Wednesday, December 19, 2018

I'm Late, How Can I Make It Up To You

     Ok ok ok, I'm late I know it. I was so caught up in doing other things, that I completely forgot that it was Tuesday and that I needed to write a post. I actually realized it very early this morning, but sleep was much stronger in my mind than writing at that time.

     The job hunt is well, it's going. I have applied to a few more places with no luck so far. I'm still not allowing myself to panic yet, as I have enough money for a couple more months, but in a month, I may allow myself to begin the panicking. Turns out, looking for a job sucks. I have avoided going to people that I know for the reason that I don't like abusing relationships. If I don't ask for anything I won't be disappointed, and they don't fell obligated to help. I wonder if I will get to the point that I will get over that. Only time will tell.

     On to all the things I was doing yesterday that kept me from writing this post. Yesterday was  TPR day. We went to a place that has only been open for 3 months, and they do it the traditional way. By traditional, I mean exactly like they do it in Napoli, which is the true birth place of pizza. The owners are all from Italy, and have their ingredients shipped in from Salerno. That is an area that is known for it's tomatoes, and let me tell you, those tomatoes made a difference in that sauce. I know, this is starting to sound like a TPR review, but I won't go any further with this part of the day.

    I of course had to put together the video yesterday, which took a couple of hours, and I like the way it came out, but I have a ton of issues with the way I shot it. We did a have a catastrophe when the camera fell from the mount just before we were beginning to film. We had to pull into a parking lot and reset everything, and when I did that, I didn't pay enough attention to the view that was being shot, and there is a weird angular thing going on. It's probably not all that noticeable to anyone else, but I see it, and it is very distracting to me. Now that I have told you about it, it will probably be distracting to you as well. The good news, is, that this will not go up until January 10th, so there is plenty of time for you to forget all about it.

     After getting the video done and uploaded to YouTube, I took a short drive to that parking lot where I did my last Saki photoshoot, with the model Snow. I wanted to see just want kind of night shots I could get out there. I was hoping that it would be rather dark. There was light from the FPL plant but it wasn't anything too bad, and nothing like a city center that lights up the entire night sky and pollutes the sky so that you can't see stars. I took hundreds of pictures last night, but only 1 or 2 of them will end up on the CSP Instagram. I can share a couple of them with you though, so there they are.

     This is the main reason for why I forgot to write last night. I was busy processing these photos, and got all caught up in the moment of it all. These are all ok, but the two that I have for the CSP are a step up. One of them I didn't even realize what I had until I got home and began working on it. I could see in my view screen what the image was, and I knew I liked it, but once I blew it up to a size that I could begin altering it, it blew my mind, what was visible in the photo. I will probably post that one later today. I even left an imperfection in it because it looks so cool. There was a plane flying by when I took the picture, and since it is a long exposure, there is a dotted line going across the sky. It looks really cool. Yeah, I'm definitely posting that one today.

     I also gave a little lighting lesson to my buddy. He fancies himself a photographer, but he is rather abysmal at lighting photoshoots. He is one of those people who have always thought that lighting is about lighting something up, and the brighter the better. That is very much not true. Lighting should accentuate a scene, and not become the focus of it. I showed him how to use his camera with different settings based on the lighting and how if you can't change the lighting you need to change you settings. This is another benefit to shooting in manual. I also showed him different levels of lighting and how less is more when it comes to lighting people and objects. I really hope he can retain this information. It will save him a ton of frustration in the future.

     I'm planning a new photoshoot, and I only have the basis for the idea. The model is on board for it, I just have to get more detailed images in my mind of what it should be. It is kind of like a mental storyboard if you will. I see several blurred shots in my head, but nothing is standing out yet. I need at least one defined image in my head before I can begin the shoot. I need that storytelling shot, which reminds me. I do have something to tell you about the last shoot that I did.

     On Monday I posted one of the images from the train track shoot, and it was one of the images that I had fully formed in my head even before going out there. This was the storytelling shot. I had two distinct ones for that shoot. I have yet to post the other one. This was also one of the three favorite shots of the shoot, and was only beat out by the one I chose as favorite because of the "power" that was in the image that I posted last Wednesday. Anyway, I'm going to share the storytelling shot here right now and then tell you a little about what happened after I posted it.

     That is the shot I saw in my head. There is more that I plan on doing with this image, but that can come later, and it will be more artistic impression than capturing a moment that I saw in my head and all that comes with it. As you probably know by now, that is Elie Wolf in the shot. She is one of my dearest and longest friends, and she was fully on board for the imagery I had in my head. I told her what I wanted this photo to represent and it was pretty dark. She saw the beauty in it and was all for it. She shared this image on her Facebook page the same day that it went up. She got a comment on the post that amounted to a friend of hers asking her if she was ok and did she need to talk. I was ecstatic. I couldn't have asked for a better response than that. We created an image that told the exact story that I relayed to her. I won't tell you the story, because I want you to decide for yourself what it means, but you can guess from the persons response and my joy over that response, what I wanted to tell with this shot. This is just more proof that I am on the right track with what I'm doing. It gives me more incentive to improve and do better. Learn more, take what I learn and turn it into even better images.

     I look at that shot, and think to myself, as good as I believe that is, it can be better. I will do better. There is so much more that I have to learn, and so much more that I have to do to get better at this. I was saying to my buddy yesterday, that anyone can take a picture, but not everyone can tell a story with that picture. I'm already a storyteller in writing, and with that image above, I'm on my way to being a storyteller with photography. Peace in and good day?

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