Sunday, June 16, 2019

It's A Bookcase

     Let's get the Keto update out of the way first. I dropped a pound and a half this week. I know that doesn't like much, but you have to remember, this is my second go around with going deep into Keto. I'm not really sure how much weight I have left to lose. I know body wise, it looks like I have quite a bit, I just have to get it going, but body frame wise, I don't have a whole lot of room for movement. I may have to do something to really jump start a loss, and that is why I'm not doing anything until that 3 day fast. I think that might be the big change I need to shock my body into a full on weight loss mode.

     I have been looking at the short story and putting a lot of thought into it the last two days. I have an idea, but I need the time to work on it and actually sit and write. I have been busy with the bookcase and as soon as I'm done with that, I have another woodworking project that I have to go full tilt on, but I plan on getting the story written this week so that it will be ready for a Saturday release. I will then post it on Medium the following Monday. The story has changed and the main focus has changed, but it all comes from the same twisted place in my mind. You will see it soon.

     Since I brought up the bookcase, I may as well talk about it here. I got some pictures for you.

     That first one is that idea I was telling you about. I wanted to see if I could simply stain the interior of the circle with that red stain that I have and then do the rest in a different stain. I was worried about it bleeding over into the other area, which it did, but I got super lucky. I was able to sand the small area that it bled out, and it came out way better than I thought. I then stained the whole thing with a Golden Pecan, and that second picture is after the second application of stain.

     These two are after the first and second coats of polyurethane. I had to sand it down between coats, and I have since applied a third coat, and I believe that will be the final coat. I don't have a picture of that one on purpose. I want to wait for the final reveal once it is polished up and loaded full of Harry Potter books and wands. Any guesses on what the second wand is yet? You will find out when I finally post the pictures of the completed project. I think I may just wait until the Thursday night post for those little gems. So anyone want one? I'm taking orders.

     I finally got Saki up and running and will make a video this week and have it out hopefully by Wednesday. It's been quite some time since I made a video on Saki, so I may be a bit rusty, but I'll do my best, and it will update everything since the final video I made. If you have been reading that whole time, I don't think it will be anything new to you, but You may get to see the bookcase there before you can see it here.

     That's really all I have for you except, make sure you watch the final season of Jessica Jones. It came out Friday, and I already finished it, and it's great. A really good way to end a series. There is where I thin Netflix blew it, when the cancelled all the Marvel shows because they are Disney property. I've already explained why they cancelled them, because they couldn't monetize the shows, but they really hurt the fans of these shows, because there is an agreement that those characters or shows cannot be shown anywhere else for two years. These shows have been a joy to watch, and the writing has been outstanding. I do hope that there is a future for at least some of the shows, but only time will tell on that one. Peace in and goodnight.

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