Thursday, June 6, 2019

Join Me And Succeed

     Got me a stack of wood today. Work will begin on my own bookcase wand stand tomorrow morning.

     The only thing I am working out in my head right now, is what the outer sides going to look like. You may remember the swooping design I did for the other bookcase wand stand. I don't want to repeat that, but I still want to show movement in design. I have an idea of something, but I'm not sure it will move enough. When I say move, and movement, I mean that the shape itself conveys motion. A straight up and down box, doesn't convey movement, so you create that movement with manipulating the shape to create a flow. 

     There are a few ways you can do that. One is the way I did it with the last one. I didn't have sharp edges to create an illusion of flow. Another way is with static shape edged, or jagged points. It create an electric type of feel to it. I already know that I'm going to stay away from this one. The last way I can think of, is by using negative space. Creating openings in the material to show a flow through the wood. I'm not against this one, but I may add elements of it into whatever shape and design I finalize on. 

     I am going with the Deathly Hallows symbol on it. I know, it's a bit of a cop out but not doing the dark mark, or the Death Eaters skull and serpent. I can still practice that symbol but when it really comes down to a Harry Potter book case, nothing symbolizes that more than the Deathly Hallows. I haven't settled on a finish for it either. I may go with a clear stain to keep that natural wood tone, but I may go with that deep red I used on the other one. Oh, I forgot to tell you. I went with a cheaper hard wood. Instead of the Red Oak of the last one, I chose Poplar wood. It's quite a bit cheaper, and not quite as pretty, but it doesn't have some solid graining to it, and should look really good when it is stained. Like last time, I'll take you along for the process as I complete each step. Right now is design and cutting the wood out into basic shapes, then it is about fine-tuning those shapes into the final shapes, and then finally assembly. After all that is done, it is all about the stain and clear coat to finish it off. I do need to get a second wand for this piece, and I tried to order it today, but the site crashed. I didn't get to order it. Any guesses on what wand will be my second for this wand stand? I already have the Elder wand that Dumbledore used in the series, so what is that second wand going to be. Oh, and no fair to the one person that already knows what the other wand is. You aren't allowed to answer this one.

     I did go out for a little clothes shopping yesterday. With all the weight loss I've had recently, my clothes are literally falling off of me. I needed some new jeans, and I wanted to try some one, to see just what size I was now. When I started all of this, I was wearing a 36, and truthfully, I should have been in a 38. I choose two pair of jeans to try on of different size. One I knew I would fit in for sure, and another that I thought would be tight. I was wrong about the tight ones. I put on a pair of 32's and they fit a little loose. I bought them on the spot. I couldn't believe that I actually fit in them. I went from, let's be real here, a size 38 to a size 32. 

     That whole experience made me come to a decision, that should be a fun one. I'm going to go strict Keto again starting on Sunday. I'm going to make a push for 165 lbs. Will I hit that goal? I have no idea, but I'm going to give it everything I got. I'm also going to join a group project that one of the people I follow on YouTube is doing. I'm going to post the video he put up yesterday so you can check it out.

     That's right, I'm going to jump in on this 3 day group fast. I'm also going to ask you to join me. Only do this if you are prepared for it. What I mean by that, is do a little research and prepare your body for this type of stressful impact. I have been doing OMAD (one meal a day) and intermittent fasting for a few months now, so I'm in prime shape for this. There is also that fact that it will be right in the middle of my new 28 days of strict Keto. Fasting like this is not for the feint of heart. Thomas Delauer has several videos on how to prepare yourself, and he will be posting a video or two to prep for this challenge. This guy knows what he is talking about, and is the reason for my success. Or at least the science and knowledge that I followed for my success. Check his videos out, and if you are going to do this along with me, and Thomas, let me know. I will be there for you to support you to help see you through this. It's not going to be easy, but it is going to be so satisfying. This will start on the 23rd of June, so you have time to prepare. You can do this.

     I began working on the short story, but I'm having a little trouble with it. I haven't seen the end yet, and that is giving me no direction on where to take this, so I have been heading in what feels like a zig zag pattern to an unknowing conclusion. I need to visualize an ending so I can get a direction. The start I have probably seems good, but when I started working towards the next act, I was pulled out of the moment, because the path is unclear. This is going to be a tough one, but I'll get it, and I'll share it with you when it is done, or maybe it will be done in three parts. I like the idea of a three part story, Each act distinct from the other and released over time as opposed to all at once. Either way, it will be coming soon. With in the next two weeks, is the deadline I'm putting on it.

     I also posted another picture today on the ol' Instagram. Of all the pictures I took the other day, I only got 3 that I liked, so I need to find more photographic inspiration, so if you want to model for my lens, let me know. We can work something out. Here is that second picture.

     I'm posting this one up early tonight, because I want to get to bed early. I want to wake up and get started on the new bookcase at the crack of dawn. I'm hoping to have some photos for what its going to look like on Sunday, so look forward to those. Peace in and goodnight.

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