Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Everything Happens For A Reason

     I went back to the shelter. The main reason, is that I didn't want to punish a dog for the incompetence of humans. The shelter took very good care of me, in the light of what happened, and an old dog has a new home.

     I'm very pleased to introduce you to Gauge. She is in my house as a foster to adopt. I'm doing it that way, because she does have some minor health issues that the shelter will cover as long as she is considered in their care, hence the foster. She is heart worm positive, and is on a month wait to see if the oral medication did the trick. If it didn't, they have to get a little more aggressive with it. She also has very old hematoma in both ears. You know, the horrible thing that Morty had. The difference here, is that they were never taken care of, so it actually looks like her ears have been docked. They haven't, they have just shriveled up due to the hematoma. I have clean her ears every day, which she doesn't like much, and she has an appointment to see what steps are needed to go forward on the 11th. The shelter is covering that cost as well.

     The situation with Barnaby was bad, but everything happens for a reason, and I had forgotten that, but Gauge has reminded me, and this picture below, is just one of the very good reasons.

     That is my mom smiling and laughing like crazy, because Gauge crawled up into her lap and licked her all over her face. She got a good ol' face shower, and she loved it. Gauges has been an absolute dream in the house. Her and Morty have gotten along as if they were born together. Meals have been no problem, when my mom has her meal and feeds the pups as well, there is no jockeying for position. They just simply wait their turn. It has been a dream situation.

     Gauges has some issues, since she was mistreated by her previous owner. It appears that she had been left outdoors at all times, so she has some obsessive behavior where she can't figure out how to entertain herself, so she will incessantly lick walls. I'm working on curbing that habit, and the more she gets used to being an indoor dog, will help that out greatly. She wasn't trained in anyway, so Sit and lay down will be coming soon. Oh, I should say that she is 7 years +. She is slightly younger than Morty, so that old dog is going to learn some new tricks.

     I can't wait to get her ears and heart worms taken care of, so that she can finally be at rest. Those large ears have to put a ton of stress on her, as well as the heart worms. She is so laid back and relaxed when she isn't in one of those obsessive moments, and I am so happy to give a home to an older dog that more than likely would be overlooked by most other people. I mean look at that face, how could you pass that up?

     She is so sweet and loving, and deserves a good home, and now she has one. I'm sure you saw that box she is standing on. That is the new wood project I have been working on. It's a dog feeding station, and as you can see, it attracts dogs very well. I'm going to share a picture of what it looks like as of today, but there is so much more to be done with it, and if I get it right, this will be the most impressive piece I have made so far, and that includes my own bookcase, which I think is pretty outstanding.

     The lid comes up so that you can store stuff in it. I think she is just going to store stuff, but you could put food or toys or anything in it really. I got big plans that I will be working on tomorrow. The stain is a whole other matter, when it's done, I'll share another picture of it, but let me tell you, this is going to be like nothing you have ever seen before. When I did the test piece, which wasn't that good, I was blown away at how cool it looked. Somebody pay me for this stuff!. Actually she did pay me for this piece, so somebody has paid me for it.

     Not to leave Morty out of all this love of dogs stuff. I got a picture of him Monday morning, in the way that I normally find him in the morning.

     That's his sleeping chair. He is usually like that or with his head hanging off the front of it. It makes me happy every time I see it. Morty is the best, but Gauge is coming up in the ranks to tie him.

     Go get yourself a dog, and find true joy. It's a remarkable thing.

     Quick Keto update. I extended my fast to 40 hours, simply because I wasn't hungry when 36 had ended. I only took in 468 calories yesterday, and I'm sitting pretty at 495 today. The incredible thing is, that I feel amazing. I'm not tired or rundown. I have plenty of energy, and I just feel good overall. I'm hitting another fast tomorrow, so that a friend can experience the fasting benefits as well. We start at 11 tomorrow, and then she is going to 11 on Thursday night, but I won't be awake then, so I'm sliding on through to Friday morning at around 7 or 8 o'clock. What's a few more hours tacked onto a 36 hour fast. I've already done 84. It turns out, that you can go very long periods of time on little food, and get a lot of great benefits out of it. I will be doing a 36 hour fast once every week, and maybe through a second one in from time to time. I will have some "normal" eating weeks as well, just to throw my body into a tizzy, and confuse it. I'm loving this whole new lifestyle. I did weight myself today, but I'm not going to tell you where I'm at in the goal, but I will say that I'm heading in the right direction to hit goal when this is all done. Official weigh in is on Sunday, so I have until then to hit or pass 165. This really feels incredible. You really should do some research and give it a try some time. You can get a lot out of it.

     That's all I got tonight. I work on that box tomorrow, and then write the second part of the Violet Dahlia. It will be up on Saturday morning right here if you want to check out the rough draft, and then it will be on Medium Monday morning if you want to read the final edit. I will post a link for the Medium on Facebook Monday morning to make it easy for you to find. Please check it out, and don't forget to hit that clap button for me, to help me get a little more exposure. Peace in and goodnight.

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