Sunday, July 14, 2019

Tomorrow's The Day

     I can finally share with you, the pictures of my latest wood working project. It is a dog drinking station with storage area, and I custom made it by staining a giraffe like pattern on it. I talked my way into this pattern without thinking. My friend said she liked my bookcase wand stand and how it had two different stains on it. She then mentioned a carved giraffe that she has, and I shot my mouth off saying I could do that pattern. It was a lot of work, but well worth it when I was done. I also carved her dogs faces into the front of it. I was asked to do the etching of silhouettes like I had done with eat Deathly Hallow symbols, but I wanted to try something new, and it came out pretty good. Anyway, here are the pictures of the dog watering station.

     I did put a surprise for her on the right side of the box. She recently went to Africa on a photo safari, so I wanted to commemorate that event by putting the African continent hidden into the pattern. I only told here that there was a surprise there and not what it was. I hid it well, because it took her a few minutes to find it.

     This was s difficult project, but so fun to do. I learned things as I went, and even made up a few things along the way. This was a fantastic journey and I didn't even travel anywhere. I look forward to my next woodworking project, but I have no idea what it is going to be. If anyone has any ideas, shoot them my way. I'm up for anything.

     Baby Girl Gauge goes for her first heart worm shot tomorrow morning. I have to drop her off around 8am, and she will stay there to be monitored until after 3. That is when I can go back and pick her up. So far her ear treatment is going great. Her ears are looking better, and she hasn't had any of those manic episodes where her ears are driving her crazy. That doesn't mean that it is going to be fully successful, but it does mean that it is heading in the right direction, and anything that keeps her relaxed is a good thing.

    She has been on my heels for the past several days. She wants to be wherever I am, except for nighttime, that is sleep in my mom's bed time, and I'm all for it. She likes to come up when I'm sitting in this desk chair I'm in right now, and placing her head on my knee so I'll pet her, which I do. She has me trained. I was told that when I leave, she goes into the computer room and sleeps in this chair until I come home, which is just freaking adorable and too much to handle. The changes in her behavior and demeanor have been nothing but incredible. She is fitting in just fine here, and has now figured out (with Morty's help), the proper way to beg for food.

     I just had to share that little video with you. That is Baby Girl in one of her dream states. You may need to turn the volume up just a bit to get the full effect. Once again, crazy adorable. She does this pretty much nightly now, which in my eyes, means that she is finally comfortable enough to dream. That is a deep sleep right there.

     I am currently in the middle of a 36 hour fast. As I write this, I have 20 hours to go. I'm feeling good and looking forward to when I break my fast with some bone broth. I already have my meals planned out for tomorrow, and am restricting my calorie intake to 1000 calories. With what I have planned out, I'm at 890 right now, so I have a 110 calorie gap. I have no idea what I can have that is only 110 calories, so I may go a little over. A 1/4 cup of macadamia nuts is 200, so I may hit 1090 for the day. Not sure if I will just leave it at the 890 or go for the nuts. I could have a serving of Rebel ice cream, that is only 150. I'll figure it out. Just in case anyone wants to jump on a 24 hour fast with me, I'll be doing that from Thursday morning at 8am to Friday morning at 8am. Quick simply little fast, that has all kinds of healthy age reducing benefits. Age reducing on a cellular level, not in making you look younger. Sometimes the feeling is much better than the look. Then again, when you feel better you end up looking better, so it may just be a fountain of youth kind of thing. Let me know if you are in, and I'll be here for you to help encourage you to keep going for the full 24 hours. Believe me, you won't regret it, just make sure you make some good decision when you come out of it, and not blow it by eating a giant meal at Burger King or something like that. Lean protein, and clean vegetables are the way to go.

     Ok, I'm out, cause I got some clothes to wash and all that good stuff. I'm making tacos for the mom and the dogs. This will be BBG's first time having my tacos, so she is in for a treat. Yes, I can make incredible smelling and tasting meals despite the fact that I'm fasting and won't get any of it. I just love cooking that much, and I make some really terrific meals. Peace in and goodnight.

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