Sunday, June 9, 2019

It Has Begun

     I started on the bookcase, and due to rain today, I haven't done anything more than getting the wood cut, and shaped out to the basic design. I wanted to get the Deathly Hallows symbol etched in, but I just couldn't do it. I do have some pictures of the progress though. They will give you an idea of what it could look like with a little patience and some delicate hands.

     I like the progress so far, and it seems to be going a little faster than the last time. That is mostly due to much better tools, and basic knowledge of knowing what I'm doing from past experience. I already have my measurements for the Deathly Hallows symbol, which is something a sort of winged the last time. I did use measurements, but not like this time. Since this one is going to be centered at the point of the X. I got my measurements for height, width, from the center point, diameter, and all that good stuff. That should make things easy on me when I transfer the symbol onto he wood and then begin cutting it all out. If everything goes right with this, I should be done in about a week, which would be lightyears ahead of what I did last time. We will see though, things could go horribly wrong. I"m down to the part where things get hairy, because it is all about shaping and fine-tuning, and making sure that pieces fall into their proper place. There is no room for error, or mistakes, otherwise I will have to start all over from scratch, and I don't want to do that.

     Solid plans that I have for it right now are of course the Deathly Hallows symbol, I'm also going to round the top edge so that it flows from the side piece to the top. I'm going to leave the bottom squared off, because I like the way it looks, I may dull the inside edge where the books will go, but no big radius on the bottom this time. That is all for the top. I'm thinking about doing some cut out elements on the side, but I have no idea what they are yet. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get the symbol in and see what kind of room is left for some kind of patter or what not.

     Today was the first day of my 28 days of strict Keto. I did my official weigh in yesterday and I was at 175, that means I have 10 lbs to lose to hit 165, and that is the new goal. I took my before pictures this morning, and no, I'm not sharing them with you. I"m saving those for the final day. I will have them as side by side comparison of what 28 days on strict Keto can do, and trust me, there is lots of room for improvement. They make me wish I had done before photos when I started 30 lbs ago. It would have been disturbing to see what I looked like. I was disturbed by what I looked like this morning. If you ever want a hard dose of reality, just take pictures of yourself front and back in your underwear. It's not a pretty sight, and I was rathe shocked and disgusted by my appearance, but all for the sake of information, and how my body is going to change. Plus it adds content to this, that will probably make you throw up. A reaction of any kind is still a reaction right?

     The big difference this time from last time, is that I will be going to the gym as part of all of this, plus there is that 3 day fasting challenge that I'm going to do. By the way, I've only heard from one person that wants to join along for that added support of a group. What are you afraid of, you can do this, and I'll be right her to help encourage you to keep it up when you are craving that whatever your favorite food is that you aren't eating. I'll be in the same boat, but I plan wholeheartedly to see this 3 day challenge through. I may even take before and after pictures for the challenge was well, so that you can see what a difference (or lack of a difference) 3 days fasting can do for you. This is going to be a lot of fun and I'm really looking forward to it. Join me for this adventure. Either way, I'll still be writing about it, but you once again, won't see the photos until the end of the 28 days. I'll post them all on July 7th. That will be the Sunday after the 28th day, so day 29. I'll still take my final photos on day 28 though.

     I got my supply of salt in for the fasting challenge, and I've already tried it out. It's really good salt, and it came with these tiny little viles of salt that you can carry around with you anywhere. I plan on taking them with me anytime I go out from now on. If I need salt on my food, I'm using this stuff, not that iodized processed crap that they have at every restaurant. This is from Redmond, which mills it's salt from a salt mine in Utah. They do not refine it, and leave all the natural minerals in it, and it tastes better than the table salt you are using. I've been using pink Himalayan salt on everything since starting Keto, and I'm switching over to this from now on. I'll use the pink in a pinch, but this salt is really good. If you watch the video I posted on the last post, Thomas Delauer put a link in his description for that salt. It was $14.99 for a large bag a normal size shaker and 5 of the mini shakers, all are refillable from the bag. Trust me, good salt is key in fasting and Keto, and this is good salt. I should say that I'm not getting paid for or getting anything free for talking about Redmond, I just became an instant fan after tasting it for the first time a day ago.

     The big problem I'm going to have, is of course, doing the TPR while I'm doing this strict 28 days of Keto. That means I'm going to have to stick to my 2 slice rule and then only having fat and protein for the rest of the day. Way too many carbs and calories in pizza. 2 slices are around 600 calories. Let that sink in. Oh, that is for pepperoni pizza. If you have more stuff on it, of course that caloric number will go up. That number means that the rest of my day will have to consist of fatty protein coming in at another 600-700 calories. It's not easy to do. Either you get too much fat, or you get too much protein. I will figure this all out when the time comes, but it's not going to be easy.

     Alright, I'm going to go and relax and ponder more on this short story that I'm working on. I should try and write myself out of block, but I'm out of practice for that, so I need to give it some deep thought. Peace in and goodnight.


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