Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Patchwork Knight (Chapter 58)

     I did not leave the side of the cart that carried Sir Darius the entire time that it took to return to the Palace. It was my home. I slept next to it, ate next to it, and walked next to it. Other Knights would come back from time to time and ask me if they could relieve me from my personally designated duty, but I wouldn't hear of it. Seeing Darius's body return safely to the Palace was my responsibility, and mine alone.

     What took only a few days at a hard gallop, took two weeks at the slow pace of the villagers. It gave me time to think over some things. I trained Rolf as much as I could while still in sight of Darius's cart, but I came to the conclusion that I would never be able to fully train Rolf. I had to leave the Target Knights and the Crystal Palace behind. It would be better if I was on my own. I couldn't see the life of another friend taken in front of me. They would only get in my way and compromise my abilities if I saw them fall in battle. I wouldn't be able to focus. I would let them all know when we reached the Palace.


     When we finally arrived at the gate I pulled Rolf aside.

     "I wanted you to hear this first."

     "What is it Pitre?"

     "I'm leaving the Palace after Sir Darius's funeral. I won't return, and I will leave alone."

     "What are you saying?"

     "I need to fight the Raiders alone. I can't watch anymore of you die."

     "You can't take the entire Mudwood on your own."

     "I will take them on one war band at a time."

     "Pitre, this is madness. We are all mourning the loss of Darius. Now is the time when we all need to come together. We need to mourn him together, and then avenge him together, Pitre."

     "I will not watch another one of you die because of my planning. I will not watch you die. I already saw it once. I don't want to see it again."

     "Pitre, life isn't that easy. We will all die one day. Darius knew this, we all know this. The only difference between us and those villagers is, that we have the choice of how we die. We do it for a cause, for all these people, for the safety of the Realm."

     "I will still fight for the Realm, I will only be doing it alone. I will be the secret invader, the quiet assassin. I will avenge Darius, Constance, my father, Arial, and all the others that I have lost, but I will do it without hinderance."

     "You will not do it alone. I told you that where you go, I go. I will not leave your side, there is no safer place."

     "You've already proven that wrong, by dying."

     "I made the mistake of not being by your side. I was leading my own little group when that happened. It will not happen again."

     "No Rolf, you will stay here and have the protection of the Targen Knights. You will become on of them soon enough. They already have enough faith and trust in you that they allowed you to lead your own group. You are already better trained then most of the newer Knights, and you will learn more fro Sir Paljin. He is an actual teacher, he can train you better than I."


     "Enough, I won't speak any more on this. It is already decided. I leave after Sir Darius's funeral. I will tell the others soon enough, so I would appreciate it if you would keep this between us for now."

     "I will, but we are not done discussing this matter."

     Rolf stared me down as if he was ready for an attack but I simply turned and walked to Darius's cart to retrieve his body. Gorin may not have wanted me to carry him the entire way back, but I would carry his body of the small pass to the Palace.

     The slow walk to most of the remainder of the day. I was the last person through the small pass that opened onto the plateau. The entirety of the caravan remained at the entrance and all separated leaving an aisle for me to walk along. I could see that Gorin had sent for the King, the Princess, and Sir Paljin, as they were standing at the end of the columns of people. All were there to pay respect to Sir Darius. I was only a instrument to move his body to his final resting place. 

     It was solemn and quiet until have way through the column of people. When I reached the half way point, people began a light chant, "All hail our savior, The Patchwork Knight." It started with a few of the villagers, then a few more, then the whole of them. I stopped where I stood and began looking around. I could see more people coming over from the Palace town. They were running and all of them were picking up the chant. I saw the appreciation in their eyes. I truly could, but I was angered by their praise. I was holding the body of their savior. I was carrying him to where he would spend eternity. He would be one with the land, but they only saw me. 


     The chant stopped abruptly, and every man and woman looked around at each other in bewilderment.

     "I hold in my hands, a man that gave his life for all of you. He paid the ultimate sacrifice for you, and you chant my name. I will not have it. I will not accept your praise, not now. This man is your true savior. He got me in line to make the plan that freed you from your imprisonment. He fought to his very end to see that you were safe from the Raiders. He lays here lifeless in my arms for you. If you would praise anyone, it should be Sir Darius."

     The crowd hung their heads in shame as I resumed my slow walk between them. It was only seconds but it felt like hours before I reached the King.

     "Your Highness, I'm sorry. It is my fault that Darius is dead."

     "First things first Pitre. I told you about your highness and what I think of it. Secondly, you are no more to blame for Darius's death than I myself am. I sent you all out there to retrieve my people. I gave the orders that you all followed, that resulted in his death. I hold all responsibility for all my people. I am the cause of Darius's death, and I will hear no more of it. As long as I rule this realm, I will always be responsible for every life with in it. Now, please take Sir Darius into the Palace. We will hold a ceremony celebrating his life before his funeral."

     I did as the King said, and took Sir Darius's body in the palace and laid him on a smooth marble slab that had been placed in the main hall. As I walked through the door. I could hear the King giving a proclamation.

     "My people, we have lost one of our boldest warriors, and in his honor we will celebrate his life. I would hope that each of you would find the time to come into the palace and pay your final respects to this great Knight of the Targen Realm. May Sir Darius always be in your thoughts as one of your saviors. We will honor him in a way that they Realm has never seen. FOR SIR DARIUS!"


     The crowd continued the chant until the King had turned and walked into the palace. The crowd lingered near the palace doors. I began to hear people speaking his name and telling stories that they had heard or experienced about him. I was so proud of the King and the way he handled a moment that I let my rage and anger get the better of me. I see that now, but at the time, I was clouded by the loss of my friend.

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