe not as bad as you may think. I know how they think, remember I was one of them. They set the villagers up by the trail, so that they men that are guarding them, can also guard the trail. They will have no other guards throughout the camp. If we can take them out quickly and quietly, we will be able to run through the camp without much problem."

     "Are you sure of this Rolf?"

     "Absolutely, what Pitre described is how we would always set up camp since I was first taken by the Raiders. They don't change in their ways, because no one ever tries to attack a Raider camp. Well, almost no one."

     Rolf nodded in my direction with his final words.

     "The truth has never been spoken more. Let's get all the men gather here, and set our plan of attack. Pitre, will you do the honors of getting the men."

     "I will."

     I ran back to the where the men entered the forest and told them the lose plan that we had, and that we would learn more when we arrived. We left the horses tied up to trees, but near the creek that I knew was now there so that they could water, and began marching through the forest. We arrived as the sun fell beneath the horizon.

     "Where is Rolf?"

     " I sent him to take a look at the camp to see if it was as he remembered, he should be back shortly."

     As if he heard his name being spoken, Rolf came through the trees.

     "It is as I thought it would be, and no others have arrived from what Pitre reported. The camp is spread out a little more than usual, but that is probably because of all the room that they have available to them."

     "That could cause some trouble for us. The ones in the back will defiantly know we are coming."

     "What if we divide our forces and meet in the middle?"

     "What do you have in mind Pitre?"

     "If most of the men attack the guards at the pen, while at the same time what remains of us attack from the creek, we could cause panic and chaos?"

     "That isn't a bad plan, but there are only fifteen of us. We are already outnumbered by the guards at the pen. It will be difficult to take them out quietly with all of us on hand. If we had more men, this plan would be flawless."

     "I know it seems like we are outnumbered, remember who we are. We are Target Knights. There is no army that can stand against us, no matter the size. All of you can handle the guards without raising the alarm. I will sneak around to the creek and attack from there and delay them from getting to you before the villagers are safe from harm."

     "Whoa Pitre, that can't happen. You cannot go on your own to face a hundred men while we free the villagers."

     "I don't expect to be alone the whole time. I was hoping that you mighty Knights would come to my rescue from the rear."

     "I don't want you to go by yourself."

     "I will be fine. You should all spread out and hit the pen from three different sides. That will enhance your odds of getting rid of the guards with out sounding the alarm. I will give you time to get in position and then I will start my attack from the creek. That will be the signal to attack the guard. They won't see what hit them."

     "It is a good plan, but this only works if you have another 15 men with you Pitre."

     "What is it that the Targen Knights say about their worth? Each Knight is worth 50 Raiders, right? So I will be taking my chances with one hundred, but I won't be doing it for long. In a matter of minutes I should have the support of five hundred men."

     "Pitre, I hate you and I love you. This is crazy, but I can't argue with what you say. Ok, here is the plan. All of us will split into three groups. One will attack from theses woods that we now stand in. The others, a group of four to the woods opposite the clearing and another group of five to the woods directly across the clearing. I don't believe I am saying this, but when Pitre raises the alarm by attacking by himself, we will attack the guards at the pen. When the guards have fallen the group of four will see to the safety of the villagers, and lead them away from the fray. The remaining two groups will attack from the rear fo the hourde that is attacking Pitre. We will hopefully all meet in the middle."

     "I will give you time to get in position before my attack. I will make sure that you know when it is taking place."

     "I don't doubt that at all. Sir Gorin, I want you to lead the group of four that will protect the villagers."

     "Yes sir, once everyone is to safety, am I allowed to join the scrum?"

     "Only if you are absolutely sure that the villages are safe from harm."

     "I will see to it. Sir Lionel, you are with me."

     I watched as Sir Gorin chose two more men to be the group across from the trail. Rolf was directed to lead the group on the other side and Sir Darius selected the remaining men for him.

     The groups were ready, and so was I. I waited about five minutes before I made my way to the creek. I entered the Euphoria, and watched as the bluish glow of the other men peaked in and out from amongst the trees. I could see the golden glow of Rolf leading his group to the other side of the clearing. The moved with speed and stealth. I looked out upon the camp and saw the light golden glow of the men that were still outside of their tents.

      The other groups were in position, and I gathered the aether from the stone, and readied myself to face one hundred Raiders. I snuck along the creek to what would be the center of the camp, and erupted with a battle cry that sounded like the roar of a lion. Chaos took hold of everyone in the camp.


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