Thursday, December 20, 2018

Watch Bodyguard

     I got some news today. I'm just going to call it news, not good news, but just news. I heard back from someone that I submitted an application and my resume to. It was a recruiter type, that finds people for other company's, but they are passing on my information for a position. I'm now waiting on hearing from that employer on when I might get an interview. The recruiter said that it would more than likely be the week after Christmas, so I have a week or so before I hear from them. I'm still going to apply other places as I see things come up, but this has potential.

     Now, to the fun stuff. I'm going to share the picture I posted on Wednesday, only because Instagram really doesn't do it justice. The image is so small on there, that a lot of the detail is lost. I want you to blow the image up to full size so that you can really see what is going on with it. There is a whole star field in there that is lost on such a small media platform.

     If you look to the upper right hand side, you can see the trail of dots that was a plane flying by as the shutter was open. If you can blow it up big enough, you will see that it is actually two side by side dots trailing along. I was floored when I saw that. That is a key example of things just lining up the right way. Once again, I got very lucky with a photo I was taking.

     I'm starting to see some images in my head for the skateboard photoshoot that I plan on doing. They are all based on a specific area, so I have to go by there and see if it is possible to do. We will have to have a place to park our cars, so that they won't interfere with traffic or anyones property. I'm not sure if that is possible there, but I plan on riding up and down the road and see what works and what doesn't. I'll find the right spot, and then everything should start falling into place. This is going to be another fun shoot.

    I began watching a new series on Netflix, and it is really good. It's called Bodyguard, and it stars Rob Stark, other wise known as Richard Madden. He is really good in it. I'm 3 episodes in, and I really wanted to watch a fourth, but since I got so distracted on Tuesday that I failed to write this then, I didn't want to fall into another trap, and turned it off after the third one was finished, and in that third episode, something really big happened. I mean huge, but then again, the first episode starts of rather big, so this show is going to be jam packed full of big events, and I'm loving it.

     I began working on a new woodworking assignment. I decided that my new skateboard needed a hand made wall mount to hang it from. I cut out the wood to the ride dimensions, and began the long process of taking material away from it to shape it the way I want. I couldn't do any of it today, because I needed the big sander for that, and it was stormy and raining all day, and since I do all of that outside, I had to take a day off of it. I don't have any pictures of it, so I can't share that with you, but I will have a picture when it is done. I'm still working out exactly how I'm going to mount it to the wall, but I have a solid idea, I just have to make it work, and then I can play around with the design, which I have a few ideas for that as well. I just have to see if one of my ideas is possible. Well, possible with my ability. I'm sure someone could pull off what I want to do, but I'm not sure if I can do it.

     That is about all I have for you tonight. I know, it's not much, but I'm really hoping for a very non exciting weekend, to share with you on Sunday. My life has become very lame. Peace in and goodnight.

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