Thursday, May 2, 2019

Just When You Thought

     Remember how I was supposed to get a van so that I could do my job today? That didn't happen, so I had to overstuff a small car and get that job done. It was a tough day. The customer kept bugging me and asking questions, and asking me to do extra stuff for him. It slowed me down quite a bit, but I finished at a decent time, not the time I expected, and got home at a somewhat normal time. This was the first completely solo job, for me. There was no other person working in the same house, although that was originally the plan, but it was changed a couple days ago, and the other room is being done next week.

     I'm writing this now, because the nurse that is here, will not leave. Even though the mom is now in bed and fast asleep, she still won't leave. I know what you are thinking, "just ask her to leave." Great idea, only problem is, that when I ask this particular nurse to leave, she stays until the current hour is up, and that would actually put her at the end of her shift anyway. There is no need for this, because she gets paid as if she was there all day regardless of when she leaves, so I don't know why she insists on staying.  This is the nurse that I believe does the best by my mom, but she has become very pushy and thinks she runs the house or something like that. I can't wait until that friend of the family takes over, and this nurse is out the door. It will be such a wonderful day. Only 10 more days until that happens.

     Today is of course the day that season 2 begins for the TPR. We went to East Orlando for episode one and, I have to say, it was a good way to start a season. Watch the video, give it a like for us, and maybe comment on how great it was. I had to do a lot of extra work on this one, since my partner managed to fail at taking the photo of the place, and while I was filming the intro to the place, he kept walking in front of me. Fancy editing took care of all that, and this is what we came up with.

    It feels pretty good to have season 2 up and going. The second episode is already done, and I did something a bit different for that one. I actually let my partner write the entire blog piece for it. I only corrected grammar and punctuation, so let me know what you think of it when you get a chance to read it in two weeks.

     Thanks to one of my very best friends in this world, my Saturday dilemma is solved. The friend is going to sit in for a few hours while I knock out a job and a service call across the state. My hope is that I'm home around noon, but anything can happen. I really want it to be an easy day, so that I don't have to keep her too long. It would be my worst nightmare to overshoot my goal of being home within the noon hour. She has a life and I don't want to intrude on that.

     The other bonus of her sitting in, is that my mom knows her very well, so it will seem like more of a friendly visit as opposed to someone babysitting her. I hate that this has to happen, but since everyone else that could help out, is busy, I have to rely on the generosity of my friends. I have only a few of them, but they are great ones. That includes the one that offered her time so that I could have my own. I can only hope that the people that I consider special in my life, know just that. You are all treasures to me. Treasures that I don't deserve, but am very thankful that I have. Peace in and goodnight.

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