Thursday, June 13, 2019

Going Full On Douche Mode For A Selfie

     I have made some good head way on the new bookcase wand stand. I shaped the wood out by sanding it to the way I want it, and I finally drilled the holes for the actual posts that will hold the wands up today. That drill press I bought really paid off big time for that. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to get the half inch bit in it, but it was the absolute limit of it's capabilities and it worked like a charm. I did the mock up today, and I need to etch out the spots for the base of each wand and shape the stands, and then I will basically be ready for final assembly.

  I went subtle, with a touch of a worn down look for this one, and I really like it. I have some more big ideas for this, I just hope that I can pull it off, if I do, you will of course see it right here. I'm thinking I have about 4 more days on this project before it's finished. I need tomorrow for the shaping left to do, and then the rough sanding and final sanding, then it's all about assembling it together for good. That means wood glue and clamps for a day, then comes the staining, and that is when I'm going to take a bit of a risk to pull off one of these big ideas that I have. I don't know if it will work, but if it does, I think it will look incredible.

     I should share a picture of the drill press, since it did it's job today, and I can't remember if I ever shared a picture of how I put the dowel pins in, so here is one of those as well.

     Things have gone too well on this project so far, so I'm expecting bad things before I finish it up. I'm hoping that nothing happens, but the specter of failures of the past are getting in my head.

     The 28 day challenge is going great so far. I don't have a weight update, since the official weigh in is on Saturday, but I'm feeling good, and I think I'm already looking better, but I'm sure that is my own vanity saying what isn't real. I'm still looking forward to that 3 day fast, and I have been doing research on how to come out of a prolonged fast. It's not pretty people. Just because you can eat when the fast is over, you have to ease yourself back into it, otherwise you could end up very sick and possibly die. I'm going to do this right, so that means my caloric intake for the few days after the fast will be incredibly low and consist of broth the first day, light vegetables the 2nd day, a little more intense vegetables on day 3 with the possibility of some yogurt, or something along those lines, and then on the 4th day I will be able to eat general solid foods again. It's not going to be easy, but anything worth doing is never easy, so bring it on.

     I finally took the obligatory in the gym photo last night, so I guess I can share that. Back in the day when I went to the gym, it would be in clothes that showed off as much of my skin as possible, so that I could see what was being worked, and how the blood was flowing into that area. That isn't me anymore, and you can see that by this photo.

     You can also see, that I have a very long way to go before I'm in the body I want to be in. I'll get there, it's just going to take some time. Oh, and yes, the gym is empty, except for one persons way up in the front on a recumbent bike. I prefer to have the gym all to myself anymore, because I don't want to be around people. I don't think I could go to the gym during the day now. It used to be no big deal, but even the thought of it gives me a panic attack. That is why I'm glad my gym has 24 hour access. This was at 11:30 at night, and if I didn't wake up so early in the morning, I would try to go in later, so that no one was in there except for me.

     I will have an update on Sunday with my weight and maybe some ketone levels. I did test myself a few days ago, and only pulled a .80, which is in ketosis, but it's at the lower end of it. That could also be because I don't have the massive fat stores I once had, and it could be that I was at a low level for that time of day. Ketone levels can fluctuate, so I'm not worried as long as I'm somewhere in the ketosis band. I have said before that ketosis is when your body is actually burning off the fat as energy and that is what releases the ketones into your blood stream right? If not, I just did there. Optimum level is around 1.3, but anywhere from .60 to 3.0 is a great place to be. Anything higher than that and you could run the risk of some serious health conditions, but that is only if you have those high levels for prolonged lengths of time. I have only topped out at 3.0 once, and have usually been in that 1.5 range. I'm ok with that. This isn't a quick fix, so I'm in for the long haul of overall improved health and body. Still looking for people to join me on that 3 day fast. I'll be that support you can lean on when things are getting sketchy. Anyway, I'll talk about the whole experience here, so even if you don't do it, you can get an idea of what it's like.

     The short story still has me stumped, and I was thinking last night of rewriting it with a different person in mind at the focal point. I'll see how that goes tomorrow. I still have a little over a week on my self imposed deadline, so I hope I can work this out and have something for you to read on the Saturday after next. I think I'll post the final draft on Medium the same day. As with The Patchwork Knight. I will put the rough draft here, and the final draft there. The only difference this time, is that I'm not going to monetize this one, so everyone will be able to read it without being a member of Medium. I'll post a link on here so you can check it out.

     The TPR launched another review today, so I got a video for you to watch. I'll put it right below so take a little time and view our escapades into a new pizza location.

     I just saw the numbers as I was fetching the code for the video, and it's performing pretty well, based on our last few videos. That makes me happy. I would love it if thousands of people were watching, but that just isn't the case right now, and maybe never well, but this one is doing ok right now. Hopefully it will pick up some steam by Sunday and I can say that it is truly a success. I'll let you know. In the meantime, I need to go to bed. Big day of woodwork, writing, and working out. Peace in and goodnight.

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