Sunday, December 2, 2018

Um, My Brain Hurts, So This Is The Title You Get

     It has been a fulfilling weekend. It started Friday with that little photoshoot I told you about, and we got a lot of great pictures. You will see them on Instagram if you go and follow @CounterfeitSquirrelPhotos. Did you actually think I was going to show you them here? I got a page to build.

     I do have one picture to share with you. I took a picture of a really cool Mustang a few weeks ago, and wanted to do something fun with it. This wasn't the plan, but an opportunity arose, so I grabbed it. It all started when I got home from Orlando and saw that the stars were out, so I got the camera out, to test getting some nightscapes. It was the backyard in a well lit neighborhood, so I wasn't expecting much, but I actually got a pretty cool shot, so I decided to put this Mustang in space, because it's out of this world. See what I did there?

     This was all for fun, and to practice using Layers in Photoshop. I'm going to start learning more stuff, but it is always good to test my memory on the things I do know, and this is a result of that testing. I'm planning on going to a location that is much more lacking in lights and should offer me a good chance to get some real nightscapes, that will be used in future photos, for now, this will do though.

     I mentioned that I went to Orlando yesterday. It was to attend a party with Elie. It was in this super nice house, and the guy had some really cool custom motorcycles. One of which is a bike that I never thought I would see in person. I didn't take any picture to be respectful, but these bikes were super cool. They were both cruisers, but between the two of them there was probably about $100 grand worth of bikes. It was the first party I ever went to that had a live singer. Professional bartenders serving, and enough food to feed a small army. It was impressive, and definitely out of my comfort zone. Fortunately, Elie and I are on the same page about crowded areas, and we put in our appearance and then quietly said an Irish goodbye. For those of you that don't know, and Irish goodbye is sneaking out unnoticed.

     Today I spent all day working on the photos from Friday. From right after breakfast till about 3:30 this afternoon. My brain began to hurt, but I got them all done, and I only had about 25 pictures or so to do. It is nothing crazy, but I'm still learning things, and I like to learn by trail and error, so It probably took longer than it should have. I did learn a lot of things, and one of the tools in Lightroom that was destroying me, I am now a master of. It is a fun experience learning all this stuff, and it is only going to make my photos better. I had a few that I didn't have to do much to, but others, I tweaked and manipulated to come up with some really cool images. Ok, I will share one with you, only because it is super cool and it is using those ghost images that I told you about last week. We create this image with the flash, and a strobe flashlight. It worked out really well.

     I titled it Faerie Sunset. I find it to be haunting and supernatural. The fact that she is never truly in focus just adds to that effect. I am looking forward to getting these picture to her to find out what she thinks of them. I'm pretty proud of them myself, so I hope she likes them.

     Well, that is it for me. I need to go let my brain melt. I'm going to get the pictures to her tomorrow with the original untouched photos as well. That is so she can edit them herself or have someone else that has more skill take a shot at them if she wants. That being said, if anyone wants to try out modeling, just send me a note, and we will talk it over. I'm not looking for any specific body type, or gender or anything like that. I just wasn't a relaxed natural look that seems like comfortable every day. I have tons of ideas, and would love to see them come out of my head and on display for you, but only on Instagram.

     Oh wait, I got one more thing for you. I made a video, and you get to watch it right here.

    Ok, that is officially it. Peace in and goodnight.

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