Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Well, There It Is

     It's Tuesday night and I'm back with another post. I also have the announcement of the big change, just like I promised. Let's just dive into it. I quit my job, and today was the official last day of it. I went in early this morning to turn in the van and all the proprietary tools. Everything went really well and I left under good terms.

     Now for the why I quit. The job was simply taking too much of my time away from my mother. I was working 6 days a week and very long hours. I would see my mom in the morning before I left and then maybe see her when I got home in the evening. With her dementia getting worse, that time was shrunk to even smaller amounts of time when she actually knew who I was. I would play along each night as to who she thought I was. Some nights I would be her son, other nights, I was her brother, and yet other nights I was just the guy that worked there. Depending on what stories she would tell me, I would go along with who I was supposed to be. I have no idea how much time my mom has left, but I plan on being around for her as much as possible, and this job didn't allow for that. Saturday was a great example of why the job was getting in the way and for no reason.

     I had a service call and a job. I went to the service call first which was 2 hours from my house. When I got there, I couldn't perform the service call, because the information about the job was incomplete. I dealt with the customer and left her feeling good about the fact that the job would be done, and that it would be done right when someone came back, with all the supplies that were needed. I then went to the job site for my full job. When I got there the customer said that she had cancelled the job and that she didn't want the job to be done at all. I called the people I have to call and they told me to sit tight. That is code for, sit in the van and wait a really long time and we may remember that you called with a problem. After a half hour of just sitting there, I called back and asked if there was any news, and I was told to just call someone else and let them know of the situation before I left for the shop to unload my van and then go home. I did as I was told, and managed to get home at noon, That meant I was on the road for about 5 and a half hours for absolutely nothing, and there is a good chance that I won't be paid anything for my time, because now services were actually provided. I don't get the commission for the job, and I had to leave the service call without any work being done other then me writing notes about what the job needs to actually be done.

     The long hours and the distance away from my home location led me to the point where the money didn't matter and that the time with my mom was far more valuable to me. I will look for a job that is close by, and won't pay anywhere near as much, but in the meantime I will be writing and doing woodwork and photography. I might through a video in from time to time as well, if I can get Saki going again. The battery went dead from lack of riding, and I'm having trouble getting it charged again. It could be the battery, it could be the charger. The charger is the cheaper of the fix, but if it's not that then I wasted money, so I'm not real sure what I'm going to do to fix the problem.

     Speaking of photography, I did get some in, and here is the picture I posted on Instagram today.

     I have been wanting to get that very shot for a long time now, and I finally just went and did it. It made me realize just how much I missed being behind the camera. Yes, I take pictures when I'm doing the TPR, but it's not the same. Those photos aren't about a vision, they are about displaying what we are promoting. I want to do more model shoots, but I don't know if anyone is interested in me shooting them right now. I can ask around, but I'm going to put a call out right here. If you are interested in doing some modeling, and it doesn't matter what you look like or whether you are male or female, we can figure out a great shoot and background for you to be in. I will make you look good. That is my job as a photographer, and I won't let you down. Get in contact with me through either email, my address is at the top of this page, or if you know me personally, hit me up on my phone. Let's do this.

     I have a woodworking project in the works as well, and it's going to be a cool one. I'm not going to tell you about it just yet, and I may even wait until it is completed, but I can tell you, that it's going to be bigger and better than the book case.  I know, how can anything be bigger than a Deathly Hallows book case wand stand. Trust me, if I pull this one off, it will be. I still have my own book case wand stand in my head, but I'm not sure when I will get to that one. I am considering scraping the idea of doing the Death Eaters symbol on it, and going with the Deathly Hallows myself. I'm not firm on that yet, but I'm definitely leaning that way.

     Another new adventure begins for me, and I honestly have no idea where it's going to take me, but you'll hear about it as soon as I do. In the meantime, I'm back to the whole creative side of things, and that does make me smile. I have missed it so much. Especially the writing. Just writing this tonight is a big thing for me, and I have the first sentence to the short story written, but I feel some changes need to be made in order to get the story going where I'm seeing it in my head right now. I will post it as soon as it's ready, or maybe I'll announce it first and then set a date for it's release here, and then on Medium. I don't think I'm going to monetize it this time, so it will be free for all.

     The world is wide open once again, and I have so many places to look for inspiration. Starting new adventures in life is always a scary thing, but it is also one of the best things you can do in life. With out adversity, there is no growth, and I plan on growing. Peace in and goodnight.

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