Sunday, June 23, 2019

Fasting Is Really Slow

     I started fasting last night at 8 o'clock, so as I write this I am 22 hours into my 72 hour fast, which will actually be more like a 84 hour fast. My plan is to go all the way until Wednesday morning at 8 AM. Good plan right?

     So far I'm feeling pretty good. I have those pangs of hunger, but I'm just drinking water and green tea with monk fruit. If you don't know monk fruit is a natural sweetener that has no calories or glycemic index. That means that it doesn't break a fast. No one seems to want video updates, so I guess I will just update you here on Tuesday,  and then again on Thursday night. That will be the after the fast update of course. I plan on breaking the fast very slow, even though Thomas Delauer recommended a plan of bone broth and then about an hour later a very light meal. I plan on bone broth for the first day, then bone broth and yogurt (good probiotics right there). The third day will be some easily digest vegetables, and then finally some solid food on the fourth day with some easier to digest meats.

    I did weigh in higher this week than last week, so my weight going into the fast was 176. I expected it to be up, since I was much more sedentary this week. It wasn't the plan, but that is how life worked out.

     Enough of the fast update, I should update you on the more important event that happened. My mom passed out again. She is doing fine, and is stuck in the hospital until they let her leave. I don't think a UTI should keep you in the hospital, but they seem insistent on treating that fully. Hopefully she will get out tomorrow. Hospitals and the likes are not good places for my mom to be. It aggravates her dementia in a very bad way. She has gotten to a point where she will have violent episodes. Normally it is just her getting very nasty and calling me name and what not, but in the hospital, she thought she was being held captive, and began kicking and punching me. My normal way of dealing with it, is to leave her alone, but still keep an eye on her so that she doesn't hurt herself, and just let her get passed it and forget about it. It usually takes 15 minutes to a half hour when I do that. Since she had to be confined to a bed, it took several hours for her to get out of that rage state. It sucks and there was nothing I could do about it, but I worked through it and she is resting comfortable today. I was told that she tried to get up and leave later on, but there was no word of it happening today, and she was much calmer when I was there. I can't wait to get her out of that place and back home where she will be much more comfortable.

     I posted the new short story, and it isn't going as I had planned. I thought it was going to be a one and done, but once I started writing it, it told me that it was to be a few chapters at least. It will all work out in the end. The first part is up right now and you can read it here, or you can read it on Medium tomorrow morning. All the mistakes are corrected on Medium. I wrote it in a noir crime novel fashion, kind of like the old private eye movies of old. I know the end, but once again, I'm not sure how I'm going to get there. This will be a fun adventure as it always is, so I hope you join me for the ride. Oh, and I didn't monetize it on Medium so everyone will be able to read it there. Go there and give me the exposure and don't forget to clap for it when you do. It helps lift my presence there.

     I'm keeping it short tonight, so don't forget to read the Violet Dahlia and let me know what you think, and keep an eye out for the 3 day fast update. Peace in and goodnight.


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