Thursday, July 4, 2019

I Lost My New Dog

     My mom has declared that Gauge is hers. She is in absolute love with this dog, and you can see why.

     She has fit in really well in the house. She slept with my mom most of the night until she had a maniac episode dealing with her ears. That woke me up at 2:30 in the morning to help her through it. You know when you have an itch that you just can't scratch and it is so bad that it actually hurts. Well, that is what it is like for her. It took an hour or so, but I finally got her settled down and the ears feeling better. I'm worried about that when she starts her heart worm treatments. She goes to the dermatologist for her ears on the 11th and then she begins her heart worm treatments on the 15th. I"m hoping the ears are better by then, because when she has that maniac episode, she gets really uptight and anxious, and that is something that could kill her during treatments. This will all work out. It's just going to be a little scary.

     I am currently in the middle of another fast, this one is to support a friend while she is on hers. This time around, it's kicking my tail pretty good. I checked my ketones at the start, and I was at 2.4. I am already at 4.4 this morning. I only have to make it until 8 in the morning, or maybe 11, depending on what my friend decides to do. I'm with her all the way on this one, even though I feel like garbage right now. Not sick, just run down, and empty of stomach.

     Speaking of empty of stomach, it is a pretty remarkable feeling. For me it's a luxury that I can afford. It's a feeling that I know my body is changing in good ways, but for many others across the country and throughout the world, it is a feeling that means they have no idea when they are going to get their next meal. So here is what I'm getting at. Today, July 4th is a day that is usually celebrated by having big over caloric meals. Have fun and enjoy them, but next week, find a way to help out someone less fortunate, someone who maybe needs a small meal of any kind. You never know when you will be the one that changes their whole life around. I know that seems like a pretty dramatic take with one small meal, but here is the thing. It is entirely possible that your kindness is exactly what that person needs to kick them into another gear. Anything is possible if you believe it is.

     Happy 4th everyone. Peace in and goodnight(yes I know it's day time).

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