Tuesday, June 25, 2019

I'm Almost There

     The mom is back at home. It took longer than expected, and I spent a good deal of the day furious, but she is sleeping in her own bed right now. Everything is going good, and she was in good spirits before going to bed, so I expect that she will wake up feeling much better than she did in the hospital

     As I write this, I am a half hour away from 72 hours on my fast, which should be the end of it, but I'm stupid. I'm going for a full 84, which means I won't eat until tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock. This has been a trying experience, and I wondered if I would make it, but I have so far, and I will see it to the end.

     My other two friends that joined me on this adventure of a 72 hour fast, fell off and had meals. I don't blame them, there have been several times during this that I just wanted to break down and eat. My biggest test of will power came this evening. I had to make dinner for my mom, and I tried something new that popped into my head, and it smelled and looked amazing. I will be making it again this weekend, so I can try it out. It was pancetta, spinach, onions, bell peppers, and spaghetti noodles. My mom remarked at how delicious it was. I normally get a "this is really good", so I think i impressed her beyond my normal meals.

     I will have to wait and see about long term effects from this fast, but the short term are already evident. My body is looking better than it has in decades, and I feel uncommonly good. Even right now I feel pretty great. I measured my ketones at 3.3 this morning, and 3.5 around noon, I'm about to measure again, just to make sure that I'm in a safe level. Ok, just did the test, and I pulled a 4.3 with 23 minutes until the 72 hour mark. I'm still in safe levels, but they are increasing pretty fast at this point. I think I can make it to morning though. I've been told that you don't want to get into the 5.0 to 6.0 range and stay there for a long period of time, that is when you go into Ketoacidosis. I just looked it up and based on what I read I'm in danger of Ketoacidosis, but I have been drinking plenty of water, and that is one of the things that they are concerned about. I'm still going to power through and hit my 84 hour mark.

     I've changed my eating plan a bit. I still plan on breaking the fast with bone broth. Beef bone broth to be exact. I then plan on having more bone broth and yogurt about a half hour later. An hour and a half after that I'm going to have a vegan breakfast bowl, and see how it effects my stomach. If all goes well, I'm going to make a pseudo stew for lunch of chicken bone broth, green beans, spinach, onions and bell peppers. That should lead me into getting my digestive system working again at some relatively easy to digest foods. For dinner I plan on Artichokes with ground turkey. Turns out Artichokes are very good for digestion and even aid your gut bacteria. I'm going to take all the help I can get for this breaking of the fast.

     Here is what I can tell you about fasting. It sucks but so far it is rewarding. You have to work for what you want, and this is a way that I'm working towards that body that I want. The hunger pangs are real, and the will make you doubt what you are doing, but by dosing myself with salt at the right time, and making sure I took potassium and magnesium during the day. I got past the hunger, and the slight weakness from time to time. If you ever plan on doing a fast, I suggest you watch Thomas DeLauer's videos and you can always ask me for help. I will support you throughout the whole thing, and I may even jump in and join you. Just don't do it for a few months. I need a break from a long fast for now.

     I will be adding a 24-36 hour fast once a month into my lifestyle. I can already see benefits from this prolonged fast, and I'm looking forward to the long term benefits as well. I will let you know how my body responds, and give you every update that I can.

     This has truly been a journey, and I can't wait for the next one. Maybe you will join me for it when I do. Peace in and goodnight.

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