Sunday, May 26, 2019

There Are Options

     It has been a week since I have written anything. This week has been jam packed and left me quite  exhausted at the end of each day.  I really didn't have anything to write about either. It seems that each day is kind of the same with nothing outstanding to talk about. Since I am in maintenance on the Keto lifestyle, there isn't anything to really update there either.

     I will try to do it any way. I have maintained my weight so far. I am fluctuating between the 171 (the lowest I hit) to 175 (which was my goal weight). I have opened up my menu a little bit. A slice of toast here, a sugary snack there, but for the most part I have kept eating along the same lines that got me to this low weight, and the OMAD (One Meal A Day) way of eating. Even though my weight is bouncing in that small range, I have noticed that my body is getting more defined. I'm not seeing any bloating or water weight being added, but more fat being stripped off. I have thought about doing another full days of strict Keto like I was doing and seeing if I could set a new goal of getting to 165, but I'm not sure if I want to take my weight that low. Notice I said take, not try to get my weight that low. I'm pretty sure that if I kept going on a strict high fat, moderate protein, and low carb diet, I would hit 165 if a matter of weeks. I have no doubt about it, but I feel and look pretty good at the weight I'm at, so I see no real need other than curiosity, to do it. Now is all about getting that shredded definition that I have always wanted, and I'm well on my way to that. So what I'm saying is, that the new goal is a low body fat content, not not basing anything on any particular weight. I got rid of the majority of my body fat, and now it is time to just fine tune and then start maintaining that.

     Oh, I did hear about and find some new snacking options for me that are either Keto friendly or vegan friendly. I was told about Nada Moo's ice cream, which is a vegan ice cream that uses no animal products, and it is quite tasty. My one problem is that it has a coconut flavor to it, and the sugar content is a little high. They use coconut milk as a substitute for the normal milk, and it has a creamy very ice cream like texture. The second one I found is called Rebel, which is a Keto ice cream. High fat, low carbs. They use cream for their base, and it's good, but it tastes more like frozen whipped cream as opposed to ice cream. In both cases, they are delicious tasting ice creamyesque treats that I can indulge in without breaking to far away from Keto. I won't have it every day, and these two pints that I got will last me a few weeks probably, so it is all good.

     I also tried a vegan mayonnaise last night on my Kobe beef patties, and it was remarkable. This gives me another fat source that is also animal friendly. It is made by Helmann's and if someone gave it to me and didn't tell me that it was a plant based mayo, I wouldn't know that it was any different. That brings up something I saw to day while grocery shopping. I told you about the avocado oil butter that I have been using, that also tastes exactly like the real thing. I saw an avocado oil mayonnaise that was made by Kraft. I thought, "good" another option. I picked up the container and checked the ingredients, the fourth one on the list, was eggs. That isn't animal friendly, and is a little misleading for Kraft to do. Granted it didn't say that it was a vegan mayonnaise, but by putting Avocado in big letters on it, it would lead you to believe that it was. The lesson here is, always read the ingredients, so that you know exactly what you are eating.

     Speaking of ingredients and food in general. I was talking with a friend about why I think anyone can do what I did, as long as you are determined. I was a person that got the vast majority of my calories from snacks, whether it be sugary candy bars, ice cream, or carb loaded chips, popcorn, or what not. It was truly an addiction of some sort, and I was able to get rid of it, and not even really want it anymore, due to finding other options. Quest Nutrition was a big part in that. They have their Quest bars, which I love, that gives me that candy bar like option, and they also have their chips, that I'm really liking. They aren't as good as real chips, and they do have a little bit of an after taste, but they give me a crunchy texture that I have been missing on Keto. I think that is what I really missed from chips, that crunch. I don't need the carbs from them, but that crunch is so satisfying, and these protein packed chips give me what I need.

     What I'm saying with all of this is, that you can do anything if you set your mind to it. There are other ways of doing things out there, especially when it comes to eating. I can see myself going to a more plant based diet in the future, and I know that it's possible. Right now, with Keto I'm sticking with what I know, but I am looking for those big fatty protein substitutes, and once I have the knowledge of what is out there, and what tastes good, I can see myself going vegetarian or even possible vegan. That will be something that I've always wanted to do, but didn't know how, or believe that I could ever do. I was limiting my scope of possibility. That is the biggest lesson I have learned from going Keto, is that possibilities are endless. Oh and yes, even if I go vegan I will still maintain a Keto based diet. there are vegan Keto options out there. I just have to do more research on how to do it properly, and once I have that information, I will be in. I've already substituted my protein powders that where milk and whey based to pea protein, which is a slower and fully digestible protein where milk and whey are not. Like I said, there are options, you just have to look for them, and I'm looking. Peace in and goodnight.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

I Hit Goal

     The title gives away what this will mostly be about, but it doesn't tell the whole story. It's early on Game of Throne day, and I figure I'll knock this out so that I don't even have a reason to give any accidental spoilers by writing after I watch the final episode.

     I hit my goal. If you remember, goal was 175 pounds, but I didn't just hit it, I blew passed it. I weighed in yesterday morning at 171. I lost 4 pounds over the last week. I've decided that I won't change much about the way I'm currently eating, with the exception of adding additional vegetables, and I may allow myself some rice and potatoes from time to time. I will still introduce them all slowly to see how my body reacts to each one, but they will be added in for the idea of maintaining my current weight while working on still dropping fat so that I get completely shredded. I'm not there yet, but the goal is now changed.

     That's the way goals are supposed to work. They should only be stepping stones, and not platforms. Your goals should be something that you believe are unattainable. That is what my first goal was to me. I never thought I would actually hit 175. I didn't think my body structure would allow it. I truly figured that 185 was the best I would ever do, but I set what I believed was an unattainable goal, and then I destroyed it. That is how things go from being good to amazing. It also shows that the extraordinary can happen if you only put the effort in and work hard for it. You can reach any goal you set, even those unattainable ones if you simply put single minded focus on it.

     Friday I was told twice that I was skinny. In my head and eyes, I don't feel that term yet fits, but I'll accept it. The first one said I needed to go home and eat a meal. The second was a friend of mine. To be honest, not many people that I actually know have actually seen what I look like in person, so she was a little shocked, and that was her word not mine. She had seen me through Marco Polo, which is kind of a FaceTime type of app, but you record a message and send it on, instead of talk live to each other, but as we all know, the camera doesn't show the truth of what you can see with your naked eye. I believe that last time I saw her was before I even started Keto, and I was at the very least 196 pounds, so no matter what she knew about how much weight I lost, the last imagine in her head of me, was at that weight, so that is where her perception was when I opened the door and she saw me for the first time in my new and long lasting body. I'm not gaining that weight back. I may increase my weight, but it will be muscle and not fat and inflammation. I say inflammation because of one of the people I follow that has given me information on how to do this properly, and that is Thomas DeLauer. His videos not only tell you great ways to do Keto right, but he actually breaks down the science of it, and when you start to look at it that way, you start to see differently what fat really is, and it is an inflammation of the fat cells, once you can get that inflammation down but simply changing things in your diet, you will see some major changes. Remember though, I've said this several times before, you need to find what works for you. Just because Keto has worked outstandingly for me, doesn't mean that it will work for you. That is the other good thing about Thomas DeLauer. He was nearly 300 pounds when he started Keto. It worked for him as well, but what he does on his YouTube channel, is he will find out these different diet trends and he will test each one out for two weeks, to see exactly what it does to his body, so that he can give you a first hand experience and insight to them. Right now he is doing the Carnivore diet for two weeks to see the results and how he feels after those two weeks.

     If you are looking for ways to change your life, I suggest you look up his YouTube channel. It was that same friend that was shocked by my current appearance that introduced me to him, and I am thankful beyond words to this day for that introduction. It took an idea and put information and science behind it that I could understand and turned it into success.

     Another change has come to me from all of this. I moved up garbage day to yesterday since I had to do a TPR video. I figured since I was going to ruin my day by eating pizza, I may as well just get it all under the bus. It went as I thought, which an exception. While eating the pizza I began to get jittery. That is exactly how I felt when I had an overload of dough from that burger I had the last garbage day. That is why I will keep my bread consumption to a minimum. My body doesn't react well to it. I then went home and decided to have my crazy sugar filled snack. I had a bag of Doritos, a Snickers Creamy Peanut Butter bar, and a Pepsi with Lime. The Pepsi was fine, but I could only finish half the Doritos and Snickers bar. The Doritos started burning my mouth, and the Snickers bar just didn't taste good to me anymore. It seems my flavor pallet has changed quite a bit and those sugary treats and chip snacks that I used to love so much are not undesirable to me now. That means the whole idea of a garbage day is going to change once again, and I will bring it to an actual sugary soda once a week and maybe I might throw in a candy bar at that time or not. That is going to be it for me from now on. Once you change the way you enjoy food, you won't want to go back to that terrible way you were eating. I'm truly done with it, and that is how I'm going to maintain this weight and get that shredded body that I've wanted for so long.

     Dreams do come true, but it takes some work on your part to make it happen. Before I leave I wanted to tell you about a movie I watched last night. It was on Netflix and it was called See You Yesterday. It was from Spike Lee and it is about two high school kids that crack the code to time travel. It was really good and worth a watch. They even do a nod to the greatest time travel series of movies of all time, Back to the Future. Yes, Michael J Fox is in it, and he is fantastic in the small cameo role that he has, so go on Netflix and give it a watch, your going to like it. Peace in and goodnight.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A Legend Is Gone

     I finally got my van. It felt good to finally put my tools and most of my things in there, so that I don't have to move them back and forth anymore. I still need those proprietary tools to be able to fully do my job, but I've been assured that they are on the way. I guess we will wait and see about that.

     The schedule this week is very odd for me. I'm listed as being on for Saturday, but there is no job for me to do. I have no idea what that means. I'm hoping that the mid-week update will fill in that gap and tell me what I'm doing, so I know how to plan for Saturday. I originally made an appointed to have my car serviced, but I'm going to have to reschedule that, and I would love to do it sooner rather than later. This is another I guess we will wait and see moments.

     I honestly don't have much for you today. There is no Keto update. I will measure my ketone levels tomorrow when I get home, and the next weigh in is on Saturday. The more important thing is, that I feel good and feel that I'm looking better. What that means in a general sense is up for debate. I guess I look more human, instead of a blob. So that's a plus.

     Favorite Song of the Week is from a band I'm sure you will know, since I have featured them here several times. They are non other than Twenty One Pilots, and this song is one that struck me since day one of the release of Trench. This song hits home in so many ways with the way I feel about my own depression and suicidal tendencies. Tyler writes into words what so many don't have an ability to say. I've said something very similar right here in this blog, and I've done it many times. It's always good to get a fresh voice that explains it all in a different way. Listen to the lyrics, and learn from what he is saying. You will see that I have spoke very similarly in the past, and it is a true feeling from someone that goes through depression and suicidal thoughts. Here is Twenty One Pilots with "Neon Gravestones".

     That final verse gets me every time. If you didn't click on the video, please go back and click on it and do as I asked. Listen and learn.

     I can't let this post end without the mention of Tim Conway. He was the funny man that brought life to so many unique characters. I've talked of my love for Carol Burnett, and her show. Tim Conway was one of the people on that show and he was truly amazing. They all had goals on that show to make each other break (cause to laugh during the skit). No one accomplished that feat more than Tim Conway. He would create elaborate plans that he would hold secret until they came together on the live taping. He brought smiles to so many people faces with his humor. One of the first movies I remember seeing, was with Tim Conway and one of the other great funny men of that time. It was called The Apple Dumpling Gang. It was set in the old west with Tim and Don fumbling their way through the film and it was a laugh riot. I only saw it the one time, because it wasn't very well received, so it never plays anywhere, but when I find it, I will watch it again and relive those laughs that I remember so long ago. Tim Conway is spiraling to the ether, but he is stopping to make someone laugh on the way there. It's what he does. Peace in and goodnight.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

It's All About The Food

     Let's get this started and over with, so that I can relax and wait on laundry to be done. I'll start with a Keto update, and quite frankly this is mostly going to be about food. I weighed in yesterday, and I hit 175.5 lbs. Technically you could say that I hit my goal since I'm in the 175 range, but I don't see it that way. I have to hit 175 for it to be official. Then and only then can I say I hit my goal, so I still have a half a pound to go.

     I have been always wanting to make changes in the way that I eat, and making moral changes in the way that I eat as well. Going Keto and OMAD (One Meal A Day) has been a big step in that final goal. Before I started all of this, I thought it would be impossible for me to go more vegetarian and even possibly vegan. I have been slowly making choices in what I buy that gives me a chance to move from so called "normal" eating to a more plant based eating. Today I bought a vegan cheese from a company called Daiya. I tried it side by side with real cheese, and flavor wise I could not tell the difference. The only thing that would give it away, was the melt point. The Daiya cheese melted at a much higher temperature, so you didn't get that creamy coverage that you got from normal cheese. I also went for a butter substitute as well. The butter is from a company called Pure Blends, and they have two options. You can go with a coconut oil based butter, or the one I chose, which is avocado based. I don't have a taste for coconut, so even if there is a thought that that flavor will shine through, I won't eat it. Anyway, the avocado based butter is fantastic, and tastes just like real butter. It is softer than normal butter, which is a giant plus in my book. Ever have to butter toast and the butter rips it to shreds because it's not melting? You won't have that problem with this avocado oil based butter. I still have to check fat content from that butter versus real butter, since I'm still keeping my fat intake high. Once I hit my goal weight and begin maintaining my weight and still regaling what I eat, I will be going away from the grass fed butter I have been using and staying strictly with this new plant based butter. I will be doing the same with the cheese as well.

     Before you even ask, yes you can do Keto on a plant based diet. It's just not as easy. I don't know if I will ever be able to go fully plant based, but I'm definitely moving towards a more plant based diet. I've said it before, but my body is changing, and I am feeling great eating the way that I am. If you need a recommendation on wether you should change your eating habits, let me be the first to give you one. Do it, and don't wait. Find one that works with you and your lifestyle, and try it for 28 days. If it doesn't work the way you want it to, tweak it until it does, but stick with the basics of what you chose. Keto works for me, and it works very well, I have lost 20.5 pounds so far on Keto, and 34.5 pounds over all, since my heaviest.  If I can do it, you can do it as well, but you will have to make sacrifices. When it comes down to it, how much do you really want that candy bar? If the answer is; more than feeling better overall, then have that candy bar. So far, I haven't given that answer, and I don't think I will again. Yes, I'm still going to have my garbage day (snack day, not a full meal), and I will have that candy bar, but I already know that it's going to cost me, and that cost will more than likely be me felling terrible for a few hours. Sugar definitely has an affect on me that I didn't realize was there when I was eating the old way. It was always a part of my diet, so the miserable feeling that I had was something I didn't know I was living with. I know now, and I don't like that feeling, but I will use it as a reminder of how I used to feel all the time, so that I don't feel that way again.

     Let's cover a comment, since Blogger won't let me comment on my own comments. The van that was the temp van was one that had been in the parking lot for some time. The NY van still hasn't made it to Florida yet. I also found out a little more information about how the fan ended up in that shape. Since it was parked in the lot for a long time, someone came by and cut the filler line to syphon gas directly out of the tank. Thieves are crazy little buggers. I have been told that the new van should be here this week, but as you know, I'm not expecting it to actually be here. I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

     One last thing before I go. I actually don't remember how long it has been since I've been on Facebook. I don't miss it, but I guess I will have to go back on soon. If you haven't spent a prolonged time off of Facebook, one of the things they do to try and get you back is, to send you email telling you what you are missing. So and so commented on so and so's post. So and so posted a new picture. So and so made a new post. I don't bother to read any of these emails, The ones I do read, are the ones that tell me how the TPR page is doing. It gives me numbers on interaction, visits, and likes. I got the latest weekly update, and was astonished at how low the numbers were. That can only mean one thing. My partner has neglected his duty of positing on a daily basis to keep the followers engaged. I knew that this was coming. He was slowly taking more and more days off. The original agreement was that he was to come up with a daily post. That quickly became I take Tuesdays off. Then it was Tuesdays and Wednesdays off. Last time I was actually on there, it seemed like he took Monday through Thursday off. I left it all to him to see if he could succeed. It seems that he is failing again. Remember that page is the reason I went back on Facebook. He wasn't interacting with the followers and he wasn't growing the page. History has a habit of repeating itself when those who experience don't learn from it. So, in summary. I will probably be back on Facebook soon to take control of the page again to get it going in the right direction again. This is more work that I don't need on my plate. I have long enough days as it is. We still need to get out and film the third episode of the new season, but he had to work yesterday, and he wants to do it this evening, and that just isn't going to happen. I have things that I have to get done on Sundays, so we are going to have to do it sometime in the next two weeks. Episode 2 of season 2 goes live on Thursday, so we have a full two weeks from Thursday to have it done. I saw this coming, and told him of my availability before my schedule got real hectic, but he didn't take advantage of it. This is not how successful people act. Learn from this, always seize the opportunities that are given to you. If you let them pass you by, you will never move forward.

     I'm out of this so that I can wash my clothes and wait for them to dry. Peace in and goodnight.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Sometimes Your Problems Aren't So Big

     Today started out as one of the most miserable days on record. I was having minor panic attacks as soon as I woke up, and it was stressing me out in a big way. The drive to work was long and gave me way too much time to overthink things, which was causing me more stress. I got to work are found out that the job that was on the schedule for today, had finally come through, and since I had no idea if it was going to happen or not, that caused me more stress. I stopped on my way to the shop and got gas, to fill up the beater van that had been left for me to use. Oh, did I mention that beater van before. It's a pile of garbage that may or may not work at any given time, and I was supposed to drive it once it had fuel in it. It has a broken fuel gauge, so no one knew that it was truly out of gas. I went to put the 3 gallons of fuel that I bought in the van and it came pouring out from underneath. I panicked. I laid on the ground and looked to see what was gone, and the filler pipe was connected to nothing. More stress. I had to load up the small vehicle that we have to do my job today, more stress.

     I finally got in the small vehicle and the seat was stuck all the way back, which meant that I had to stretch to reach the peddles. It sucked, and caused more stress.

      Things began to change about half way to St. Cloud, that is where I was working today. The seat finally moved forward and I could finally start to relax a little. I got to the house, and had a little trouble getting into the yard to get started. I talked to the woman at the house, and she was very nice. She explained to me, that about two weeks ago, they had a kitchen fire, and that things were a disaster in the house, but she wanted me to do the job anyway. I went in, and one of the things that was specific in my paperwork hadn't been done. I talked to the woman, and we worked out a plane, where I would take care of the problem, and then get started on my job.

     The job went rather smooth. The woman came into check up on the progress, and I was just finishing up. She was blown away at how it looked (not patting myself on the back, those were her own words). She asked me about the extra thing that I did, and mentioned that my company had told her that there was a very sizable charge for doing it. I told her not to worry about it. I wasn't even going to mention that it was done. She couldn't believe what I was saying. I reassured her that it was all done and never had to be mentioned. Before any of you go to the gutter, it was physical labor that was supposed to be done in preparation for me to do my job. Anyway, she told me that she was going to take care of me, when it was time to pay the bill. I finished up the final steps of the job and took the paperwork out to her. When I was done collecting payment, she gave me a very large tip, and when I say very large, this is one of those tips that not only make your day, but make your month. She basically gave me a normal trainee day's pay.

     It was my turn to be blown away. I asked her if she was sure, and then graciously accepted the money and told her how much I appreciated it. She told me that I hooked her up and actually saved her money, so she was glad to do it. She had a rough couple of weeks, and she was due for a shining moment, and I guess the work I did was just a little glimmer of a shining moment.

     She had told me that she was going away somewhere for the weekend and forgetting all of her troubles for a few days. I told her to just get somewhere peaceful and relax and enjoy a well deserved great weekend.

     My day started out crappy, and then I saw someone who was having a much worse day, week, two weeks, and could contend into a month. It put a little perspective on my problems, and shook me out of it. I never put my problems on anyone, and when I met her at the door, I put on my fake smile and silver lined the crap out of those grey clouds. Maybe that was the difference. Fake it until you make it, right? I think I lifted her spirits, and without her even knowing it, she lifted mine as well.

     The world rotates and always finds new ways to surprise you. This was one of those days. Have a great weekend. Peace in and goodnight.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Things Will Always Get Better

     The frustration keeps rolling. I was finally given a van. It's a temporary one and till the real one gets here. It is a hunk at best. They had to put a new battery in it, and I have to keep engine coolant in it at all times. The gas gauge is broken. I know this last one, because I was told that several times today. That didn't change the fact that it was completely out of gas. I have to go early tomorrow and buy a gas can and get some gas in it, just so that I can make it to a gas station to fill it up, and hope that it gets me to where I'm going. Chances are pretty good, that it won't.

     They have been in the process of getting a van here for three to four weeks now. It's not like they have to buy one, they are getting a replacement from New York, because one of the New York guys that came down to work for a couple of weeks, wrecked one of our vans. They should have already replaced it by now, but things seem to move pretty slow within the company when something is needed. I'll survive, but I may end up stranded on the side of the road from time to time.

     A little Keto update. Everything is going well. I'm still waiting on my official weigh in on Saturday to see if I finally hit goal, but things are going well. I am beginning to see a crack in my will power though. I want something with chocolate in it. I still have two more weeks before another garbage day (snack, not meal again). I just have to hold steady until then. I haven't broken yet, and I'm going to make sure that I don't. I have a plan and I need to stick to it. I like the way I'm eating, I like the way I feel, and I'm beginning to like the way I look. Things can only get better, if I stay with the plan. The plan is everything.

     As you may know (and if you don't, I'm really surprised), I am a Swifty. For those that aren't in the know, those are Taylor Swift fans. I follow her on several social media accounts, so I've known that there was something coming, and I surmised that it was a new song, so I was thrilled. When I found out that Brand Urie of Panic! at the Disco was featured on it, I was full on excited. It is a fun and lively pop song, and it is my Favorite Song of the Week. So here is Taylor Swift ft. Brandon Urie with the brand new song "Me". Oh yeah, keep and eye out for the cameo of the Dixie Chicks.

     If you took the time to liven up your life and watch the video, you may have noticed the little kitten in it. Yes, that is Taylor's new cat. She did not have that cat until the video began shooting. It was brought in by an adoption service that was trying to get promotion for that kitten so that it would be adopted. Taylor took on look at it, and decided that it found it's furever home. Oh yeah, the kitten is named Benjamin Buttons. Great name for a very cute cat.

     I'm off to bed, so don't wait up for me. Peace in and goodnight.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Frustrating Week

    It's Sunday, and this week has been a little frustrating. I never got the van I was supposed to have for jobs. They claim one is coming, but somehow I doubt it. I showed up for work on Saturday at 6:30 and there was no one there to open the place up. I waited for an hour before I called someone to find out what was going on. I got screwed by the sales guy again, who didn't measure things properly, but I managed to overcome it. I also found out yesterday that my schedule is full of service calls again, which is why I doubt the van is coming.  No real jobs means, no real money. Trust me, I'm still getting paid fairly well for what I'm doing, but it's not as much that comes from an actual job. Hence the frustration.

     Now that that is out of the way, let's get to the good stuff, and then a little sad stuff. First the good though. I weighed in on Friday since I thought I may forget on Saturday, with having to work and all. The weigh in, wasn't as I usually would do it. I like to weigh in before I eat or drink anything so that I get my actual weight, and not have any fluids or food in my system at the time. Friday when I weighed in, I had water in my system, and although it shouldn't vary the weight very much at all, it's still varied from the true weight. Anyway, I weighed in at 176.5. That is 1.5 lbs away from my goal weight. When I started all of this, a website that calculates what you should be able to lose based on your current weight, age, and diet, said that I would only reach 182. I blew through that like it was a tissue full of holes. I will reach my goal weight, and it should happen at next Saturdays weigh in. I will of course give you the update on next Sunday.

     I actually got paid on time this pay period, but my check was slim due to all the deductions for health insurance and what not. Since I was only getting day pay and had no jobs for myself over the last two weeks, it was at the lower end of the scale for what I should make. Still, it's a good deal of money, but you get to liking having more money coming in, and you don't want that to change, but such is life. I'll get over it.

     Now for the sad part. The picture above, shows two of the most beloved characters in cinematic history. One left us a little over a year ago, and the other left us on Thursday. Peter Mayhew played the giant bear that growled known as the Wookie, Chewbacca. He was alway one of my favorite characters in the movie. I still have plans for my Star Wars leg. You already know of the Carrie Fischer/Princess Leia tattoo on my right outer calf. I don't know if I ever discussed the rest of the plan for my lower leg. Leia was first, the next is to be Mark Hamill/Luke Skywalker (my all time favorite Star Wars character, and first true hero in my life), Darth Vader was to follow (the greatest villain of all time) and the last was to be Chewbacca. I have called it my family photo with their pet Wookie. 

     Peter Mayhew wasn't just Chewbacca though. I have gotten to know I different side of him by following him on Twitter over the past several years. He loved the fans, and he loved being part of a story and movie franchise that will last generations. He was so in love with the films that he had a lightsaber cane. It is the coolest. There was a time when TSA confiscated his cane saying that it was a deadly weapon. When he tweeted about it, there was such an enormous uproar for this beloved man, that the TSA gave it back with apologies. He was one of the first ones to over a heartfelt story from the early Star Wars days about Carrie Fischer when she passed away. He was as nice as you would believe him to be, and he will be greatly missed by myself and millions of other fans across the galaxy. Peter Mayhew is making the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs as he swirls in the ether tonight. Peace in and goodnight. 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Just When You Thought

     Remember how I was supposed to get a van so that I could do my job today? That didn't happen, so I had to overstuff a small car and get that job done. It was a tough day. The customer kept bugging me and asking questions, and asking me to do extra stuff for him. It slowed me down quite a bit, but I finished at a decent time, not the time I expected, and got home at a somewhat normal time. This was the first completely solo job, for me. There was no other person working in the same house, although that was originally the plan, but it was changed a couple days ago, and the other room is being done next week.

     I'm writing this now, because the nurse that is here, will not leave. Even though the mom is now in bed and fast asleep, she still won't leave. I know what you are thinking, "just ask her to leave." Great idea, only problem is, that when I ask this particular nurse to leave, she stays until the current hour is up, and that would actually put her at the end of her shift anyway. There is no need for this, because she gets paid as if she was there all day regardless of when she leaves, so I don't know why she insists on staying.  This is the nurse that I believe does the best by my mom, but she has become very pushy and thinks she runs the house or something like that. I can't wait until that friend of the family takes over, and this nurse is out the door. It will be such a wonderful day. Only 10 more days until that happens.

     Today is of course the day that season 2 begins for the TPR. We went to East Orlando for episode one and, I have to say, it was a good way to start a season. Watch the video, give it a like for us, and maybe comment on how great it was. I had to do a lot of extra work on this one, since my partner managed to fail at taking the photo of the place, and while I was filming the intro to the place, he kept walking in front of me. Fancy editing took care of all that, and this is what we came up with.

    It feels pretty good to have season 2 up and going. The second episode is already done, and I did something a bit different for that one. I actually let my partner write the entire blog piece for it. I only corrected grammar and punctuation, so let me know what you think of it when you get a chance to read it in two weeks.

     Thanks to one of my very best friends in this world, my Saturday dilemma is solved. The friend is going to sit in for a few hours while I knock out a job and a service call across the state. My hope is that I'm home around noon, but anything can happen. I really want it to be an easy day, so that I don't have to keep her too long. It would be my worst nightmare to overshoot my goal of being home within the noon hour. She has a life and I don't want to intrude on that.

     The other bonus of her sitting in, is that my mom knows her very well, so it will seem like more of a friendly visit as opposed to someone babysitting her. I hate that this has to happen, but since everyone else that could help out, is busy, I have to rely on the generosity of my friends. I have only a few of them, but they are great ones. That includes the one that offered her time so that I could have my own. I can only hope that the people that I consider special in my life, know just that. You are all treasures to me. Treasures that I don't deserve, but am very thankful that I have. Peace in and goodnight.