Thursday, June 27, 2019

I Did It

      I did it. I made it through all 84 hours of the fast, and lived to tell you the outcome. I guess the numbers should come first. I weighed in the final morning of the fast at 170.5, my ketones were at 4.3, and I felt fantastic. Well, fantastic may be stretching the truth. In fact I had a mild headache, and felt really rundown for the first hour of the morning. By the time I was finally able to eat, I felt great though. I went through my plan and only had a cup of chicken bone broth to break the fast, and then a half hour later I had a yogurt. The yogurt blew my net carbs for the day, but that day was more about getting my gut digesting properly again and less about maintaining ketosis. Just on a side note, I maintained ketosis. My levels did fall pretty fast, but the lowest I hit during the day was a 1.4. I checked again today and I was maintaining at a 1.6.

     I feel better than I have in a long time, and that is considering that I was already feeling great from the previous weight loss. I do think I could have lost more weight, but my plan was thwarted by life, and I spent most of my time being sedentary by sitting in a hospital waiting for people to get their acts together. I will do it again, and I will be able to get the workouts in that I want and not just sit in a hospital room all day. Other benefits are that I'm mentally clear, maybe more so than I've ever been (not sure if that is saying anything, I'm usually a bit foggy). There is an added bounce in my step. Oh, and there is another benefit, but this is more from the previous weight loss than the fast. I'm not sure if you remember me having an issue with a very high heart rate a while back. I hadn't thought about it much, because it hadn't been quite as high and I didn't get hit with shortness of breath for some time. Anyway, while I was in the hospital, I decided to start checking my pulse rate. I was astonished to find that my resting pulse rate is now in the low 60's. My resting pulse rate previously was in the high 80's on a good day. It was more like the grunge era in and around my heart in reality. I can't say enough about Keto and this whole lifestyle change. If you have any questions and want to give it a try, just hit me up, I will be glad to tell you all that I know, and if I don't know it, I can at the very least point you in the right direction. I look forward to a new healthy life.

     Now that the fast is over, I did gain a half a pound back, which I expected. You can't go from nothing and then add something and not actually add something. I just had to control it, and I think I have done a pretty good job so far. I have a week left in the 28 day deep Keto, and I'm going all in on it. I'm only going to try to have only fats and proteins to make up my diet for the next week. That means I'm going to do my best to have no carbs or at a bare minimum, less that 10 net carbs. I'm also going to limit my caloric intake to 500 calories or less daily during this time. I think this could be more difficult than the fast, but I won't know for sure until I try it. 165 or bust. I will hit that number and I will hit it hard.

     With that out of the way, lets talk about pizza. I got a video for you and it's about a Keto pizza that we had at Baci. Give it a view and if you watch it on YouTube, give us that thumbs up.

     I was going to hold off on talking about this, until something more sure had happened, but what is this blog for if not to tell you about things as they happen. I've been thinking, very quietly and too myself about something.  I hadn't even told my closest friend about this, until I made up my mind and told her what I was going to do today. I went looking at new dogs. I want a friend for Morty, so I went back to my local SPCA and started the process. I looked at three really great dogs today and tomorrow I will be taking Morty to see what he thinks. I do have a favorite, but it isn't up to me this time. It's up to Morty and the other dog. I'm hoping for a big bonding experience, but if it comes down to it, I will settle for indiffernt. Two of them have Pit in them, and the other is a German Shepard. They are all incredible dogs. Two of them have slight knocks against them. One is heart worm positive and will be undergoing treatment. All the means is that I will have to take her back to the SPCA so that they can give her her treatment. It will be no cost to me other than time and gas. The other dog is prey motivated when it comes to small dogs. I know what you are thinking, Morty is not small, so no problem. The neighbor's dog is a small/medium dog, so that could be a problem, and that one is the German Shepard. They are jumpers and even though she is 8 years old, she could probably clear the fence.

     They have this incredible new program there, that you can foster a dog for a few days, so that you can see how they interact with your dog and the new environment that they are in. If Morty likes Roxie, the German Shepard, we will find out if she indeed has a problem with the neighbor dog. I think it is just a fantastic way to learn if a dog fits with you and your family.

     The final dog is a little boy that is 3 years old, and he is gorgeous. He is exactly like Morty. He even acted like him when I met him. I squatted down to be near him, and he sat right between my knees, turned his head up to look at me and give me a big ol' kiss. That is the very same thing that Morty did when I met him, so naturally that dog instantly became my favorite, but as I said, it isn't up to me. None of these dogs may work out, and this process could go on for weeks and maybe months, but I'm determined to find companion dog for Morty, and you have now see when I'm capable of when I'm determined, so I wouldn't bet against this happening. I'm dog hunting, and I'm going to find me a keeper. Peace in and goodnight.

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