Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Oh Yeah, I'm Going There

     A lot of things today, are telling me what I should write about tonight, and I will get to that, but I should update you on the bookcase wand stand.

     I did some more work on the bookcase today, and it may seem like something small, but this is one of the most time consuming and difficult part of this whole thing. It takes hours just to get the symbols etched in the way I do it. I'm sure there are easier methods of doing it, and I may even have some of the tools to do it, but I like the way it comes out when I do it this way, so it is worth the time. Here is the picture I have of what the sides look like now.

     I put a small difference in each one, so that they stand apart from one another. It was purposely done and there is a reason for it. I'm not going to tell you the difference yet, nor will I tell you why, but in due time you will hear the tale of the difference. If you can see it, then kudos to you for having a keen eye.

     I've been keeping a friend up to date on how it has all been going, an he asked me how I do it, so I took another picture that shows one of them partially completed with the Dremel next to it.

     Now that really doesn't show you how it's done, but you can get a rough idea of how I etch the whole thing out. I still have a lot to do to it, but the most difficult part is done, the second most difficult part is next, and that is wen I start drilling holes in it, for the way I put it together. This is when things can really go wrong, and I can screw the whole thing up, so I'm hoping that I nail it, and yes, no nails will be used in this one either. I should have more pictures for you on Thursday, let's just hope they are happy completed pictures and not big giant screw up pictures.

     Now, onto that subject I was talking about earlier. It all started this morning when the woman that comes to watch my mom told me a story about a cousin of hers that took a trip to Thailand, because he wanted to buy a boat and explore the world. The story didn't go well, He was a robbed and ended up in the hospital, but he took a chance and lived his life. Actually, that's not how it started, that was the second thing. I'm remembering things out of order. The first was when I dropped off my dearest of all friends at the airport, where she was taking a plane to Africa for a photo safari. The outcome of this one is days away, but she took a risk and is taking that chance to liver her life. She is on the adventure of a life time, and it is what she wanted to do, and now she is doing it. The next was when I was watching America's Got Talent. A comedian came out, who was hitting a really big stage for the first time. He had spent a good portion of his life locked up in his house, because he suffered from agoraphobia. That is the fear of crowds. He would have terror and panic attacks with even the thought of going outside. With the help of his therapist, he was able to take small steps and made it to a comedy club where he would do open mics. He made his way onto the stage at AGT and he killed it. He has a Steven Wright type of delivery, and it is bold and refreshing. He took a risk and took his chance and is living his life in a way he didn't think possible.

     What does all of this mean? It means you are about to get hit with one of those inspirational posts that tell you to go out and live your dreams. Yeah, I've said it before, and I have done it. I myself took that big leap of faith to see just what my talent could bring me. It didn't go as I had planned, but I learned so much about myself and my own capabilities. I have always said that you should learn something new every day. Well, learning something about yourself is the greatest achievement you could reach. It gives you a better understanding of who you are, and what you are capable of doing. You push yourself to new unheard of limits. Taking risks isn't about succeeding, they are about testing yourself, to see how you handle the outcome, good or bad. I think everyone should take a risk from time to time. It can be as simple as trying a new food that you would never try before. It may be something you end up loving. It can be something as difficult as quitting your job and chasing a dream. It can be what appears to be the most difficult task in the world for me to do, and that is asking someone out on a date. I'll do it again some day, I just haven't built up the strength for that one again yet.

     Even if you fail the experience you had in doing that thing is far greater then the actual failure. It isn't always about the destination, but the journey you took to get there. Don't let life pass you by while you just sit back and stay comfortable. Step out of that comfort zone and find something out about yourself. You might just find that you are a better person for the experience. Peace in and goodnight.

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