Sunday, June 30, 2019

AARGH, Wait I Already Used That Title. BALLLLZZZZZZ

     Early post today, because I need to write and get rid of my frustration. This week has sucked. Mom in the hospital and the battle of wills to get her out of there. Then the high of fostering a dog in the hopes to adopt. We are going to get into that one right now.

     That is Bronco, I was going to name him Barnaby. Yes, that is in past tense. He was a great fit with Morty, and fit in exceptionally well in the house. I was ready to call up and sign the adoption papers as soon as I got him home, but I decided to wait until Monday when the foster period was over. We had a great day, and night. around noon yesterday I got a call from the shelter. They wanted Bronco back. I was told on the phone that another person had already put in an application for foster on him, and that someone new at the front desk failed to look at those files, and he shouldn't have been available.

     I was lied too. When I got there, I asked the reason why this was happening, and was told a different story. The owner had come looking for him and he was supposed to be labeled a stray which should have put him on a "hold". That means he shouldn't have been available to the public. The story gets even deeper. The ex girlfriend of the owner was the one that turned him in as a stray. I honestly hope she gets arrested for theft. I'm not going to keep someone from their pet, but I felt very wronged in this whole thing. When I handed over the leash, I was brushed off and ignored. No thank you, apology for what was going on, or anything. When I released I was no longer part of the conversation, I patted Barnaby on the back and said good luck and then left in a huff.

     If I had known the true story from the start I wouldn't have been as mad. I was given hope that maybe Barnaby wouldn't be a fit with the foster family, and that I would be back in 72 hours to pick him up and adopt him, but that was not to be. If I had known, the truth I would have asked for the other dog that Morty had a great fit with. Since no one was willing to speak more with me, I was done with them, and the other dog is the one that truly suffers, because she could be in her furever home right now, but she is still sitting in a kennel.

     This sent me into a spiral last night. I did a good a good news call a little later on, and we will get to that in a minute, but it has a negative twist in it as well. Anyway, the spiral sent me into a feeding frenzy. I had already had my final meal of the day, and was preparing for the start of my week of 500 calories or less a day. My calorie count was good, as well as my carb count, but then that sunken feeling set in. I started with a Quest bar. That put me over my carb limit. I went for a small bowl of Macadamia nuts, that put me over my calorie count. I then went for another bowl of Macadamia nuts, then I hit the pint of So Delicious vegan Peanut Butter and Raspberry ice cream that I was saving for after my 28 days. That destroyed my carb and calorie count. I'm pretty sure I ate 3000 calories yesterday when the plan was to be at 1200. I'm sure I'm out of ketosis due to the massive influx of carbs, so I failed in my 28 days. I'm still going for my goal weight, but if I get it or not, I'm still a failure due to yesterdays weakness. I will do better in the future. I have to.

     That brings me to today. To make up for my failure of yesterday, I'm on a 36 hour fast before I start my 500 calorie or less week. It's not punishment, its a rectifying of a situation. It's putting balance to imbalance, and yes, even though I went off the rails, you may notice that I kept it rather healthy. I managed to stay away from the sweets I have in the house for garbage days, so it wasn't a complete failure.

     Now for the good thing. I finally got a call to say that my print was ready in it's custom frame. I don't know if you remember, but I ordered a very limited print from artist Emek. It came a couple of weeks ago, and I had already planned to get it framed. It took 3 weeks to get that frame done. They had a problem when the frame originally came in. It was scratched, so they had to reorder it. Then it took another week before it came in, and yesterday they finally had it done. Here comes the bad. I immediately went to pick it up, when I got there, the person who runs the framing department already went home. It was literally 20 minutes, and he could have told me he was leaving soon. I told him I was on the way. I had to wait for about another 20 minutes before someone came and had to hunt down the print. I finally got it and walked out the door into the beautiful Florida sunshine. Psych, it was raining, and in my infinite wisdom of parking away from where I'm at so that I can walk. The car was a good 75 yards away. The frame and print as at great risk of being damaged. I waited another half an hour before it slowed down enough so that I could make a fast walk to the call. The print is finally home and I hung it this morning, which was an ordeal in itself, but we won't get into that. Here is the final result though and I love it.

     I'll try to get a better picture of it at night when the skylight doesn't interfere with it, but I'm truly loving the placement and how it complete fits in in and out of place spot. What is better than Bowie and Potter.

     I'm going to turn all of this into a positive, and help that shelter fix their problem with some constructive criticism. I'm also going to go back and adopt the other dog that fit with Morty. Not giving the name yet, because I already have a great name in mind. It will be revealed when she is. Yes it is a she. I have a beautiful print that is hanging above my handmade bookcase, and I'm going to hit my goal, and maintain my Keto lifestyle. I will be the person I want to be and it will only come with hard work and perseverance. Peace in and goodnight.

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