Sunday, May 26, 2019

There Are Options

     It has been a week since I have written anything. This week has been jam packed and left me quite  exhausted at the end of each day.  I really didn't have anything to write about either. It seems that each day is kind of the same with nothing outstanding to talk about. Since I am in maintenance on the Keto lifestyle, there isn't anything to really update there either.

     I will try to do it any way. I have maintained my weight so far. I am fluctuating between the 171 (the lowest I hit) to 175 (which was my goal weight). I have opened up my menu a little bit. A slice of toast here, a sugary snack there, but for the most part I have kept eating along the same lines that got me to this low weight, and the OMAD (One Meal A Day) way of eating. Even though my weight is bouncing in that small range, I have noticed that my body is getting more defined. I'm not seeing any bloating or water weight being added, but more fat being stripped off. I have thought about doing another full days of strict Keto like I was doing and seeing if I could set a new goal of getting to 165, but I'm not sure if I want to take my weight that low. Notice I said take, not try to get my weight that low. I'm pretty sure that if I kept going on a strict high fat, moderate protein, and low carb diet, I would hit 165 if a matter of weeks. I have no doubt about it, but I feel and look pretty good at the weight I'm at, so I see no real need other than curiosity, to do it. Now is all about getting that shredded definition that I have always wanted, and I'm well on my way to that. So what I'm saying is, that the new goal is a low body fat content, not not basing anything on any particular weight. I got rid of the majority of my body fat, and now it is time to just fine tune and then start maintaining that.

     Oh, I did hear about and find some new snacking options for me that are either Keto friendly or vegan friendly. I was told about Nada Moo's ice cream, which is a vegan ice cream that uses no animal products, and it is quite tasty. My one problem is that it has a coconut flavor to it, and the sugar content is a little high. They use coconut milk as a substitute for the normal milk, and it has a creamy very ice cream like texture. The second one I found is called Rebel, which is a Keto ice cream. High fat, low carbs. They use cream for their base, and it's good, but it tastes more like frozen whipped cream as opposed to ice cream. In both cases, they are delicious tasting ice creamyesque treats that I can indulge in without breaking to far away from Keto. I won't have it every day, and these two pints that I got will last me a few weeks probably, so it is all good.

     I also tried a vegan mayonnaise last night on my Kobe beef patties, and it was remarkable. This gives me another fat source that is also animal friendly. It is made by Helmann's and if someone gave it to me and didn't tell me that it was a plant based mayo, I wouldn't know that it was any different. That brings up something I saw to day while grocery shopping. I told you about the avocado oil butter that I have been using, that also tastes exactly like the real thing. I saw an avocado oil mayonnaise that was made by Kraft. I thought, "good" another option. I picked up the container and checked the ingredients, the fourth one on the list, was eggs. That isn't animal friendly, and is a little misleading for Kraft to do. Granted it didn't say that it was a vegan mayonnaise, but by putting Avocado in big letters on it, it would lead you to believe that it was. The lesson here is, always read the ingredients, so that you know exactly what you are eating.

     Speaking of ingredients and food in general. I was talking with a friend about why I think anyone can do what I did, as long as you are determined. I was a person that got the vast majority of my calories from snacks, whether it be sugary candy bars, ice cream, or carb loaded chips, popcorn, or what not. It was truly an addiction of some sort, and I was able to get rid of it, and not even really want it anymore, due to finding other options. Quest Nutrition was a big part in that. They have their Quest bars, which I love, that gives me that candy bar like option, and they also have their chips, that I'm really liking. They aren't as good as real chips, and they do have a little bit of an after taste, but they give me a crunchy texture that I have been missing on Keto. I think that is what I really missed from chips, that crunch. I don't need the carbs from them, but that crunch is so satisfying, and these protein packed chips give me what I need.

     What I'm saying with all of this is, that you can do anything if you set your mind to it. There are other ways of doing things out there, especially when it comes to eating. I can see myself going to a more plant based diet in the future, and I know that it's possible. Right now, with Keto I'm sticking with what I know, but I am looking for those big fatty protein substitutes, and once I have the knowledge of what is out there, and what tastes good, I can see myself going vegetarian or even possible vegan. That will be something that I've always wanted to do, but didn't know how, or believe that I could ever do. I was limiting my scope of possibility. That is the biggest lesson I have learned from going Keto, is that possibilities are endless. Oh and yes, even if I go vegan I will still maintain a Keto based diet. there are vegan Keto options out there. I just have to do more research on how to do it properly, and once I have that information, I will be in. I've already substituted my protein powders that where milk and whey based to pea protein, which is a slower and fully digestible protein where milk and whey are not. Like I said, there are options, you just have to look for them, and I'm looking. Peace in and goodnight.

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