Sunday, May 5, 2019

Frustrating Week

    It's Sunday, and this week has been a little frustrating. I never got the van I was supposed to have for jobs. They claim one is coming, but somehow I doubt it. I showed up for work on Saturday at 6:30 and there was no one there to open the place up. I waited for an hour before I called someone to find out what was going on. I got screwed by the sales guy again, who didn't measure things properly, but I managed to overcome it. I also found out yesterday that my schedule is full of service calls again, which is why I doubt the van is coming.  No real jobs means, no real money. Trust me, I'm still getting paid fairly well for what I'm doing, but it's not as much that comes from an actual job. Hence the frustration.

     Now that that is out of the way, let's get to the good stuff, and then a little sad stuff. First the good though. I weighed in on Friday since I thought I may forget on Saturday, with having to work and all. The weigh in, wasn't as I usually would do it. I like to weigh in before I eat or drink anything so that I get my actual weight, and not have any fluids or food in my system at the time. Friday when I weighed in, I had water in my system, and although it shouldn't vary the weight very much at all, it's still varied from the true weight. Anyway, I weighed in at 176.5. That is 1.5 lbs away from my goal weight. When I started all of this, a website that calculates what you should be able to lose based on your current weight, age, and diet, said that I would only reach 182. I blew through that like it was a tissue full of holes. I will reach my goal weight, and it should happen at next Saturdays weigh in. I will of course give you the update on next Sunday.

     I actually got paid on time this pay period, but my check was slim due to all the deductions for health insurance and what not. Since I was only getting day pay and had no jobs for myself over the last two weeks, it was at the lower end of the scale for what I should make. Still, it's a good deal of money, but you get to liking having more money coming in, and you don't want that to change, but such is life. I'll get over it.

     Now for the sad part. The picture above, shows two of the most beloved characters in cinematic history. One left us a little over a year ago, and the other left us on Thursday. Peter Mayhew played the giant bear that growled known as the Wookie, Chewbacca. He was alway one of my favorite characters in the movie. I still have plans for my Star Wars leg. You already know of the Carrie Fischer/Princess Leia tattoo on my right outer calf. I don't know if I ever discussed the rest of the plan for my lower leg. Leia was first, the next is to be Mark Hamill/Luke Skywalker (my all time favorite Star Wars character, and first true hero in my life), Darth Vader was to follow (the greatest villain of all time) and the last was to be Chewbacca. I have called it my family photo with their pet Wookie. 

     Peter Mayhew wasn't just Chewbacca though. I have gotten to know I different side of him by following him on Twitter over the past several years. He loved the fans, and he loved being part of a story and movie franchise that will last generations. He was so in love with the films that he had a lightsaber cane. It is the coolest. There was a time when TSA confiscated his cane saying that it was a deadly weapon. When he tweeted about it, there was such an enormous uproar for this beloved man, that the TSA gave it back with apologies. He was one of the first ones to over a heartfelt story from the early Star Wars days about Carrie Fischer when she passed away. He was as nice as you would believe him to be, and he will be greatly missed by myself and millions of other fans across the galaxy. Peter Mayhew is making the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs as he swirls in the ether tonight. Peace in and goodnight. 

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