Thursday, June 20, 2019

Finally, The Pictures Have Arrived

     It's Thursday, and I believe I promised you pictures of the bookcase wand stand. First though, I have that video for you to watch, and you can see some of the pictures in that. It's a general update on what's been going on and what I'm currently doing. If you have read this for the past few months, then you know most of it, but it's still a good refresher. Oh, I also got Saki running again, and it was so great to be riding.

     Alright, now that that is over with, it's time for the pictures. As you saw in the video, I put my HUE light behind it for added effect, but I decided to order one just for that area for the bookcase. It looks really good. I went with the HUE Bloom this time. Has most of the features of the HUE Go, but it isn't movable without an outlet near by, and it will only operate with the app. Still puts out the great colors though, and that is what I wanted.

      There it is. I finally debut my very own bookcase wand stand. I already have someone that wants me to make one for them, and they are offering a couple hundred dollars for it. I haven't actually spoken to them yet, but I hope to get in touch with them soon. A few people have told me that I need an ETSY shop, but I still have no idea how I could sell these and not get in trouble for copyright infringement. I have been told that you simply don't say anything other than bookcase wand stand, and not mention any of the copyrighted stuff, but that is a trademarked symbol, so I'm pretty sure I would eventually get in trouble for selling it if I started up an ETSY shop.

     Anyway, I worked most of the day on the new project and made quite a bit of headway. I did make a huge mistake and cut the wrong wood. I simply wasn't paying attention and grabbed the side instead of the top, and cut it to fit. The good news is, that I can save it. The side is has enough wood on it, that I can use it for the side instead. I still will have to cut some material off of it for it to work, but I planned on doing that anyway with the other piece that I had, so it will all work out in the end. I do need to buy more 1x2's. I framed the interior of this project, and I need more for framing a section on the outside. I guessed at how much I needed, and came up short, so I need to make trip back to Lowe's soon, to get that wood that I need to finish it up. This one is a new experience for me, so the puzzle is coming together, it just takes some time and hopefully, no more cutting of the wrong wood. I do have on other problem, but I'm going to talk to the person I'm making it for before I worry more about it. I have to make some cuts, but before I do that, I have to clear everything with the, well, let's call them customer. I also need to fit the top in completely before I truly worry about this problem, but I pretty sure that the problem is a reality. I'll fill you in on it when the time comes. In the meantime, it's all going well.

     I watched a new series on Netflix last night. It's called The Chef Show. It was created and features John Favreau. He came up with the idea when he was working with Chef Roy Choi for training on the film Chef. It was a really great series, and I watched the whole first season last night. They show you how to make some pretty good looking dishes, and it's in a way that is different from the normal cooking shows. They tell you all the behind the scenes secrets that restaurants use. I learned a lot from it. Give it a try and you may learn a thing or two yourself.

     Oh yeah, if you watched the video, I ask you if you want me to give daily updates while I'm doing the 3 day fast. Watch the video so you know exactly what I'm talking about, and then leave a comment to answer the question I posed. It could be fun, and I promise to keep them very short.

     Well, that's all for now. Peace in and goodnight.

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