Sunday, June 2, 2019

Big Changes Are Afoot

      I have made a lot of big changes in my life in the past year, so why not one more. Unfortunately, I can't tell you about the new just yet. I can tell you about some of the outcome that should be expected from this new big change. I have been delinquent in writing on schedule lately, and that is going to change and get back to my normal schedule. I am also going to start working on some short stories to share with you and also on Medium. I haven't done anything with Medium since The Patchwork Knight finished, and I miss writing in a creative way greatly.

     Let's get off the what I can't tell you and talk about a Keto update. I did my official weigh in today since I had to work yesterday and I pulled a 172.5 lbs. Not bad for someone who is only maintaining and not trying to lose weight. That still keeps me in the range I was telling you about last week. I began hitting the gym this week. I'm keeping it very simple and body safe. I did what I call the core exercises: Squats, Deadlifts, and Bench Press. I kept the weight and the reps at a low and doable rate. I don't want to overly stress my body, while I'm getting it used to the stress that it will be under for paper weight training. The biggest mistake most people make when the start going to the gym again, is over doing it. I went in and began, within 45 minutes I was walking out the door. I kept my breaks between sets to around a minute, and my break between exercises to about 2 minutes. I focused on paper form and movement of each exercise, so that I didn't put anything out of position that could cause any undo stress on my joints. As I said, I kept the weight very low, but not so low that I wasn't getting anything out of it. I made sure that it was a weight that I could do 10 reps for 3 sets, in rapid fashion. I didn't want my body to completely recover between sets, I wanted it to be in movement. I didn't sit down between sets either, this is a habit I was in when I worked out before. I pace back and forth like a caged animal when I'm working out. I always have my body in motion. For me, it's a thought that I keep the blood flowing and not give it a chance to cool down. I want to generate heat, and heat means power. I will incorporate more exercises as I feel they are needed, for the next month though it will be those core that I'm going to do.

     I know that this blog has been centered on diet and working out a lot lately, but that is what is important in my life right now. I did sign up for another dating site, to test my luck again. I'm sure I'll be off it in a few weeks. I think I like the torture form time to time of putting myself out there with diminishing return.

     How about a mom update as well. She is doing great. We have to use the nursing service this week, but the family friend that has been staying with her during the most recent weeks is doing great. She is taking a vacation this week, so the service was necessary, but I set the hours to much less than they had been here in the past. I got to save that money some how, and that is how I'm going to do it. She has been eating well, and loving the meals I prepare for her. Best part of going Keto, is that every meal I make is super clean and healthy.

     I am hoping that I will have the information that I'm keeping from you on Tuesday. I promise to tell you everything when the time is right, it's just not right right now. I can share with you the latest video from the TPR. It went up last Thursday and I've been told that I did a great job on it. I hope you think so, and if you do, go on Youtube and click that little thumbs up button for us. Each one helps us out a lot.

     It never hurts to let me know what you thought of it right here either, but it's better if it's on YouTube. Ok, I need to start washing clothes and making dinner. There is an adventurous week ahead for me, so I better prepare for it. Peace in and goodnight.

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