Sunday, May 19, 2019

I Hit Goal

     The title gives away what this will mostly be about, but it doesn't tell the whole story. It's early on Game of Throne day, and I figure I'll knock this out so that I don't even have a reason to give any accidental spoilers by writing after I watch the final episode.

     I hit my goal. If you remember, goal was 175 pounds, but I didn't just hit it, I blew passed it. I weighed in yesterday morning at 171. I lost 4 pounds over the last week. I've decided that I won't change much about the way I'm currently eating, with the exception of adding additional vegetables, and I may allow myself some rice and potatoes from time to time. I will still introduce them all slowly to see how my body reacts to each one, but they will be added in for the idea of maintaining my current weight while working on still dropping fat so that I get completely shredded. I'm not there yet, but the goal is now changed.

     That's the way goals are supposed to work. They should only be stepping stones, and not platforms. Your goals should be something that you believe are unattainable. That is what my first goal was to me. I never thought I would actually hit 175. I didn't think my body structure would allow it. I truly figured that 185 was the best I would ever do, but I set what I believed was an unattainable goal, and then I destroyed it. That is how things go from being good to amazing. It also shows that the extraordinary can happen if you only put the effort in and work hard for it. You can reach any goal you set, even those unattainable ones if you simply put single minded focus on it.

     Friday I was told twice that I was skinny. In my head and eyes, I don't feel that term yet fits, but I'll accept it. The first one said I needed to go home and eat a meal. The second was a friend of mine. To be honest, not many people that I actually know have actually seen what I look like in person, so she was a little shocked, and that was her word not mine. She had seen me through Marco Polo, which is kind of a FaceTime type of app, but you record a message and send it on, instead of talk live to each other, but as we all know, the camera doesn't show the truth of what you can see with your naked eye. I believe that last time I saw her was before I even started Keto, and I was at the very least 196 pounds, so no matter what she knew about how much weight I lost, the last imagine in her head of me, was at that weight, so that is where her perception was when I opened the door and she saw me for the first time in my new and long lasting body. I'm not gaining that weight back. I may increase my weight, but it will be muscle and not fat and inflammation. I say inflammation because of one of the people I follow that has given me information on how to do this properly, and that is Thomas DeLauer. His videos not only tell you great ways to do Keto right, but he actually breaks down the science of it, and when you start to look at it that way, you start to see differently what fat really is, and it is an inflammation of the fat cells, once you can get that inflammation down but simply changing things in your diet, you will see some major changes. Remember though, I've said this several times before, you need to find what works for you. Just because Keto has worked outstandingly for me, doesn't mean that it will work for you. That is the other good thing about Thomas DeLauer. He was nearly 300 pounds when he started Keto. It worked for him as well, but what he does on his YouTube channel, is he will find out these different diet trends and he will test each one out for two weeks, to see exactly what it does to his body, so that he can give you a first hand experience and insight to them. Right now he is doing the Carnivore diet for two weeks to see the results and how he feels after those two weeks.

     If you are looking for ways to change your life, I suggest you look up his YouTube channel. It was that same friend that was shocked by my current appearance that introduced me to him, and I am thankful beyond words to this day for that introduction. It took an idea and put information and science behind it that I could understand and turned it into success.

     Another change has come to me from all of this. I moved up garbage day to yesterday since I had to do a TPR video. I figured since I was going to ruin my day by eating pizza, I may as well just get it all under the bus. It went as I thought, which an exception. While eating the pizza I began to get jittery. That is exactly how I felt when I had an overload of dough from that burger I had the last garbage day. That is why I will keep my bread consumption to a minimum. My body doesn't react well to it. I then went home and decided to have my crazy sugar filled snack. I had a bag of Doritos, a Snickers Creamy Peanut Butter bar, and a Pepsi with Lime. The Pepsi was fine, but I could only finish half the Doritos and Snickers bar. The Doritos started burning my mouth, and the Snickers bar just didn't taste good to me anymore. It seems my flavor pallet has changed quite a bit and those sugary treats and chip snacks that I used to love so much are not undesirable to me now. That means the whole idea of a garbage day is going to change once again, and I will bring it to an actual sugary soda once a week and maybe I might throw in a candy bar at that time or not. That is going to be it for me from now on. Once you change the way you enjoy food, you won't want to go back to that terrible way you were eating. I'm truly done with it, and that is how I'm going to maintain this weight and get that shredded body that I've wanted for so long.

     Dreams do come true, but it takes some work on your part to make it happen. Before I leave I wanted to tell you about a movie I watched last night. It was on Netflix and it was called See You Yesterday. It was from Spike Lee and it is about two high school kids that crack the code to time travel. It was really good and worth a watch. They even do a nod to the greatest time travel series of movies of all time, Back to the Future. Yes, Michael J Fox is in it, and he is fantastic in the small cameo role that he has, so go on Netflix and give it a watch, your going to like it. Peace in and goodnight.

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