Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Calm Down

     I had a friend contact me today. It had been a while since I'd spoken to him. Mostly my own fault, because I didn't want to bother him. He has a family and a life of his own. Anyway, he was contacting me to tell me that he was inspired by me, and that he was giving Keto a try. It is still very weird for people to tell me that I'm an inspiration. I made a big change in the way that I eat, and lost some weight. That is how I see it, but if someone changes things for the better because of the tale I've told of my journey through all of this Keto stuff, then I'll take it. In the end, I only want to help people out as much as I can, and in any way I can.

     We talked about a few things that should help him out. He is only a few days in, and the "keto flu" has hold of him. That is the toughest part of Keto. It is getting your body used to no longer using carbohydrates as an energy source. When your body starts making that change, it revolts against you, and you get flu like symptoms. Rundown, low energy, your mind even starts to wander, because you can't focus properly. That is when most people give up, but once you are through that, and it should take only a couple of days, you are home free, and you are going to feel better and with more energy than you have in the past. That is when your body starts turning that stored fat into fuel, and it likes burning that stuff.

     I may have inspired him and a few other people, but they have inspired me as well. I know that my new goal is 165, but I don't think I'll be happy with that. I am going to push myself beyond my limits and break through that goal like I did my first one. I've been prepping for the 3 day fast which begins this Sunday. I'm less than a week away, and I'm ready. I have the things I will need to get through it, and then the things I will need to come out of it. You have to come off a fast the right way, and I have been doing my research. I should get my bone broth tomorrow, and that will be my first days meal, then I hit some probiotics the second day, and then finally some solid veggies and maybe a mild form of meat the third. I fully expect to lose anywhere between 5 to 10 pounds during this fast. If that happens, then I will truly blast through that goal. I will also be going to the gym during this time as well, and I'm upping my gym time. I've already increased my days, and this coming week I will be adding more exercises in beyond the core ones that I do. I've also been looking into some HIIT workouts, (High Intensity Interval Training), and I've chosen a few basic ones, that will help focus on fat burning, as well as body toning. The weight I chose is a tangible form of the goal, but the real goal is to be completely shredded by the end of this 28 days. I'm on week two right now. July 7th is the final day of the 28, so that is when I will take the final "after" photos. I will then post them all on that following Sunday, regardless of how I feel I look. A promise is a promise, and I keep mine.

     I finished the bookcase and have taken those final photos as well, but I'm not going to share them just yet. I still need to get out and make that video, and I plan on putting some of the pictures in that, so hopefully Thursday I can show you everything as well as the video. I also need to get more done on the other woodworking project that I have. I believe I have all the necessary items I need for it. I got a few more strips of wood, and a router for the job. It's been a while since I used a router, so I need some practice time with it, good thing I have plenty of scrap wood sitting around to mess up.

     It's been a while since I've done Favorite Song of the Week, and it's finally time to put one up. This one comes from someone who is considered a rather non controversial type of artist, but that changed recently and she is really giving the middle finger to the establishment on this one. I've said it many times before and I'll say it again, I'm a Swifty, and you know I had to post Taylor Swift's new song for FSOTW. This one is not only fun, but it is a strong message against hate, and I love every bit of it. There are a lot of celebrity cameos in the video, so see if you can name them all. I know I couldn't. Here is Taylor Swift with "You Need To Calm Down".

     Seriously, how fun was that? Super catchy as well. If anything, I hope it brought a smile to your face, I know it did mine. I'm taking off for bed, busy day tomorrow. I need to start focusing on that other project and I need to write that short story due on Saturday. Peace in and goodnight.

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